Sentences with phrase «biblical justification of»

According to the Times, there were posts on Cenedella's blog about a «new holiday for men» that involved women providing steaks and oral sex, and a separate entry that endorsed a link to a Biblical justification of polygamy.
As if I'd give ANY credence to a mouthpiece for a so - called «church» which was LITERALLY founded for the purpose of providing Biblical justification of slavery.

Not exact matches

«While I applaud and agree with many of Glenn Beck's conservative and constitutional views, that does not give me or any other Bible - believing Christian justification to compromise Biblical truth by spiritually joining Beck.»
I can not wait to hear the justification for how the Twilight series is a dramatic retelling of some heretofore unpopular Biblical allegory.
It is my contention that a biblical understanding of the cross leads necessarily to a nonviolent stance and, conversely, that only a fully biblical view of the cross and justification can provide an adequate foundation for nonviolence.
I prefer to apply lessons learned from a wider range of human experience and condemn those biblical passages as the product of an ignorant, arrogant, bloodthirsty tribe of self - centered nomadic shepherds whose primary characteristics were a raging persecution complex and an unending quest for justification for their major case of the hots for the little girls in the naboring tribes.
Many of the slides in the 43 page presentation use a Christian justification for war, displaying pictures of saints like Saint Augustine and using biblical references.
My disagreements with the five points of both Calvinism and Arminianism iare not exactly with their theology or understanding of Biblical texts, but with something much more basic than that: their definition of certain biblical words and theological ideas, such as election, grace, salvation, atonement, justification, eternal life, forgiveness of sins, etBiblical texts, but with something much more basic than that: their definition of certain biblical words and theological ideas, such as election, grace, salvation, atonement, justification, eternal life, forgiveness of sins, etbiblical words and theological ideas, such as election, grace, salvation, atonement, justification, eternal life, forgiveness of sins, etc, etc..
It believes, no doubt with some justification, that the quest for such truth has undercut its commitment to the distinctive biblical and traditional forms of Christianity.
But to claim some biblical justification for something so directly contrary to the teaching of Christ is (I think I have said this before) a perversion of the text.
The biblical justification for the doctrine is sometimes found in Matthew 28:19; 1 Peter 1:2 and Isaiah 6:3, but none of these passages speak of a God who is eternally three in one.
These «conservative» Christians think they represent all Christian, but their school of Christianity is the same one that claimed a biblical justification for black slavery.
If it is so easy to ignore a major and substantial religious practice repeatedly uplifted, enshrined and required by the Torah and by all the scripture that follows, why is it so hard to let go of two verses that have substantially less biblical mention and support and no contemporary justification?
Of course, if you did find biblical justification for meeting on Sunday (as you might), you can still ask «What if we didn't meet on Sunday?»
It is clear that only an outline can be offered, and its detailed justification would exceed the limits of what is possible here.4 The problem of the content of that account, the problem, that is, of what is actually asserted and what is mode or manner of making the assertion, can in principle only be solved if the literary character, genre or form of the biblical account has been clearly determined in accordance with sound principle.
Yet another «biblical» «justification» about the current state of affairs where so many churches silently hate on gay sex and call that hate under different names.
It is seldom noticed (at least in discussions of the City of God) that the Latin terms for justice and justification come from the same Latin root (lost in English when the biblical term «justice» is translated as «righteousness»).
Citing a biblical scholar, he says: «In the light of the conclusions drawn earlier that there is no explicit Old Testament justification for assuming that wine drinking is ever appropriate for the saint, even in moderation, it is important to indicate briefly that the New Testament evidence concurs with, or at least is not contrary to, this conclusion» (p. 137).
It opens the way for reconciliation, one of the most important and beautiful of all biblical words.18 Theologians have often preferred to speak of «justification,» and it is a precise, courtroom word.
In these terms, we intended to affirm nothing less than «justification by grace alone because of Christ alone through faith alone,» which is the biblical Gospel.
Our discussion was also informed by the superb biblical scholarship of Father Joseph Fitzmyer, whose recent Commentary on Romans illuminates the Pauline meaning of justification:
For my Evangelicals brothers who remain unconvinced and still believe adultery is a biblical justification for divorce, pastoral integrity seems to demand you either inform those you marry that you will not hold them to their vows in cases of unfaithfulness, or you instruct the couple to use conditional wording in their vows.
As Evangelicals, we saw this teaching as implicit in the doctrine of justification by faith alone and tried to express it in biblical terms.
That sojourn at divinity school also contributed to Lewis's masterful examination, in The Lure of God (LG) of the biblical grounding of, and justification for, many of the otherwise presumably nonclassical, neo-classical, or anti-traditional formulations of theism offered by Whitehead, Hartshorne, and other process philosophers.1
And since biblical revelation always has the character of unpredictability, in that its arrival transcends our anticipations, its justification would strain critical thinking beyond its usual limits.
I Timothy 5:8 is a favorite of anti-SAHD pastors to toss out and use as biblical justification for why men MUST be the breadwinner and leave the responsibilities of full time child - rearing and running a household to their wives.
Was this author equally appalled about the prayer breakfast earlier this month, when President Obama tried to use biblical phrases like «for unto whom much is given, much shall be required» and «love thy neighbor as thyself» out of context as justification for his tax and economic policies?
In fact, 1Timothy 2 appear in a list of «key texts» on the CBMW site and is commonly cited as biblical justification for limiting the roles of women in church leadership.
Since biblical sanction can be claimed for the view that learning is intrinsically good, the test of a university's Christian adequacy, as well as the justification of its purpose, lies in its standards of learning, not in its conversion rate.
I especially love how she says the following as if it's meant to be a justification of her position: «Biblical patriarchs and kings violate nearly every one of these commandments.»
Brandon D. Smith, another leader of the Center, has called the Lord's Supper «more than a memory» and set forth a careful biblical justification for its weekly celebration in worship.
We are well used to such Evangelicals, sharing with them the doctrinal and moral essentials of classical Christianity, a commitment to the Augustinian patrimony of the West, recent remarkable joint statements on justification, and much common work for the sanctity of life, Biblical standards of sexual morality, social justice, environmental responsibility and world peace.
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