Sentences with phrase «by having an interest»

Many of them do not understand that the threat of catastrophic judgment is brought on by their nation as nation and by its vested interests: neglect of the least privileged in this country and beyond, economic exploitation, popular media saturated in violence, the support of repressive client regimes, military buildup and the corporate destruction of the environment.
But Latin America reemphasizes the struggles for power and domination by vested interests.
and noted the need to «stop it being shaped by vested interests to imprint their agenda.»
A silenced media will result in gradual control of information by vested interests, with governments ultimately not questioned to their legitimacy or authority.
A news media where there is no real news, because everything is authorised and approved by a vested interest, is a frightening one indeed.
These and similar public banks have been, and are being, fiercely attacked by the vested interests in private sector banking and corporations, who rightly see public banks as a threat to their financial dominance.
Otherwise the government would just end up corrupted by vested interests with political power out to protect their own turf.
It is true his reforms have been thwarted by vested interests, but the idea that voters will continue to reward them the status of an anti-mainstream party is simply unrealistic.
This cause has long been blocked by an establishment resistant to change and by the vested interests who benefit from maintaining the power of political patronage, while keeping the power of people out.
For me, that has been informed by having an interest in Irish history, partly on the grounds of having some Irish lineage myself.
If there was any doubt that Public Sector supply side reforms will be fought every step of the way by the vested interests of the status quo, you only have to listen to the views of the last Labour Prime Minister to attempt them.
«The public expect a big bang reform, untainted by vested interests or political calculation.
Reforms lead to less accountability, more centralisation and vulnerability to capture by vested interests — as we've seen with idiotic Free Schools (seen to be failing in Finland).
We now need to refocus our efforts to ensure that the proposed reforms become stronger and even fairer, and do not get watered down by vested interests.
One of the reasons the «controversy» over crops improved through biotechnology persists, is because it is manufactured and sustained by a well - organized, ongoing campaign, funded and sustained by vested interests.
43] But creating a social or psychological divide and magnifying it is a function done by vested interest groups in all spheres who predominantly use media as a tool and this can preferably be avoided by sane and responsible persons.
Simple solutions proposed by vested interests, such as «higher expenditures, smaller classes... added support and administrative personnel» will not do.
There's only one way to write a best seller — and that's to start writing the books that come BEFORE it straight away — without being put off by vested interests who keep trying to keep the gates closed by saying things like it's going to cost an arm and a leg to self - publish, or that writing like Hemingway is what is needed to «succeed».
At every point of decision in her life she refused to be cowed by vested interests — whether they were polluting companies or aggressive, male - dominated political parties.
VA home loans can also offer you substantial savings on your monthly payments by not requiring private mortgage insurance (unlike FHA) and by having interest rates that are 0.5 % to 1 % lower than conventional mortgages.
By having an interest rate reduced and nothing else change about the loan terms, the loan payment will drop.
Then there's another 20 % who stick with spirits (and occasionally dabble in old - timey cocktails, served by v interesting people in waistcoats)-- because the ads remind them how classy whiskey & vodka drinking really is (er, at 2 am, I'd beg to differ...).
The lack of protection of the Gray Whale is driven solely and wholly by vested interests who have zero concern for the continuing survival of these magnificent creatures.
But, as far as I can see, the «attacks» by vested interests are not even able to make legitimate points (e.g. uncertainty about the effects of clouds or aerosols in climate models).
Their objections to agw all lack rationality, because their real underlying objections are driven by vested interests and politics.So they clutch at any argument no matter how superfical and stupid like CO2 is plantfood, climate changed before, its a liberal conspiracy, data is fake and endless assorted nonsense.
It really points to very serious widespread problems in the U.S. academic and journalistic professions — you can't do research on renewable energy in the U.S. academic system, because of fossil fuel influence, and you can't get honest coverage of renewable energy initiatives in the U.S. press, also because of undue influence by vested interests — and more often than not these days, those vested interests are in finance, not in industry.
When the implications of their work are such that great upset can result from any misunderstanding of its particulars or there are attempts to misrepresent those particulars by vested interests, the scientist has no choice but to become a public voice, and even to engage in advocacy.
Global warming is a particular difficult science because of the vast sums being spent by vested interests in fossil fuels to encourage doubt in the results.
To quote Malcom; Global warming is a particular difficult science because of the vast sums being spent by vested interests in fossil fuels to encourage doubt in the results.
Attacks on the credibility of climate science are perpetuated by vested interests, including the fossil fuel industry, which has pumped millions of dollars into creating uncertainty about our understanding of climate change.
Pachauri has admitted to the errors, but said the controversy has been triggered by vested interests who are out to reduce the importance of the climate change debate.
In this case, there are weaknesses in all parts of the chain that hamper the communication and use of climate science: A lack of good communication by scientists, a lack of scientific literacy amongst the public, the education system, the political system, a lack of fact - checking by the media, disinformation by vested interests, etc..
The merging and blurring of fact and opinion adopted by vested interest groups in their propaganda will not persuade many.
The importance of public demonstrations of frustration at both the lack of political progress on climate change and the barriers presented by vested interests is widely recognised — including by government itself.
Every trick, lie and deceitful attempt by vested interests to delay action on global warming is exposed, along with the tactics of their well - oiled propaganda machine, including the same unscrupulous scientists, handed down from Big Tobacco to Big Carbon.
Additional pressure was applied to the political agents by those vested interests whose sustained profitability was based on the extraction, refining, marketing and use of fossil energy as the ground of the global economy.»
Well - known so - called «sceptics» were found to have been pay - rolled by the Institute, often contrary to those individuals» earlier denials of funding by vested interests.
Roger Pielke Jr, however, offers us a more thoroughgoing analysis than the simple story of goodies, armed with science, versus baddies armed by vested interests with lies:
Strategic Use of the Rebellious Urge What worries me more, however, is the deliberate attempts by vested interests to frame the environmental debate in terms of freedom versus responsibility, or authoritarianism versus liberty.
Carter et al. [1] are critical of the peer review system of scientific journals, but do not suggest alternative ways of stemming a flood of uncontrolled material into the scientific literature, opening it to disinformation and interference by vested interests.
There could be a difference between free speech of individuals, which should definitely be upheld, and concerted (often - financed) efforts by vested interests to promote the dissemination of toxic substances (the classic example being tobacco smoking).
Nina Teicholz's book The Big Fat Surprise shows in devastating detail how opponents of Ancel Keys's dietary fat hypothesis were starved of grants and frozen out of the debate by an intolerant consensus backed by vested interests, echoed and amplified by a docile press....
The disinformation and obfuscation inflicted by vested interests and their mouthpieces have already cost the world at least ten years delay in advancing effective countermeasures to climate change.
I very much look forward to James Randerson's investigation of the unprecedented assault on climate science by vested interests.
More on the subject of funding of Green NGOs by vested interests, Activist Cash shows that Greenpeace had received $ 1.08 m from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and $ 115,000 from the Rockefeller Family Fund.

Not exact matches

Barely - there interest rates, made possible by unconventional monetary policy since the last recession, have driven investors into dividend - paying products, and that has pushed P / Es higher.
The Times could obviously argue that the public interest outweighs the restrictions imposed by these laws, but not everyone is convinced it would succeed.
Buoyed by uncommonly low interest rates, the industry has boasted of double - digit returns; the past few years, at least anecdotally, have been especially rich.
At the March 20 - 21 meeting, the Federal Open Market Committee voted to raise its benchmark interest rate by 25 basis points to a range of 1.50 % to 1.75 %, as had been widely expected.
So if someone initially says no or «I'm not interested,» follow up by asking, «But would you consider XYZ?»
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