Sentences with phrase «business suit software»

Not exact matches

Similar to how Google's Jamboard is tailored to work with Google's (goog) lineup of business apps and how the Surface Hub is designed to work best with Microsoft's (msft) Office software, Cisco's new device is best suited for Cisco software — specifically Cisco's Spark work collaboration software.
Before choosing what bookkeeping software (including spreadsheets) would best suit your business, consider the following questions:
ORG won't sell you something that doesn't fit the way you do business, or suggest you change your methods to suit the limitations and assumptions of a software package.
One of the companies that bid for Social Security National Trust's (SSNIT) Operating Business Suit (OBS) software deal, Persol System has rubbished the selection criteria for the contract.
The IT services company NEC Corporation is currently developing «VIP identification» software, which it describes as «suited to hospitality environments or businesses [that] need to identify important visitors.»
Be it a business or consumer, Norton offers a special security software to suit the needs of everyone.
Stanford Law Professor Mark Lemley, a patent litigator at Durie Tangri and a founder of Lex Machina, said that he thought more patentees were deciding not to file suit after Alice: «In the last two months, we've seen over a dozen decisions invalidating software and business method patents on the basis of Alice.
While Apple will probably be quick to point out that the software updates in question were meant to prevent users from encountering unexpected shut downs on phones with degraded batteries, the Illinois suit claims that Apple's failure to inform consumers about the full extent of these software updates is in direction violation of Illinois Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practice Art, along with similar consumer protection laws in Indiana and North Carolina.
You can check out the various customer service software on the internet to see which one has the features that best suit what you desire to achieve in your business.
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