Sentences with phrase «british immigration system»

What happened to Radha Patel is a case study in the moral and operational failings of the British immigration system.

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New Zealand and Canada have a lot in common as former British colonies with Westminster - style political systems, big farming interests and significant immigration populations.
There are some excellent ways to do this: by 41 % to 22 %, British people think that immigration has a positive impact on the economy; by 53 % to 17 %, they agree that immigrants work hard and make a contribution to Britain; and by 62 % to 15 %, they think that under a well - managed system, immigration can be good for Britain.
Confidence in the immigration system is low and has been for some time and the British public have consistently shown a desire to see net migration at far lower levels than we are currently seeing.
Because while controlled immigration can bring great benefits — filling skills shortages, delivering public services, making British businesses the world - beaters they often are — when the numbers get too high, public support for the system falters.
In fifth place this week is a piece which suggested that changes to how the British asylum system works could indicate that the home secretary is starting to implement aspects of the immigration speech she delivered to the Conservative party conference last month.
These changes to the marriage route are needed urgently for three reasons: to protect women and girls from pressure; because the British public have a long - held commitment to fairness; and to ensure that the immigration system is one that we can be confident in.
In British politics, the Shadow Home Secretary is the person within the shadow cabinet who «shadows» the Home Secretary; this effectively means scrutinising government policy on home affairs including policing, national security, immigration, the criminal justice system, the prison service, and matters of citizenship.
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