Sentences with phrase «because human brains»

It is offensive because the human brain is highly susceptible to fear & taboo.
Connection is vital because the human brain is literally wired to connect, and when that connection isn't there, we suffer emotionally, and that basic need for connection is never outgrown.
While mouse models have traditionally been used in studying the genetic disorder, Deng said the animal model is inadequate because the human brain is more complicated, and much of that complexity arises from astroglia cells, the star - shaped cells that play an important role in the physical structure of the brain as well as in the transmission of nerve impulses.
PULLMAN, Wash. — Hang on tight because the human brain keeps you on a 24 - hour roller coaster.
-- Because the human brain has a sweet spot of choice.
Teachers can not determine if a student is «left brain or right brain dominate» because the human brain is highly interconnected, with information flowing from left hemisphere to right hemisphere and back again within a matter of seconds thanks to the corpus callosum, the neural «bridge» between the left and right hemispheres of the brain.
That's because the human brain is incredibly adept at storing material, but it's also very efficient at filtering out and rejecting information that doesn't seem relevant.
HINT: It is NOT because the human brain learns best that way.
We could therefore conclude (only half in jest) that climatologists can not exist, because the human brain is incapable of such feats at the moment.
We're going to use a metaphor because the human brain is really bad at visualizing just straight numbers.
And you'll be less productive, not only because of the lack of sleep, but simply because the human brain needs the down time to be able to focus better the next day.

Not exact matches

«We're building an empathy brain for technology,» she explains, «because right now, technology does not understand the human experience.
In fact, for a computer to access the entirety of the information it contains takes a very long time, whereas a human brain can access anything in a matter of a seconds because of that non-dual approach to storage and processing.
I don't accept anybody else's subjective experiences because I have some idea about how easily the human brain can fool itself into experiencing things that aren't real.
every man is Jesus if is human a humanitarian who give they life the soldier the real citizen other are person and people we all are a family GOD is the woman we all had a mother think Obama mama is all our mama this nation brain wash because greed and ignorance everyday in deception and manipulation is world order that is why 9/11 call the police the CIA explain all in movie in deception the rich few know all is in the moral, respect and honor the president is correct all in the education but ignorance is bless because we all have greed, they want dome is shipper that is why gay a lot in this nation ignorance..
The ONLY reason humans think and know anything, is because they have heathy brain tissue and function.
In oral cultures you could never have a well - developed science because science requires the recording and sharing of detailed information that the human brain can't provide through purely oral means.
consciousness is present in all matter, just like gravity it is inherent and innate to everything produced after the big bang, only its level of existence varies with evolution, highest is that of living things, at the top is us humans because of the biological nature of our existence we evolve fastest and our brains has attained the highest level of complexity
This is possible because «the human brain is orderly and purposeful as the universe is orderly and purposeful.»
Just because this pastor has a finite brain does not mean that other humans should ever stop asking questions.
In these circumstances it made sense to many to say that a human being actually dies when brain activity ends, because only that activity makes possible the body's ability to function as an integrated whole.
Adding to this, they are anti-embryonic stem cell research, because they believe a zygote (pre-cerebreal cortex, nervous system and brain) is a human being.
This is related to humans being the most intelligent creatures, because we have larger brains.
And because the underlying commitment is philosophical, the flimsiest facts are counted as evidence - as when the president of the National Academy of Sciences recently published an article arguing that evolution is confirmed by differences in the size of finch beaks, as though the sprawling evolutionary drama from biochemicals to the human brain could rest on instances of trivial, limited variation.
As human beings we are not, therefore, trapped behind the glass wall of our own subjectivity, because our brains are part of this same fabric of meaningful and interconnected reality that is the universe we live in.
We should all do ourselves a favor and help one anther stop listening to others tell us to fight wars and kill kiil kill that is not living life humans are easily brain washed and talked into things that end up hurting them I have seen this happen all the time he hurt our own loved ones sometimes because someone told us its what we have to do that is not living life do nt let someone tell you that you mean nothing because you mean a whole lot to someone but mostly you should mean a whole lot to yourself most of all that is the only way that you can take how you feel about yourself and pass that amazing feeling onto others and that is really all you need to know about life its there to enjoy treat yourself and others well live life live it well
We appreciate the human brain more than we do a lump of clay because the brain integrates into an intense unity an incredible complexity, nuance, richness and novelty.
If someone were to go insane because of going from white male to black female, doesn't that at least hint there's something intrinsically tied in to the human body and not everything is in the brain?
Because the brain can't distinguish between what the body is experiencing in reality and what it's seeing through the drone's sensors, the pilots, for a moment, experience that most ancient human desire: to fly.
Those same people will smile and applaud the bold choice of Rice without an ounce of irony, because this sport has so warped their brains that one minute they will side with the rules of the NCAA and the next minute against those of human decency, the Geneva Convention, and every tenet of even the loosest definition of human rights.
I think it is impossible both because you couldn't ethically and soundly research that and also because each human being is different (some people have more fragile brains than others).
And that just because our brain goes to the dark place or we feel pessimistic or we start to internally rage with the fire of a thousand suns, that doesn't mean we're horrible human beings who hate being parents.
«It is probably because the human voice is such an important social cue that the brain shows an early specialization for its processing,» added Anna Blasi of King's College London.
When humans are upset, our brains don't work as well because «fight or flight» takes over and thinking stops.
Newborn piglets are useful animals in which to evaluate neonatal n − 6 and n − 3 fatty acid requirements because lipid metabolism and the composition of lipids in the brain and milk of pigs are similar to those of humans (57).
Today's frantic new media systems can generate huge waves of alarmist communications which invade countries and alarm the citizens about two main issues that bypass the logical part of the brain: racial threat and sex... both topics are used by media to command human attention because they bypass conscious brain structures to ensure a fast response, the same as a deja vu is seen before it is noticed, so to speak.
Rugani says animals and humans may instinctively count from the left because the right hemisphere of the brain — which processes the left field of vision — is dominant in visual tasks.
Because zebrafish have a similar brain chemistry to humans, how they respond to certain drugs might indicate how the same drugs will affect people.
Researchers in optogenetics can control genetically modified brain cells using light but because of these modifications, the technique is not yet deemed safe to use in humans.
From this, he proposes a new theory for the evolution of the human brain: Homo sapiens developed rounder skulls and grew bigger parietal cortexes — the region of the brain that integrates visual imagery and motor coordination — because of an evolutionary arms race with increasingly wary prey.
«Because Candida is a natural component of the human body microbiome, yeast overgrowth or infection in the digestive tract, for example, may disrupt the gut - brain axis.
Chen agrees: He said his experiment «carries much less risk of creating animals with greater «brain power» than normal» because the human organoid goes into «a specific region of already developed brain
The summary of his experiment that Gage sent to the neuroscience meeting did not specify the size of the human brain organoids he and his colleagues implanted into mice; he told STAT that he could not talk about the work because he had submitted it to a journal.
«Because it was the first time anyone had implanted this part of the human brain, everything about the surgery was different: the location, the positioning and how you manage the hardware.
They use a special type of neural network called a «deep neural network» to do the processing — so named because its learning is performed through a deep layered structure inspired by the human brain.
But electrostimulation research is difficult to do in humans because of the invasive nature of deep brain stimulation studies.
Because the protein is normally found outside of blood vessels in the human brain, this suggests that plaques may form in a different way in chimps.
Scientists have long suspected that humans evolved large brains because our hominid ancestors had to outwit and elude predators, learn to use fire, and develop complex social structures.
Another is that the transplanted bits of tumor act nothing like cancers in actual human brains, Fine and colleagues reported in 2006: Real - life glioblastomas grow and spread and resist treatment because they contain what are called tumor stem cells, but tumor stem cells don't grow well in the lab, so they don't get transplanted into those mouse brains.
Brain suspected that they had been burned by humans because the degree of charring indicated temperatures of more than 1,100 degrees Fahrenheit, while natural grass fires on the savanna burn no hotter than 700 degrees.
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