Sentences with phrase «birds of prey in»

In a recent article, The Guardian states: «Studies in the UK had found evidence that birds of prey in particular avoided wind farms» (1).
Golden Gate Raptor Observatory >> GGRO studies the seasonal movements of birds of prey in the Marin Headlands.
Be sure to keep an eye out for various birds of prey in this region, as they circle in the hope of spotting a stray marmoset.
Stand on Hawk Hill during the southward migration's peak — from September 10 to October 10 — and you can expect to see from dozens to hundreds of birds of prey in an hour.
Just before Alice Springs we spot five large birds of prey in a tree on the side of the road.
The Florida Audubon Society's Center for Birds of Prey in Maitland took in two owls and two hawks.
In addition we have been providing services to the Center for Birds of Prey in Winter Park Florida for over 30 years and have actively helped save over 14,000 birds of prey.
This image shows a body feather, also known as a contour feather, from an African fish eagle (Haliaeetus vocifer) kept at the International Centre for Birds of Prey in Gloucestershire, UK.
As the most intensely persecuted bird of prey in the UK, Hen Harriers are under particular threat from being caught up in the crossfire of grouse hunts in upland moors where they feed on red grouse.
Investigating preferred habitats, discussing pros and cons of the reintroduction of the White - tailed Eagle The White - tailed Eagle, often referred to as Sea Eagle, is the largest bird of prey in the UK with a wingspan of 2.5 metres.
The Mulsanne Shaheen draws its inspiration from the Shaheen falcon, a revered and recognizable bird of prey in Middle Eastern mythology and culture.

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The birds of prey swooped down after the «peace» doves flew from the open window in the Apostolic Palace.
I am not in favor of this... so please don't kill these beautiful birds of prey... long live the Bald Eagle... peace out.
Ecological research already carried out in these national parks and surrounding coffee plantations has shown the presence of more than 300 species of birds, (including endemic species, threatened forest specialists and birds of prey e.g. Black Hawk - Eagle Spizaetus tyrannus), 31 mammals species (some of them are endangered species such as the ocelot, cacomistle and Mexican porcupine), 26 reptile species, and 326 tree and bush species.
All ages Birds of prey and their habitats are fascinating, as are the adjustments they've made to thrive in urban environments.
Learn all about farm life, explore the forest, field, and wetlands looking for tracks and signs of plants and animals that live at Drumlin Farm year - round, discover the special adaptations that make birds of prey such skilled hunters, or journey back in time to learn about growing up in New England through cooking, stories, and games.
From a «hole in the ground» to «soaring with Eagles», time spent at Aillwee Cave & Bird of Prey Centre is exceedingly enjoyed by all.
The State of New South Wales in in the talons of a bird of prey call Judiciary Mafia.
Several other bird species ingest lead shot in the same way as waterfowl, and birds of prey can suffer lead poisoning from accidentally ingesting shot in their prey.
To be precise, Carneiro points to hunting as the main source of lead in these birds of prey, via the intake of meat with bullet traces in the remains of dead animals.
There were 81 confirmed cases of protected birds of prey being attacked or killed in Britain in 2016, yet the authorities didn't take a single person to court
The study, to be published in Ibis, sets a new record for nesting site habitation by birds of prey.
Multiple eyewitness accounts describe Australian birds of prey deliberately setting wildfires by carrying burning sticks, in order to flush out prey
This advanced eyesight has physiological aspects in common with many birds of prey.
Hence, according to Fitzgerald speaking from his own experience in class rooms, Hawkeye can instigate discussion on the physiology of the human eye, while also allowing for comparison with other species, such as birds of prey, and reflection on advancements related to genetic engineering and wearable technologies.
Based on a peatland model developed at the University of York and latest climate change predictions, the researchers warn that by 2051 - 80 the dunlin could see a 50 % decline in numbers, with the golden plover down 30 % and the red grouse down by 15 %, all driven by declining abundance of the birds» crane fly prey.
From ferocious birds of prey to shy songbirds, Zuckerman has captured our avian neighbors in fascinating new ways.
In fact, it is a bird of prey that belongs to the same order as hawks, eagles, and vultures.
Hence the collective impact of even occasional preying is huge, with domestic cats killing some 14 billion small birds and mammals a year in the US alone.
He's talking about a flightless caracara, like a bird of prey that can't fly, but lived in Jamaica.»
For example, the removal of a large predator could allow a medium - sized predator to increase in numbers and eat its smaller mammal and bird prey into extinction.
It was eggshell thinning that devastated fish - eating birds and birds of prey, says Fry, and this effect is well documented in a report (pdf) on DDT published in 2002 by the Department of Health and Human Services» Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR).
John Stolarski mentions using stickers in the shape of birds of prey to dissuade pigeons from crashing into clear windows...
Some tarantulas succeed in occasionally capturing small birds, small mammals such as mice, and even small fish, but their ordinary prey consists of insects such as crickets (for ground dwellers) and moths (for arboreal species).
To feed such a colony, says entomologist Janusz Wojtusiak of the Zoological Museum in Kraków, Poland, the ants, each about three - tenths of an inch long, prey on relatively large insects as well as on birds, lizards, frogs, snakes, and even bats.
As a result, at least a dozen species of birds of prey now make their homes in urban areas.
The monophyly of Afroaves was the only case of 100 % BS in the ExaML TENT that conflicted with the MP - EST * TENT tree and involved a local shift in the owl with mousebirds and Accipitrimorphae birds of prey.
Within core landbirds, we found 100 % BS for a previously more weakly supported clade (Australaves) containing seriemas (historically placed in Gruiformes), falcons (historically grouped with other diurnal birds of prey), parrots (historically difficult to place), and Passeriformes and a sister clade (Afroaves) containing Accipitrimorphae birds of prey, owls, mousebirds, woodpeckers, and bee eaters, among others (Fig. 1)(8, 17, 26, 29, 60).
Coastal wading birds shape their lives around the tides, and new research in The Auk: Ornithological Advances shows that different species respond differently to shifting patterns of high and low water according to their size and daily schedules, even following prey cycles tied to the phases of the moon.
A University of Utah study showed that when the cotton is treated with permethrin — a mild pesticide used in human head - louse shampoo — and the birds use the cotton in their nests, blood - sucking fly maggots are killed, thereby protecting the finches and their offspring that often fall prey to the maggots.
But in turn, the lizards are hunted by a host of predators, including birds of prey, snakes and carnivorous mice.
The researchers finally used the data together with previously known color vision of the bird predator, and the fruit fly prey, to model how visible the wing coloration is in natural environments.
Only birds of prey seem to have the ability to see in extremely sharp focus, while human visual acuity outshines that of all other bird species studied.
In the new paper the researchers studied the conspicuous wing coloration of two species of damselflies, which are predated by birds and prey on small flies.
There is also great diversity in the victims: birds from 24 different species and 14 families were found to be the prey of mantises.
One of Britain's rarest birds of prey, the red kite, is making a comeback in England and Scotland after an absence of a century.
The DNA sequences of insects and seeds — and for large predatory birds, prey such as small mammals or lizards — reveal the food that attracts the birds to the airport in the first place.
Not only do they get snagged on hooks and tangled in nets, but chronic overfishing can deprive the birds of their prey — the same small fish that boats are catching.
For the first time, researchers are exploring ways to improve welfare in captive birds of prey through olfactory enrichment - or using scent cues to alleviate boredom and encourage species - appropriate behavior.
Rhesus macaques, primates brought from Asia in the 1930s to entice more tourists to an area now known as Silver Springs State Park, likely prey on eggs of the park's birds, a new University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences study shows.
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