Sentences with phrase «bible than atheists»

So this means that Christians know more about their own faith than atheists, so everyone who said Christian's don't know about what they believe in needs to apologize, because the Pew Survey says Christians knew more about the entire bible than atheists and Jews.

Not exact matches

Also, I doubt you were ever an atheist since the vast majority of us come from Christian or religious backgrounds and only became atheist after doing years of research and often reading our bibles far more than our «faithful» counterparts.
Most agnostics and atheists were in your shoes, have studied the bible and more importantly the history behind it's composition but at some point most realized that the reason for the current focus of worship was no more valid than worshiping any other god.
there are exceptions on each side, but generally, atheists know more about the bible than the chrisitans who say they follow it.
It seems that atheists almost always know more about the bible than the bible believers..
For an atheist, either Jefferson's bible or the Consti.tution should prove more than sufficient.
and the statistic that atheists have read more of the bible than christians is true.
They don't expect atheists to know more about the bible than they do.
i don't know, i never read that in the Bible, you must have a different one than mine, are you reading that from an atheist bible or from a gay magazine article?
@Alex Most atheists here have openly stated that the existence of a god or gods is logically possible, but the total lack of empirical evidence for any god, let alone the very specific gods of torah, bible, koran, etc, is more than a little suspi - cious.
The only reason why you atheists will claim to know more about the bible than Christians is to boost yourself past the people you don't like.
If atheists know more about the bible than most people do, where's the proof?
No surprise that atheists and agnostics know more about the bible than christians do.
I am an atheist and I know so much more about what is in the bible than my christian friends do, its rather embarrassing at times.
The reason atheists know more about the bible than christians is that they have taken the time to learn about it and make a rational decision to not believe it.
Atheists seemed to have a better grip on the bible than I did so I had nothing to offer on that count.
Atheists know more about the bible than Christians?!
Most likely, the number of Atheists in NYC is far more than 19 %, as we can assume its less in the bible belt of America.
Atheists can prove that science exists, that the earth is more than 6000 years old, that their is NO WAY to build the size ark that Noah built and do what is claimed in the bible, again when making extraordinary claims, we need evidence and we know that snakes do not talk, that the laws of physics can not be suspended and that nearly EVERY claim in the bible is false.
And atheists fool themselves into thinking they know more about the bible than Christians!
@Pravda: Atheists are generally more well versed in the bible than those who purport to follow it.
Nii, the irony of your ignorance is that atheists generally have more knowledge about the teachings of the bible than the majority of its followers.
I know many atheists who are atheists precisely because they started reading and studying the bible critically, rather than just taking it as truth without consideration.
2) In my experience, a great number of atheists know the bible as well, or better, than many Christians do.
Theo, Are you aware that every poll shows that atheists have better knowledge of the bible and religion than Christians?
i'm a natural born america atheist that has read and studied somethings other than the bible.
I am an atheist and I have probably read the bible more than this guy.
Im not trying to say that there aren't many Christians that don't know what the bible says or atheists who actually read the bible but it would surprise me if atheists knew more of the Bible than Christians who were actually Christians.
When we atheists tell you fundiots that we know more about your religion (and bible) than you do, we are not making this up.
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