Sentences with phrase «bronze tier plan»

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The new ACA plans were rolled out in four different tiers, from lower - end bronze policies all the way up to platinum policies with the beefiest benefits.
To make comparing medical insurance plans easier, policies are grouped into metal tiers: bronze, silver, gold or platinum.
Don't choose a bronze - tier health plan if you want a plan that pays for most of your health care expenses.
In choosing a health plan, if the most important factor to you is a low monthly premium, a bronze - tier health plan can be a good choice.
While all plans fall into the metal tiers (Bronze, Silver, Gold & Platinum) their monthly rates and prescription coverage can vary.
In most states, spending 5 percent of your income on health insurance premiums will also land you squarely within range for a silver plan - which is the mid-level plan in the «metal tier» system of health plans (platinum, gold, silver, bronze).
Each plan sold through the Virginia marketplace for individuals falls under one of four «metallic» coverage tiers: bronze, silver, gold or platinum.
Each plan sold through the Louisiana marketplace for individuals falls under one of four «metallic» coverage tiers: bronze, silver, gold or platinum.
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