Sentences with phrase «beveridge liberal consensus»

The movement to remake Canada — to shred the remnants of the liberal consensus that governed this land for most of the past half - century — took a giant step last night with the election of a majority Conservative government.
There is a loss of confidence in the liberal consensus and a cautious approach to Rome now that the game has changed.
This liberal consensus was sorely tested, however, by the emergence of a black caucus which was then challenged by an integrationist caucus.
I suggest that Flanders contact Shelby Steele for an opinion about the true price of criticizing the liberal consensus in academia.
As with the old champions of liberal consensus, they want to eliminate from academia those who do not broadly share their outlook.
Whatever is distinctive about Judaism has been left out of account either because it does not accord with the liberal consensus or because Jews lack a public philosophy of adequate complexity to mediate the values of their tradition to the culture at large.
The spectacular rise of anti-establishment parties has buried the liberal consensus on which Europe's security was so dependent over the past three decades.
It was a reasonable assumption, as until fairly recently every major political party had converged on the same socially and economically liberal consensus.
It has become clear that the apparently liberal consensus was never as solid as it seemed.
Our argument is that Labour's move to the «liberal consensus» on the EU and immigration left many of their core voters out in the cold a long time before UKIP were an effective political presence.
He said: «There is a view now in many parts of the world that the only way to ensure prosperity and stability is to suppress freedom to crack down on pesky NGOs and irritating journalists and independent judges and generally to deprecate the western liberal consensus about how a society should be ordered.
Worst of all is the sense that a fear pervades the Coalition Government of taking on the liberal consensus in the media.
Britain needs vision, Britain needs hope, and Britain needs a new Beveridge Liberal consensus.
The main trends I argued against in that essay were the liberal consensus, the persistence of class and the permanence of monopoly and oligopoly.
As the above figure indicates, the difference in perceived consensus between the left and right can be explained by Kahan's preferred cultural bias explanation, but the «liberal consensus gap» can't.
Cook calls this the «liberal consensus gap.»
The BBC's 2007 impartiality report reflects widespread support for the idea that there is «some sort of BBC liberal consensus».
My own data, measuring climate perceptions amongst US representative samples, confirms the liberal consensus gap.
The collapse of communism has in turn been supplanted by a fraying of the liberal consensus and history is seen to be a never ending string comprised of an indeterminate number of threads.

Not exact matches

«We can't continue to ignore the remarkable consensus among the public,» says B.C. Liberal MLA Kash Heed, a former police chief.
Political scientist Keith Brownsey of Mount Royal University argues the Liberals paid close attention to the many fumbles made by Harper's Tories on the energy file: failing to build solid relationships with First Nations, allowing environmental groups to seize the public - relations initiative, not asserting federal authority and handing provinces like B.C. and Quebec control of the political agenda, keeping Canada outside of the international consensus on climate change, and ignoring legitimate criticisms of the federal review process.
The Alberta Liberal Opposition looks to moderate the excesses of these extremes by offering ideas, not platitudes and consensus, not division.
There's an increasingly powerful consensus among both liberals and conservatives that, within reasonable limits, people should be able to do as they please.
Protestant Christianity, by contrast, was initially able to accommodate liberal enlightenment ideas without jeopardizing the framework of a broad Christian consensus.
This overall agenda would not differ from those of most liberal Protestant or Jewish groups — except in the high level of consensus, and in the fact that the most important religious goal for UUs is «a community for shared values» (rather than theology or personal growth or social change or experiences of transcendence).
In thus explaining and championing religious pluralism on affirmative theological grounds rather than on negative or concessionary ones, liberal Protestants could make one of the more important of their distinctive contributions to the moral coherence «and consensus that our sprawling society needs but has found it difficult to maintain.
The usual assertions are (1) that this kind of religion is today on the defensive; (2) that the defensive posture is occasioned by the flourishing of «conservative churches» (although the alleged liberal enervation is also seen in more autonomous terms); (3) that the growth in religious conservatism and conservative churches is itself the result of widespread reaction against «secular humanist» values and against those who hold such values; (4) that our society as a whole has been experiencing a breakdown in moral consensus, a loss of moral coherence somehow connected with a decline in oldline Protestant dominance; and (5) that some or all of these happenings have been quite sudden, so that the early 1960s can be taken as a kind of benchmark — as a time before the fall.
Rorty calls us «the liberal Rawlsian searchers for consensus» and «the community of the liberal intellectuals of the secular modern West» (CIS 12).
The more liberal Krishna Kanth, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh, in his address to the Assembly of the National Council of Churches in 1991 and following it in a press interview with Neerge Choudhury (Indian Express 21 Oct. 1991) «called for an end to religious conversion in the country, not by law but by a voluntary consensus of religious leaders», because in his opinion, communal strife is closely linked to conversion.
This does not seem to give room for a policy of consensus between «conservative» and «liberal» factions, continually mindful of political correctness.
«2 The value consensus of conservative and liberal Protestants is the middle - class way of life.
At the same time, attempting to fill the ideological vacuum left by the decline of the old liberal - Protestant consensus is aggressive pluralistic secularism, growing out of the 1960s and flourishing as students of the 1960s become the tenured scholars of the 1980s and 1990s.
Liberal Protestants and secularists furthermore agreed that the scientific age bad brought with it higher - level moral principles that could form the basis for a consensus of values that would benefit all humanity.
Humane liberal arts and practical approaches might be in competition, with the pragmatic gaining ground, yet most American educators agreed that there ought to be an integrative consensus of democratic values.
By the mid-sixties, two forces were converging to destroy the secularized liberal Protestant (or now secularized Judeo - Christian) Enlightenment consensus through a sort of pincer action.
Moreover, religious conservatives and liberals have insurmountable disagreements as to what any such consensus might look like.
The result was that the old liberal (and vestigially liberal Protestant) consensus ideal collapsed.
Clearly, it seems to me, it would be impossible for us to return to the days of a Christian consensus, liberal or conservative, even if we wanted to.
Their advisers have once again allowed themselves to be influenced by a current «consensus» based on secular - liberal ideology rather than evidence and experience.
Moreover, Berlin's essay defended the liberal democratic project in such a way as to reinforce the liberal anti-Communist consensus that historians still associate with men such as President Harry Truman, Secretary of State Dean Acheson, Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson, and Senators Hubert H. Humphrey and Henry M. Jackson.
Henry rejected liberal versions of the social gospel which tended to be all social and no gospel, but he appealed to an earlier evangelical consensus of cultural engagement that included the work of William Wilberforce in campaigning for the abolition of the slave trade in England, the revivalist impulses of Charles G. Finney against slavery in this country, as well as evangelical concerns for suffrage, temperance, child labor laws, fair wages for workers, and many other progressive issues to which many theologically conservative Christians were once committed» before what David Moberg has called «the great reversal,» an evangelical withdrawal from such concerns.
The Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats presented a united front today when they called on the new environment secretary to join their climate change consensus.
The Pact introduced Liberal ideas into Labour's ideological repertory, although this would surely have made little impact, but for the subsequent demise of the post-War pro-Labour consensus, and the long and much - resented Tory «interregnum» that ensued.
The Liberal Democrats became the first party to break the consensus and back the plans last night.
In Labour, key binding decisions were crafted by consenting comrades in compositing cabals, the Liberals braved the perilous political fringes to challenge the timid and brain - comatose, while the Tories orgied in flag - waving Nuremberg Rally - induced hysteria — all no more, drowned in the syrup sea of consensus.
The Liberal Democrat president calls for «a new consensus» at the Social Liberal Forum conference.
If Labour, the Liberal Democrats, the Greens or the SNP were pushed to define the nature and purpose of a UK constitutional convention, it is almost certain that any consensus would fall apart very quickly.
We believe that Social Liberal ideas are strong enough to attract consensus across government — and indeed across parliament — and we will continue to argue for them.
That is the heart of the issue,» he said, adding that: «Of course if there is no consensus, well then it is something at the general election, the parties will have to stake out their positions, but I think there is a strong view in England among the people of England as well the Conservative party and I think many Liberal Democrats as well.»
This democratic fight, must engage people with a social liberal vision for the future to replace the Thatcherite consensus and the broken ideas of the right.
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