Sentences with phrase «because caffeine»

Don't drink coffee or smoke beforehand Skip your morning cup of coffee and cigarette because the caffeine and nicotine may elevate your blood pressure readings which could put you in a higher price group.
Because caffeine is a powerful stimulant, symptoms of caffeine poisoning often look very different from other types of toxicity.
Because caffeine causes an increased heart rate, dogs with heart conditions are in even more danger when they have access to coffee.
Because caffeine elevates the blood pressure, they might give medication to lower the blood pressure or anti-seizure meds to prevent any seizures.
But they dropped caffeine from their list of prohibited substances in 2004 because caffeine is so ubiquitous that setting a threshold might lead athletes to be penalized for what others would consider normal caffeine consumption.
Because caffeine is a stimulant, it increases your blood pressure and heart rate, both of which are not recommended during pregnancy.
This is partly because caffeine also stimulates the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that activates the «pleasure and reward» centers in the brain and is associated with addiction.
Many people with this genetic variation can tell because caffeine will affect them longer or even cause strange symptoms.
Unfortunately, because Caffeine tolerance tends to build up in most individuals, Caffeine alone won't get the job done.
The reason I mentioned it is because caffeine is pretty good at elevating your fat - burning ability (thanks to the fact that it unleashes a convenient cocktail of hormones).
Also, cut out caffeine (except when it is used as an enema), because caffeine restricts the blood vessels, meaning less oxygen gets to the cancer cells.
A common myth is that caffeinated coffee is not a good beverage for hydration because the caffeine has a diuretic effect and causes you to lose water.
People are becoming addicted not only to them because the caffeine, but becoming addicted to other narcotics because they need to get on this high.
We recommend making herbal tea instead of caffeinated black tea because the caffeine will prevent you from getting the shuteye your body needs!
But the reason it is a «must have» ingredient is because caffeine acts as a powerful ergogenic aid (source).
Please do not believe those who promote drinking coffee to prevent AD (even if there is some truth in it) because caffeine in coffee and other products is a poison and leads to many dangerous effects on human organism including brain and nervous system:
However, not everyone can drink coffee, because the caffeine can cause problems in some individuals.
It is my opinion that because caffeine is present in these plants in the natural world (it acts as a natural pesticide), and we have been drawn to consume this substance for all of recorded history, it must provide something of benefit to our bodies beyond simple alertness.
But keep it to one cup in the morning, because caffeine circulates in your system for 8 - 12 hours.
That is because caffeine and other stimulant substances can cause changes in heart rate and blood pressure even disrupting your sleep patterns.
This is because caffeine has an 8 - hour half - life.
You got to be careful because caffeine is a natural pesticide in coffee.
And while there are plenty of people who get grouchy without their morning cup of joe, experts don't consider caffeine to be addictive, because caffeine withdrawal isn't a threat to a person's physical or social well - being.
Whether you prefer a cup of coffee, a can of soda or an energy drink, you likely choose these types of beverages because the caffeine they contain gives you some instant energy — some pep in your step.
Whether you prefer a cup of coffee, a can of soda or an energy drink, you likely choose these types of beverages because the caffeine they contain...
As any coffee addict can attest, we get a kick out of it because caffeine locks the central nervous system into delicious, delicious overdrive.
It is because caffeine will actually make you dehydrated.
Addiction Caffeine addiction or dependence begins because caffeine first creates the alert feeling that coffee drinkers crave, and later becomes a chemical that the body needs to prevent withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, lethargy, and depression.

Not exact matches

Roger and Wired Waffles has a «special» place in my heart, one, since I am caffeine junkie, and two, because Wired Waffles was the first product featured on the Small Businesses Do It Better Show!
It is more effective than caffeine because it stays in your system longer, and it tastes great with toast or fruit.
On weekends, she sleeps in until 5:30 a.m. No caffeine, she says, because it makes her heart and brain race, and also contributes to jet lag.
Diuresis Caffeine increases the need to urinate because it increases blood flow through the kidneys and dilates the blood vessels, making the kidneys produce more waste.
The way isn't narrow because people who don't drink caffeine or alcohol can enter.
I'm one of those people who has to be really careful with caffeine, which is a shame because I love the taste and ritual of coffee and tea.
Is matcha energising because it contains high levels of caffeine?
I don't drink caffeine anymore, because I've always been very sensitive to it, and found that avoiding it altogether really helps with even energy levels (I may have made a few exceptions in Italy:)-RRB-.
I am concerned about using maca because I can not do either caffeine or ginseng — if I want to sleep any time within the next 24 hours.
Caffeine cravings don't stop just because it's summer, and that's why I'm gracing this busy weekend with a giveaway for an awesome — yet tiny and portable — espresso maker from Nespresso.
While matcha provides a great boost of energy because of its caffeine content, it contains a specific amino acid which helps calm the mind and avoid those coffee jitters.
I like to save it for what I call «life or sleep» situations, and my caffeine use is limited to the amount of tea I drink (which also isn't much, although this may change in the winter months because hooray for hot beverages!).
I use both but the raw cacao powder must have a lot of caffeine because it makes me really hyper!
Dark chocolate especially provides more caffeine than milk or white chocolate, simply because of its higher cacao content.
Make sure to eat this dessert earlier in the day though because these little guys have got some spunk, specifically caffeine.
I don't drink coffee regularly because I hate the feeling of being dependent on caffeine to function in the morning (there was a dark time in my life when I was fully addicted to coffee for a solid month and had to endure splitting withdrawal headaches for two days to break the habit), but I do enjoy a nice iced coffee here and there.
I haven't been very inventive in the kitchen lately because of a super busy schedule and back - to - back weekend trips to Maine, but one culinary delight to come out of a caffeine - fueled, jam - packed calendar is this banana - hazelnut coffee protein smoothie.
Or great as an afternoon snack (using decaf coffee, because if you know me, you know that I can't drink caffeine past 10 or 11 a.m.).
Gluten Free Molasses Blondie Brownies My Dad's doctor tells him not to eat chocolate because of the caffeine so I made these dairy, grain and gluten free molasses blondie brownies for him when I was visiting in Nashville.
Carob is also ideal for those sensitive to caffeine because unlike chocolate, carob doesn't contain stimulants such as caffeine and theobromine.
Coffee is slightly acidic and can have a stimulating effect on humans because of its caffeine content.
Kona is slightly acidic and can have a stimulating effect on humans because of its higher than average caffeine content.
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