Sentences with phrase «because fate»

The ice sheet is the focus of scientific research because its fate has huge implications for global sea levels, which are already rising as ice sheets melt and the ocean warms, exposing coastal locations to greater damage from storm surge - related flooding.
Going back to James» point — there is a big difference in saying funding my research will lead to an important advance in our understanding on this issue (the usual line) and saying you must fund my proposal because the fate of the world rests upon it (an «alarmist» line if you like).
In a culture too often dominated by expediency and self - interest, I came to view climate scientists as visionaries and altruists, flawed and flummoxed like all such people who are suddenly called by forces outside themselves to excel themselves, fighting not just their own reluctance to become publicly involved, and their own ill - adaption to public and activist lives, but, ultimately, fighting for the truth in the face of falsehood, not just because truth matters in some abstract or even in moral terms, but because the fate of the Earth itself, and all who live here, is ever more obviously at stake.
Because fate never does that sort of thing to good people.
And because fate is cruel, we Americans won't get it.
It disallows the marginalization of poor, minority students because their fate is now tied to those who won't get left behind: white, privileged children.
It's broad comedy that believes it's more than that, simply because the fate of a nation is at stake.
I think Smith was going for suspense, because the fate of the high school kids is up in the air at that point, but he misses the mark here.
The momentum of research, said Van Blerkom, is pushing embryology back into the realm of cell biology, because the fate of the organism is so inextricably tied to the quality of one cell above all: the egg.
The stakes are high because the fate of our nation depends upon whether we succeed in cultivating worthy moral and civic leaders.»
Black and Mittal, both in UC Berkeley's Department of Earth and Planetary Science, were drawn to the question of what might happen to Phobos because its fate is expected to be so different from that of most other moons in our solar system.
Although the people vote, their votes do not count, principally because their fate is determined at the collation centres.
We should be concerned about the Earth not only because our fate is inextricable from it, but also because it is valuable in itself and for God.
I like these new characters though (Corrin I'm more meh, mostly because Fates isn't out yet still)-- I think they'd be a great bunch of character to smash against my Robin with.

Not exact matches

The fate of the deal has been widely followed because U.S. President Donald Trump criticized it on the campaign trail last year and because of his repeated attacks on the reporting of Time Warner's CNN news network.
Because Bitcoin's virtual currency operates in the same fuzzy confines as Liberty Reserve's, the tech press was quick to draw comparison between the two businesses, wondering if Bitcoin would suffer a similar fate.
Today, many Canadians fear our economy faces a similar fate because we're betraying our national interests to the cause of globalization.
A draft environmental impact study released by the department in March concluded construction of the pipeline would not add to greenhouse gas emissions because the oil would find other ways to market regardless of Keystone XL's fate.
Since then, Google has instead become a chief arbiter of what information is kept online in Europe because the company itself is responsible for determining the fate of each deletion request.
NYSE and its rivals Nasdaq and Cboe Global Markets have hoarded those licenses in recent years, in part because each gives them another vote on deciding the fate of important parts of the market's infrastructure, including the lucrative data feeds that traders can't operate without.
Because there's no worse fate than to achieve everything but not be happy.
Bear Stearns is trading at $ 6 instead of $ 2 because unelected bureaucrats went beyond their legal mandates, delivered a windfall to a single private company at public expense, entered agreements that violate the the public trust, and created a situation where even if the bureaucratic malfeasance stands, the shareholders of Bear Stearns will either reject the deal or be deprived of their right to determine the fate of the company they own.
Because that is what will ultimately decide your fate.
Because the folks who are unsaved that you simply speak or listen to about their families are doomed to a fate that I wouldn't wish on a worst enemy, an eternity in HELL.
The Missouri Supreme Court denied permission because there was no «clear and convincing, inherently reliable evidence» that the patient would have wished such a fate for herself.
You believe that God would create these human beings, love them, but banish them to hell for all eternity, simply because of the fate of their birthplace?
I'm going to take my chances in sounding like a nut job, and because I want others to share in my hoped - for fate for a pleasant eternity, I will share this with people.
Humanism is opposed to this ideology, not only because it's always based on unprovable religious superstition but because humanists believe strongly that the fate of humanity is not subject to divine whims but rests with humanity itself.
If you say «not,» then you are not a «true» christian as you profess because it means you are judging their eternal fate based on your own pride.
With this step from unconsciousness to consciousness, from apathetic hopelessness regarding ones fate to faith in the liberating God of the poor, the quality of poverty also changes because one's relationship to it changes.21
Oh, the Calvinists could make perfect sense of it all with a wave of a hand and a swift, confident explanation about how Zarmina had been born in sin and likely predestined to spend eternity in hell to the glory of an angry God (they called her a «vessel of destruction»); about how I should just be thankful to be spared the same fate since it's what I deserve anyway; about how the Asian tsunami was just another one of God's temper tantrums sent to remind us all of His rage at our sin; about how I need not worry because «there is not one maverick molecule in the universe» so every hurricane, every earthquake, every war, every execution, every transaction in the slave trade, every rape of a child is part of God's sovereign plan, even God's idea; about how my objections to this paradigm represented unrepentant pride and a capitulation to humanism that placed too much inherent value on my fellow human beings; about how my intuitive sense of love and morality and right and wrong is so corrupted by my sin nature I can not trust it.
But precisely for this reason it is difficult to know whether we accept this cross in faith, hope and love to our salvation, or whether we only bear it protesting secretly, because we can not free ourselves from it but are nailed to it like the robber on the left of Jesus, who cursed his fate and blasphemed the crucified Lord by his side.
Only fools concern about their own happiness as the supreme importance and believe they should be as happy as they can be without caring injustices in the world around them because all injustices are mere fate to be accepted.
I think maybe that's why sharing our stories with each other can be a powerful thing because something revelatory or influential can come from so far out of our normal sphere that it might seem like destiny or fate.
I understand why Christians, Mormons, and Muslims do it: because they are concerned about your eternal fate.
First he attempted to apply a logical argument, whose history extends back at least as far as Cicero's On Divination.4 According to this view, contingency (chance) and foreknowledge (fate) are contradictory assertions because a contingent event, being unnecessitated, can not be known until it occurs.
Most muslims are not evil, but being forced to believe in the hateful divisive teachings of islam simply because they are born muslim and the koran threatens anyone who leaves it (apostates) with the most horrible fate.
Peasants, for example, are said to believe in God because they see supernatural acts in nature; soldiers are said to believe in fate because they risk an early death.
Which means as nations we have closed and isluated because of not being open to each other due fualts of either faiths or politics what fate await the Two Sons Of Adam When one, i should say the disbleiver killed the other say the believer?
Less shallow because it recognizes at least that the individual is not master of his fate and can not live for himself alone, but still shallow in supposing that the human group — class, race or species — can do so.
But because the couple are from the minority Parsi community - part of the Zoroastrian religion, a minority faith founded in ancient Persia - their fate highlights, some say, how prejudice against outsiders in Balochistan makes them easy targets for increasingly powerful criminal gangs.
Because so many Americans still embrace their religious heritage, the Scottish philosopher John Haldane recently stated that the fate of Christendom» or what remains of it» rests with the United States.
Seriously, we don't need people in powerful positions making decisions on the fate of millions based on fairy tales — Because Atheists who have held power positions are so compassionate like chairman Mao and Stalin and Pol Pot.
I place myself in the mortalist camp because for the time being, and probably much longer, aging and death will remain our fate, put off and ameliorated perhaps, but not vanquished.
In the closing years of the 20th century we are being called to do something unprecedented: to think wholistically, to think about «everything that is,» because everything on this planet is interrelated and interdependent and hence the fate of each is tied to the fate of the whole.
and has no responsibility to the planet or to other humans because only the creator deities wishes should be adhered to if the deity gets to decide some future fate.
If you do nt want to salvation, then accept your fate of eternal hellfire because that is the ultimate end to all men who refuse Christ as their savior.
We are fated to kill and be killed because we know no other way to live, but through the forgiveness made possible by the cross of Jesus we are no longer condemned to kill.
Andrei's fate, however, is significant because something beautiful might be made of his soul.
The Dun Commission of Christian scholars in 1950 in their report on The Christian Conscience and Weapons of Mass Destruction stated that «to accept general war as inevitable is to treat ourselves as helpless objects carried by a fated tide of events rather than as responsible men,» and went on to say, «One reason why fascism and Naziism gained their dread power over great nations was because otherwise decent people bowed before what they regarded as «inevitable» and allowed a «wave of the future» to inundate them.»
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