Sentences with phrase «belligerent behaviors»

Belligerent behaviors included shaking their legs threateningly, chasing opponents, and pinning them down.
Her belligerent behavior quickly upgrades her stay to a full week.
Patience and constant training will help end his belligerent behavior.
We concluded that a likely explanation for Fred's belligerent behavior was that it reflected his insecurity.

Not exact matches

We often read in the press rather alarming stories about the rise of an ugly and belligerent nationalism in China, but while these stories are certainly very real, after the November 13 bombings in Paris I was struck by a very different kind of Chinese behavior.
We would have to end our belligerent unilateralism toward other countries as well as our scofflaw behavior regarding international law.
For instance, if you're yelling at your child because she was belligerent, ask your mind why your four year old's behavior is so dangerous.
His teacher recently emailed me; she'd noticed a change in his behavior (more belligerent, less likely to cooperate) and wanted to know if there was anything going on at home.
When husbands are belligerent and wives are angry, higher levels of internalizing behaviors (distress, shame, and self - blame) are found in girls than boys.
These findings suggest that, to the extent that a husband or wife acts in a belligerent manner when resolving a marital dispute, their opposite - sex child will be rated by teachers as showing internalizing behaviors 3 years later.Although anxiety and withdrawal may be adaptive responses to the threatening nature of belligerence, the fact that children's behavior is related to that of their opposite - sex parents is interesting.
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