Sentences with phrase «bootstrapped mediation analyses»

Bootstrapped mediation analyses testing the indirect effect of the gender imbalance reminder on the perceived organizational support for family - friendly policies via stereotype threat revealed that the indirect effects of the gender imbalance reminder through stereotype threat was significant (IE = -0.09, SE = 0.05, 95 % CI: -0.23, -0.02) 4.
Bias - corrected bootstrapping mediation analyses were used to examine the hypothesized models.

Not exact matches

Models with dysfunctional emotion regulation as a mediation variable were tested via hierarchical multiple regression analyses and bootstrapping procedure.
Path analysis was conducted and bootstrapping technique (N... = 5000), a resampling method that is asymptotically more accurate than the standard intervals using sample variance and assumptions of normality, was used to judge the significance of the mediation.
In the three - path mediation analysis, we used the multivariate delta estimator using the following equation from [109]: This variance estimate was used in Empirical Bayes estimation procedure for second - level bootstrapping of the path coefficients [8].
Mediation analysis was conducted using the bootstrapping resampling method using 5000 bootstrap resamples (Preacher and Hayes 2008).
Multiple mediation analyses employed a bootstrapping approach to test the significance of the indirect effect of the independent variable (IV; personality traits) on the outcome variable (DV; EWB) through the mediator (M; fALFF of brain regions), which was calculated as the product of the effect of IV on M and that of M on DV.
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