Sentences with phrase «bone tumor research»

DOI: 10.4236 / jct.2014.54045 8,020 Downloads 14,270 Views Citations This article belongs to the Special Issue on Bone Tumor Research

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In the phase I / II clinical trial of 20 patients, the engineered cells were deemed safe, trafficked to the site of the tumor (bone marrow), and persisted in 90 percent of the patients who reached two years follow up after infusion, the research team found.
Recent research has suggested that tumor - infiltrating myeloid cells are initially produced in the bone marrow.
Research interests include cartilage and joint diseases such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, bone tumors, and genetic bone diseases including chondrodysplasia
Dr. Jason Yustein's laboratory is part of the Sarcoma Research Labs of the Bone Tumor Program and Ewing Sarcoma Center.
Background In our institute, the first research program on disseminated tumor cells (DTC) detection in the bone marrow of early breast cancer patients was initiated in the late 90's; with about a thousand patients included, we constituted one of the largest cohort ever reported and contributed to the landmark report that established bone marrow DTC as a level - of - evidence 1 prognostic factor in early breast cancer (Braun, N Engl J Med 2005).
Clinicians also conduct clinical research and three current, ongoing studies include investigations into canine osteosarcoma, the most common bone cancer in dogs; soft tissue sarcomas, the most common type of solid tumors in dogs; and feline fibrosarcoma, injection - site tumors in cats.
During her residency, Dr. Fritz lectured nationally on a spectrum of tumor types and was awarded a research certificate on osteosarcoma (bone cancer).
Research conducted at the new park could benefit patients with bone tumors or spinal injures, as well as athletes suffering from a variety of sports injuries.
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