Sentences with phrase «bible teaches that man»

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Jason; so sorry you were so misled but the Bible refers to the earth as a circle (Isa.40: 22) some 700 years before Jesus ever came here and many other descriptions of what goes on here are so accurate as to make one wonder how man would know and if you are sincerely interested in finding what the bible really teaches (and having those misconceptions corrected) just ask and I will be glad to help or go to for all the free help you will ever need.
I realize it's taught in the catholic church, but I prefer to go by what the bible says than to man - made laws.
You need to get away from the teaching od men and get back to the bible.;
The bible does not teach men's dominance over women.
This is due to the mere fact, that if Roman Catholics were to start reading the bible themselves, they would see that the man made teachings within the Vatican through the catholic priests are mostly just man made religious laws, If catholics read the bible, they would see the truth in the teachings of GOD and His Son Jesus Christ.
From what I know about the bible Apostles were men who walked with and were taught by Jesus Himself..
Contrary to popular religious teaching, there is no sex only in marriage mandate given in the bible... only the protection of property and lineage rights of the man who OWNED his wife / wives.
I believe what the bible teaches and man... if when I hit 80 and die, there is nothing... I would like to order a GUINNESS and 6 shots of jack... Everything is always only about Jesus... whether you believe it or not.
On the topic of man's nature and substance, we don't have to rely on what the bible «seems» to say, because we have rather emphatic and repeated teaching directed to that very topic from the beginning.
The bible teaches that God created the earth very good and it was man that sinned and brought death into the world.
The bible practically teaches the 2nd law of thermodynamics in the «fall of man» story.
Sadly the bible warns about traditions of man, yet that is what a lot of them teach.
Your bible which teaches you to perform baptism for the dead, also shows that your anthropomorphic God is a blood thirsty man.
sorry but the bible, God, Jesus, etc. does not teach anything but one man with one wife.
But, if you open your eyes and take off your bias, you will see that the bible teaches that there are inherent differences between man and woman.
I am however confused on what exactly is «teaching», if I share with a man something I have learned from the bible in my own studies as a single woman and then share it with a man via a conversation is that teaching?
I read this article by charisma magazine which i thought was well written which is pro Women preaching This debate is an on going one John Piper who i respect as a bible preacher believes that scripture is clear women shouldnt have authority over men or teach in the church some go as far as saying women shouldnt preach in sunday school if the classes are mixed.Personally i think times are changing and i say that because i have a women manager she has authority over me and other men so if we follow the biblical example i shouldnt allow myself to be in that situation which is just crazy thinking.
few know that the bible teaches the «oneness» of the church and few know it teaches if we bring a lost soul back to God we hide a multitude of our own sins... we are to be worker bees for God... we are to give God all our attention... we must trust God never man... our entire lives should be bible ran... to try and rationalize less bible study is why America is not a Christian nation.....
the pope didn't say women are equal, that the bible is wrong to say women must be silent and never teach men.
Women, men, doctors, lawyers, janitors, children and most everyone can «teach» the bible becasue it can and is made up as the teachers go along to suit their own needs.
That means that he believes the bible says that a woman should not have teaching authority over a man.
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