Sentences with phrase «because damaged cells»

Because damaged cells in the intestines may fail to produce the enzymes needed for proper digestion, absorption of essential nutrients is compromised.
The bottom line is the more free radicals we make, the less energy we produce because we damage the cells ability to make energy in the mitochondria.
Because the damaged cell destroys itself, it can't progress to form a cancer.

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Davies and Lineweaver suggest that genes active in embryogenesis and switched off later may be reactivated because of damage, causing the accelerated cell division of these rogue cancer cells.
Sunflower seeds were also added because they are packed full of selenium, which can help to prevent cell damage and are full of magnesium which is good for bones and they taste really good to boot
Agave and fructose in general does not spike blood sugar because it goes through your liver damaging it at the same time, glucose is processed by other cells as well and thus it spikes your blood sugar, but fructose is processed just by the liver.
Because the red blood cells are more prone to damage by oxidative substances in an individual with G6PD Deficiency, a diet rich in antioxidants is important.
Gravekamp thinks the radioactive bacteria affected metastatic tumours most because cells there were still rapidly multiplying, leaving their chromosomes more open to damage than those in healthy tissues or in the original tumour.
Because hair cells are also critical for the sense of balance, mice with damaged or missing hair cells show balance abnormalities.
If a cell is frozen, radiation does less damage to it because the free radicals it creates are much less mobile.
«Because we observed microbial effects mainly in the gut, we believe that a microbe - based therapy would avoid the collateral damage seen with drugs that wipe out classes of immune cells across the body,» said Benoist, a professor of microbiology and immunobiology at HMS.
The embryos lacking functional BRCA2 genes probably stopped growing because molecular «checkpoints» in the developing embryo either halt the division of cells with damaged DNA, so that the damage can be repaired, or kill the cells outright.
Those signals are disrupted because myelin, the insulating sheath around a nerve cell's message - transmitting axons, becomes damaged.
Too many reactive oxygen species can be harmful because they can damage the DNA within our cells.
Cancer therapies are often harsh because eradicating malignant cells entails damaging healthy tissue as well.
Unlike normal cells, however, the tumour cells are considerably more sensitive, because they can not repair damage well.
A few years ago, MS researchers were focused on a new type of immune cell called the Th - 17 cell, which appeared to be a key player in driving the neuronal damage in MS. Because Th - 17 cells produce the cytokine IL - 17, researchers likewise thought this chemical was essential to the disease.
«Cells do not repair damage to DNA during mitosis because telomeres could fuse together.»
This revealed telomeres as dangerous structures during mitosis, because the cells momentarily lost the ability to distinguish between damaged DNA strands and normal telomeres.
Because our cells are made up of mostly water, if we dehydrated them to the point of having no fluid, they would be damaged by so - called solution effects, which result from the cell being too concentrated and not having its water replaced by some other compound.
Cosmic rays, such as iron and titanium atoms, heavily damage the cells they traverse because of their very high rates of ionization.
This was because the cells were unable to activate a pathway called homologous recombination that repairs this type of DNA damage.
Once they get damaged, the stem cellbecause it lives a long time — can potentially become cancerous.»
People who have chronic inflammation because of chronic infection, autoimmune disease or conditions such as obesity have a higher cancer risk because of damage to normal cells.
This disparity in healing capacity was long a mystery because the same immune cells appeared responsible for both repair and damage.
This is important because additional light can be damaging, even deadly to living cells, and the temporal resolution is needed to capture fast processes.
Reducing the sickling is also significant because sickled cells are more prone to being damaged when passing through narrow capillaries.
«The cells that are in low nutrient conditions end up being much more viable, likely because they have waited for the damaged DNA to be repaired before starting to divide again,» explains Julia Klermund.
Because it more effectively induces cancer cell apoptosis in p53 - deficient tumors, FL118 is especially effective against late - stage cancers, which usually lose functional p53 and are resistant to DNA - damage drugs.
«We don't know for certain if the damage is irreversible, but I expect so, because the cells that hold the internal structure in place have been infected and destroyed,» said Diamond, who is also a professor of pathology and immunology, and of molecular microbiology.
But because the immune system wasn't able to overreact, the mice showed reduced lung inflammation and damage to lung cells and were protected from mortality.
Many tissues of our bodies, such as our skin, can heal because they contain stem cells that can divide and differentiate into the type of cells needed to repair damaged tissue.
«But this study has shown us that when we run into severe pathological conditions like heart and liver disease it would be more beneficial to inhibit the TRIM21 protein because it is preventing the cell from protecting itself against damage
Traditionally, SPIM microscopes rotate the sample so that they can clearly see all the dimensions, but this severely limits the imaging speed and can increase the damage done to the cells from light exposure because of the many extra images taken at multiple angles.
The idea is that the drug, being within the nano - hydrogels, is transported directly to cancer cells where it can be released without damaging other parts of the body, because hydrogels offer the possibility of dosing a myriad of active substances on the site desired and can be administered as dry or swollen hydrogels by different routes: oral, nasal, buccal, rectal, transdermal, vaginal, ocular and parental.
The DNA damage that killed the CA125 - positive cells did not work on the CA125 - negative cells because of the two protective mechanisms.
According to Steven Tsui, who is director of mechanical assist heart services at Papworth Hospital in Cambridge, and will run the UK trials, the VentrAssist is less likely to damage red blood cells because it moves the blood more slowly with a bigger impeller.
This type of DNA damage is particularly problematic for the cell because when the two strands stick together, DNA can not replicate and genes can not be properly expressed.
This process is also important in adult life because muscle stem cells fuse with existing fibers to achieve muscle growth and help regenerate damaged muscles.
The researchers were testing the theory that blows to the head cause brain damage, in part, because of the breakdown of the blood - brain barrier, allowing the immune cells in the blood to come into contact with brain cells and destroy them.
Cell - damaging, high - energy particles from interstellar space, which reach the surface because Mars lacks a strong magnetic field
Hearing aids are mostly used in people who suffer from hearing loss because of damage to hair cells, the small sensory cells in the inner ear.
Because of the work of several other collaborators, Haughey says, his team knew that some sort of inflammation - promoting molecule was released from brain and targeted to the liver after brain injury to send immune system cells to the damaged area, but the identity of this go - between had been elusive for years.
If the researchers can get the technique to work with human stem cells, she says, it could help the one in 3000 people born with a form of blindness caused by damaged retinal cells and the many more who lose their sight because of age - related disease.
Anthracycline drugs, such as doxorubicin, are known to cause heart failure because they cause changes in the DNA structure of the heart muscle cells, leading to irreversible cardiac damage.
This implies that the dystrophin breakdown damaged the cell membranes, says Knowlton; this weakening of cell membranes allows the virus to spread, but damages the heart, because it makes the cells less resilient and less able to contract efficiently.
What the microglia do between crises has been unclear, largely because getting the cells under a microscope has required excising a chunk of brain tissue — thereby causing damage that sends the cells into emergency response mode.
In humans, deafness is most often caused by damage to inner ear hair cells — so named because they sport hairlike cilia that bend when they encounter vibrations from sound waves — or by damage to the neurons that transmit that information to the brain.
This migration may happen because the repair pathways initiated by the damaged cells are similar to pathways triggered during embryonic development, where stem cells are key, explains ReNeuron co-founder and chief scientific officer John Sinden.
This is because faults in the gene mean the cell can not properly repair its DNA, causing genetic damage to build up, leading to cancer.
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