Sentences with phrase «because identical twins»

Gene - environment interactions can not account for the personality differences between identical twins because identical twins have the same genes.

Not exact matches

They also don't share the same DNA because studies have found that identical twins can have different DNA sequences.
My mom had identical twin boys when I was 10 so I know the drill because I helped.
Identical — monozygotic — twins are easiest to train simultaneously because of their similar metabolism.
They may think that their twins are identical because they look alike or fraternal because there were two placentas during pregnancy.
Just because twins look alike or share the same birthday, it doesn't mean that they identical thoughts and feelings, likes and dislikes.
BRANDI WALLACE: That's identical twins that share a placenta because not all identical do I know it's rare.
A rough illustration of this finding can be seen in the concordance of identical and fraternal twins for high intelligence for twin pairs selected because at least one member of the pair has an IQ score above 120.
What are some other considerations because I think I've heard about different situations between fraternal versus identical or some special kind of unique needs of twins that we should be considering as well?
Emily really made an impression on me because rather than letting her grief from losing her identical twin daughters completely consume her, she began a photo project in their honor.
«This study also shows us that even identical twins can vary quite a lot on facial features, but because of the key areas being genetically controlled, we perceive them as being «identical,»» added Professor Tim Spector, Director of the TwinsUK study at King's College London.
Genetically identical twins may not experience pain to the same extent because of differences in the way their genes have been chemically modified.
Because such twins develop from a single fertilized egg, they have identical genes unless a mutation occurs.
Which is a very interesting question because it's so meaningless and stupid, and yet the fact that identical twins had an 80 percent correlation coefficient on that, even though they'd been separated at birth, I find fascinating.
It is because the environment intervenes that identical twins don't have precisely the same number of moles.
If you look at the legislation that's been proposed in most countries, they have to rule out making a genetically identical individual as a reason to ban cloning because of the existence of twins.
So, now to the case that I mentioned in the article, we know that in most cases, if an identical twin has an addiction problem to a drug of abuse, his or her twin is probably not addicted, because environmental exposures are just as important in order for the genetic potential for addiction to become manifest.
But because stellar - formation models assume that identical twins form more or less simultaneously, the discovery «tells us that there may be something fundamental about the stellar birth process that we still don't understand,» Stassun says.
But those early attempts routinely failed because, unless the donor was an identical twin, the host's immune system attacked the foreign stem cells before they became established.
Because twin studies show approximately a 50 % risk of developing schizophrenia in identical twins (meaning siblings with exactly the same genes), environment must have significant influence in the brain disorder.
Because they are identical twins, they should have exactly the same genetic code.
It was long thought that because twins were born from the same fertilized egg, they must have identical DNA.
And in all of this, identical twins are increasingly seen as desirable study subjects; because their genomes are the same, eliminating one essential variable, differences in their epigenomes might offer clues to the molecular origins of disease.
Some of the epigenetic variation that occurs between identical twins is likely because of random changes, says Nessa Carey.
Since the twins have essentially almost identical DNA — and DNA controls the biomolecular workings of the body — any difference are likely due to spaceflight and not because the two subjects are genetically distinct.
Because genetics account for 31 % to 55 % of sleep duration and behavior, researchers used identical twins to control for this large genetic sleep duration determinant.
If we took two identical people — like, actually cloned one person because even twins have some genetic variance — and one was sedentary, the other active.
It's uncertain because brothers Beverly and Elliot Mantle are identical twins sharing the same medical practice, apartment and women — including unsuspecting Claire.
Jake's identical twin brother Kevin (Chris Rock again, marking the most painful onscreen pairing since Van Damme and Van Damme in Double Impact or Arnie and Arnie in The 6th Day) works for the CIA, and because Rock can't for a moment pull off a Harvard - educated sophisticate, he's killed off after three lines.
But bananas are generally very weak, because, like human identical twins, each one is an exact genetic duplicate of the other.
Solid and Liquid Snake are identical twins, whereas big boss looks similar, although different from Solid (the common quality mostly because they both have brown mullets).
This said, it is very hard to imagine the girlfriend really couldn't tell the difference between person A and person B, because generally speaking, intimate friends of even identical twins can tell them apart.
This reminds me of a case I read of, involving identical twins, where DNA evidence proved «beyond a reasonable doubt» that one of them did it, but the authorities had to let them go because they couldn't prove which one.
First, any explanation that is used to account for the unexplained variance — the nongenetic differences between children reared in the same home — should apply to all kinds of sibling pairs, including identical twins, because the conclusion about the ineffectiveness of the shared environment holds for all of them.
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