Sentences with phrase «big issue described»

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Describing himself as «not a big free - marketer in the macro sense,» Butterfield said issues of workers being able to afford where they live can't be pinned solely on systemic failings.
It exposes infant feeding as one of the most important global public health issues of our time, and describes how big business and vested interests influence the intimate relationship between mothers and their babies to the detriment of all, rich or poor, in the West or in the developing world.
Speaking on The Big Issue, he described the ongoing vetting as a «lame - duck» process that hardly ever results in anyone being rejected after going through the process.
The Guardian reports this morning that the former Foreign Secretary is accused of «buying» the leadership election as wealthy Blairite donors push his campaign chest to # 200,000 - causing what the paper describes as a «disparity in financial backing» for the five candidates, which it believes to be «a big issue».
I agree with others that not every firm is exactly the same, but many of the issues you describe will be present at every big firm.
Entertainment Weekly recently had a big issue covering The Last Jedi, and in that issue, they describe a chat with the film's director, Rian Johnson about Rey's heritage.
Have students practice divergent thinking by describing an issue in the community and asking them to suggest all the people who could be affected by it, or give students a «big idea» question and ask them to think of all the possible answers to it.
This issue of Big IDEAS describes the important role mentoring plays in keeping students in school and describes two successful mentoring programs in West Virginia.
Jim, I think you nailed the biggest issue for self - publishers when you described it as a business - that's not the approach that most new writers appear to be taking.
«Big magazine content doesn't make sense in a Trapit context,» Nothhaft said, describing approaches like Next Issue's as «antiquated» on a tablet platform.
That could be taking your favorite three and four letter acronyms to describe some state of the atmosphere - ocean, and some forcing uncertainty issues thrown in, but there's not much compelling evidence there's any big implication for sensitivity.
Although he successfully addresses the climate issue, it is clear that Stoknes has something bigger in mind as he expertly describes contemporary human relationships with the natural world and offers hope for a revitalized ecological link.
One lawyer described it as a «self - inflicted wound,» and another remarked, «The lack of control that corporations are going to have on their information and knowing where to find it will be the biggest issue
The biggest issue with HomeKit and the Ecobee4 is, as described earlier, by using it you put the Ecobee into an indefinite hold mode, so you have to choose a Resume schedule scene to get your thermostat back into its usual mode — and remember to use that scene.
But the biggest issue with this phone might be best described in gaming terms: the uncanny valley — where something designed and modeled to look human seems just «off» enough, be it from mechanical animation or dead looking eyes, to seem fake.
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