Sentences with phrase «body organs need»

So, some body organs need the rest for regeneration during the night while others will work fine with late foods.

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«Unless there's a blockage in one of these organs that do it day and night, there's absolutely no need to help the body get rid of toxins,» family physician Ranit Mishori of the Georgetown University School of Medicine told NPR.
Our bodies are a precisely arranged set of organs that are run by our incomprehensible brain, sending out the proper hormone or signals at just the right time or when there is a need.
Just as the body needs an organ that circulates the blood, the economy needs a mechanism that circulates the wealth.
Shall we need these physical organs in the body with which we shall then be clothed?
But within the body there are organs designed to give the soul needed information for adjusting the body to its environment.
Waiting lists for organ transplants always seem to grow and, even when transplanted, organs from another person's body may be rejected, so there is a real need for alternatives to traditional transplants.
The salty (lavana) nature of the tamari and seaweed will also stimulate digestion in vata; bringing some much needed warmth to the body and will help the organs and tissues achieve optimum hydration.
Also, it helps decrease the body's need for fatty tissues which protect vital organs from acidity by storing acidic waste.
Your body and organs need water in order to function properly: water is used in breathing, sweating and digestion.
So, going forward, to use the metaphor of the body, we'll have a «brain'that is the core application, that listens and responds to the «organs» efficiently, rather than trying to manage all the needs of the body itself.
Beef is a good source of protein needed for the growth of tissues, cells, and organs in the body of the embryo and relevant for the healing and reparation of damaged tissues during childbirth.
During pregnancy, a woman's body actually grows an organ and then discards it when it is no longer needed.
All internal organs will be formed but, like everything else, will need to mature in order for your child to be able to survive outside of your body.
Now that all of her major body systems are in place and functioning, she needs padding to protect and insulate her organs.
Supplying much of your baby's energy needs, lipids help add the padding that protects the organs and insulates the body.
«The liver is one of the most busy, active organs in the body,» Wang said, so the healthy liver already needs a lot of energy.
Inflicting less collateral damage to surrounding organs and healthy tissues, it can minimize side effects and increase cure rates for some cancers — just what patients with small bodies like Jonathan need.
These chips are important for eliminating many early problematic amalgams, but animal tests are still needed to see how a drug is broken down by multiple organs in the body — the liver and gut, in particular — and how the broken - down metabolites circulate to other organs, the 29 - year - old San Jose, Calif., native says.
In order to achieve therapeutic levels at the pathological site, physicians need to deliver large amounts of the drug that may cause adverse effects to other organs in the body.
Most animals, including humans, have two copies of their genome — the full set of instructions needed to make every cell, tissue, and organ in the body.
One likely reason for this is that animals undergo cellular differentiation; human life begins as a single cell that differentiates into the various cell types needed for different organs, body parts, blood, the immune system, etc..
It's for those reasons that skeptics such as myself have voiced a concern about whole organ freezing because it's very difficult to apply the protective material that cells need to survive to large tissues or large organs or body parts.
But because it lacks the pigments that cover the rest of the octopus's body, the sex organ needs to be inconspicuous most of the time to avoid attracting predators.
It gets stuck in the earliest stage of wormy development, making the same larval cells repeatedly while failing to form the organs and body parts needed for later life — including the vulva required to get the eggs out of its body.
Contrast agents, injected into the patient during an MRI procedure and designed to be quickly cleared from the body by the kidneys afterwards, are needed to make fine details of organ structures, blood vessels, and other specific tissues clearly visible in the images.
«All epithelial cells — and that's the cells that make up most of the organs in our bodies — can do this, so you could imagine that this type of local chamber could be forming transiently in many different parts of the body, whenever cells need to self - organise and communicate,» Gilmour says.
«If there's one organ in your body that needs to be plastic and adaptable, it's your brain,» LaDu says.
Your body also needs energy for digestion, muscle growth and repair as well as to pump blood to vital organs.
This means that even if you're a couch potato all day and you do nothing but breathe and blink, your body will still need calories to keep its vital organs functioning.
Hormones are the chemical messengers that make up our body's communication system, where every different hormone represents a specific «message» or instruction that needs to travel throughout the body to reach its destination and influence the function of an organ.
By addressing important lifestyle factors and changing your focus to eating nutrient - dense foods that support optimal gut health (and optimal health of your gut microorganisms), that restore levels of important nutrients and provide all of the building blocks that your body needs to heal and properly regulate the immune system, that help resolve inflammation and support organ function, you create an environment in your body conducive to healing.
Your body's biggest organ needs to stay in tip - top shape because it has important jobs to do — like shielding you from pathogens, the elements, and everyday bumps and falls.
Magnesium is needed by every organ in the body, and also plays a part in the makeup of bones and teeth.
Consider this: the body contains high concentrations of many minerals and nutrients, and while it needs water, it also must have the proper concentration of these nutrients in bones, blood and organs to function properly.
While sleeping, we repair damaged tissues and organs, we metabolize hormones our body no longer needs, and our brains use this time to organize our thoughts and experiences, and to make permanent neurological links (memories) for the learning we experienced that day.
Actually, meat provides both high - quality protein and vitamin D (if you eat the fat and organ meats, that is), both of which are needed to maintain proper acid - alkaline balance in the body.
The appropriate remedies are going to help reduce the toxic load on the organ in need — sometimes our bodies are processing so many toxins from our environment, body care products and the food we eat, that our organs become overwhelmed with the elimination process.
The job of organs like the liver is to remove toxins from the body, and as such, they store many fat soluble vitamins and nutrients needed to accomplish this task.
Aside from the bumps and broken bones and shock - inducing injuries, external chemicals like anesthesia, the spray that most of our food is covered in, hard drugs, and other substances that our organs works hard to filter — a residue is left behind that creates a toxic state in the body that needs to be flushed out.
The body contains high concentrations of many minerals and nutrients, and while it needs water, it also must have the proper concentration of these nutrients in bones, blood, and organs to function properly.
In addition to helping with temperature regulation, your body needs fluid to transport oxygen and nutrients, flush out waste and toxins, lubricate joints and organs, and convert food into usable fuel.
Our bodies need carbohydrates for energy and proper organ function.
Eat the good stuff most of the time and not only will you be nurturing your organs and systems with all the nutrients you need (and nothing processed, artificial or toxic, i.e. stuff you don't need), but your body will be well equipped to handle the not - so - good - for - you (but oh - so - goooood) stuff once in a while.
You need a certain amount of body fat to protect your organs, but too much puts you at higher risk for chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes and heart disease.
This is a catabolic state where your body is pulling protein from your muscles and other organs in your body to get the nitrogen it needs.
As the body's largest organ, the skin needs the most cells.
The human body needs protein to survive, not only to build muscle but also to build every structure in our bodies — from our nails to our organs to our skin.
* Adequate protein intake allows our bodies to put together the structures that make up every cell, tissue, and organ, as well as generate the biochemical substances needed for cardiovascular function, muscle contraction, growth, and healing.
Keep in mind that your skin is the largest organ in your body and it needs to remain healthy too.
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