Sentences with phrase «being a writer just»

Has this site got a unhealthy obsession with Spurs or are the writers just closet Spurs supporters?
I am a writer just like you, an editor, a publisher, publicist and web designer.
I'm a writer just starting out, so I'll take Mark and his AOL account.
Whether you are writer just getting started or you are looking for more work opportunities to add to your workload, our website can help you find jobs based on your interests, knowledge and skills.
If you could somehow dam the flow I'd be a writer just the same.
I'm a writer just beginning to look into self - publishing, and I got a great deal from your presentation Saturday at the BAIPA meeting.
Lastly, several articles I've read regarding current and near future grain production say yields are likely to drop because of an impending el nino; is this correct, or are these writers just trying to continue the bull market in food commodities?

Not exact matches

As writer Austin Carr put it, «If Google has built a $ 294 billion business based on your explicit searches, Foursquare's bet is that the data behind your implicit intent are just as lucrative.»
It's just having the ability to set a schedule, and if something happens and you need to change something you can just move stuff around,» said Cartwright, who works as writer and coaches others freelancers through her website,
Asked by TechCrunch senior writer Jordan Crook what types of technology he hoped to see implemented on the court in the future, Curry joked, «One would be to just help me dunk more.»
«I've always said a businessman can be an artist just like a painter or a writer or a musician.
It's not the kind of rallying cry that stirs the blood, but as Atlantic writer Rosie Gray said, we should probably just do our jobs — that is, report the facts, without fear or favor.
«Just bear in mind that there is a good chance this monster rocket blows up,» Musk told Phil Plait, an astronomer and writer, in December.
Some benefit writers, but others can be predatory, charging big commissions just to upload an author's work to digital platforms.
Just a few years ago, self - publishing (a.k.a. «vanity publishing») was an embarrassing last resort for writers unable to secure a «real» book deal.
We learned of the McKinsey survey through a post by Technorati writer Kaleel Sakakeeny, who adds that email's advantage holds «if your goal is to acquire customers, and not just share the latest family news or travel experience.»
These are just a few of the fundamental rules of copywriting that direct response writers have been using for decades to build multi-part content funnels, create compelling landing pages and write long email chains.
But electrochromics seems to be one of those technologies that is always just around the corner, and technology writers have been boasting of the possibilities of printed displays since at least 2005.
A West Hollywood personal trainer at a gym just a few miles from Woolverton's apartment was working out with a magazine writer.
«When one feels writer's block, it's good to just keep putting things down on paper — ideas, knowledge, etc.»» Konnikova reports author Scott Barry Kaufman as recommending.
Blind Writing: This can be used for just about any type of issue, not just writer's block.
The first time she used it, Refinery29 writer Megan McIntyre was downright shocked with how clear her complexion looked after just one use.
I have a lot of tricks to get those first few words on the page, maybe the best one is something I heard from a poet during his reading; «To cure writer's block just lower your standards.»
While business owners call in SEO experts, ask their friends for freelance referrals and even search through the latest content - dating sites, finding quality writers to produce content may just be rig...
A good example of this would be a weight loss advertisement or advertorial in which the writer claims to have lost a large amount of body fat in two months, or a customer claiming that their face looked 10 years younger in just two weeks.
Yahoo Finance, for one, says the move kills the wearable revolution «before it even begins,» with writer Jeff Macke listing reasons for why fitness bands are just overblown hype.
This is a concept that most commonly applies to fiction writers rather than marketers, but it's just as important.
Creativity isn't just a quality found in writers and artists.
In an epic takedown titled «Miley Cyrus just torpedoed her own career, and MTV helped,» writer Emily Yoshida described the host as «the rich girl whose birthday party everyone's parents forced them to go to... as irrelevant as the post-credits bumper for whatever scripted MTV show is on tonight that you've already forgotten the name of.»
Something that really hit home for me in the book is you said something like, «Personal finance writers believe that if people would just listen carefully to our advice, everything would be fine.»
But it's not because writer Steven Levy was critical of software developer Ray Ozzie — just the opposite.
According to these business professionals featured here on C1 Revolution — including Vive Bridges, director of events for Moonlight Studios, Fallon Ryan, director of public relations for Lana Jewelry and Anna Treiber, hospitality manager for Henson Consulting — the acclaimed writer was just plain wrong.
Just click the writer picture or name and you're in.
As a sole proprietor of a travel consulting service and as a free - lance writer, I can guess at some of the reasons for failure: Undercapitalization Undercapitalization Undercapitalizaton Oh yes, then there is the fact that lots of folks just don't have the entrepreneurial personality, that can come up smiling in the face of crushing defeats (ask any real estate agent).
I think you should be a content writer rather than «just» CEO of Groove
Leslie Jamison, a writer, shares how she navigated between the worlds of elite schools and service jobs, all while dealing with alcoholism: «I didn't just want to be good.
I'm so - so as a writer, and am currently finishing up my second book (just write as a hobby), and in the past made about 30 - 50 dollars an hour as a free lance writer but that was a couple of years back, it was only for about 10 - 20 hours a month, and the gig just dried up.
In just the past year, our writers» work has been featured on ThoughtCatalog,, Under30CEO, and several other large publications.
Freelance Writer: Similar to a blogger, what you have to say matters and their are tons of media outlets that would value your perspective.You just have to dig deep to find whose audience would benefit from my how - to advice or opinions and then pitch them.
All of our content is crafted in - house by our expert writers and editors just for your link order, and is edited in - house before publication so you can rest assured that the content will be well - written, and your clients will be happy.
So yes, if I were to just hire a ghost riders or staff writers to just write three times a week or so then Financial Samurai would be largely passive.
Central bankers prepare to take away punch bowl William McChesney Martin, who was US Federal Reserve chairman from 1951 to 1970, famously relayed a writer's quip that the central banker's job is to take away the punch bowl just as the party is starting to get good.
John is a world - renowned financial writer of New York Times best - selling books including Code Red, Bull's Eye Investing, Just One Thing, Endgame, and most recently, The Little Book of Bull's Eye Investing.
Believe me, I have hired 2 content writer and paying them handsome salary just for writing contents which are unique.
That's just how it is, and no virtual assistant or ghost writer is going to be able to fill in for me in a way I'd be happy with.
Derek is just twenty - four years old, but he is already enjoying great success as an entrepreneur, freelancer and writer.
Much of the conventional reaction to Buffett's purchase can be found in the Wall Street Journal or in the litany of analyses offered by Seeking Alpha writers, and I just want to address two of the specific conventional wisdom claims that you have read about Buffett's Phillips 66 purchase.
In the ongoing discussion of Catholic literature today, the basic question is whether Catholic writers actually need the Church, and not just any church, but the full - on, countercultural Catholic Church with its magisterial teachings intact.
Is all rhetorical bud... just trying to show a tiny bit of the Glaring flaws the stone age writers did nt get together on...
Was there some external «eyewitness» to these temptations, or did the Gospel writer just hear the story from Jesus, or the Devil?
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