Sentences with phrase «bright areas indicate»

Bright areas indicate intense magnetic activity.
Aurora's irradiance engine produces a map showing the solar access value at each point on the roof surface (brighter areas indicate higher solar insolation).

Not exact matches

In these comparisons, the coldest areas near the south pole also were very bright, indicating the presence of ice or other highly reflective materials.
In JAC's image the brightest emission area which indicates the greatest concentration of dust, is centered not on Vega but on a spot located from the star about twice the distance between Pluto and the Sun in the Solar system.
Yet, for all this variety, certain features tended to recur throughout Hammersley's career: areas of bright, unbroken colour, a complex and ambiguous attitude to pictorial space and, above all, a playfulness indicated by the suggestive titles - Persuasion (1960), Tact (1973), Cool de Sac (1977) and Tango (1980).
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