Sentences with phrase «c t fit»

Not exact matches

The Durango SXT is fitted with Uconnect 4.0 and a 7 - inch touchscreen, and the Durango Citadel, Durango R / T, Durango Citadel Anodized Platinum and Durango SRT are equipped with Uconnect 4.0 C with navigation and an 8.4 - inch touchscreen.
We've got the C - HR 1.2 T with mid-grade Excel trim, but Toyota has fitted the Premium Pack to this car which means we get full black leather for the seats and the JBL Premium audio.
A note for the technically minded: The quadratic fit to the sea - level curve can be written as: SL (t) = a t ^ 2 + b t + c, where t = time and a, b and c are constants.
Over the whole 0 - 500 C range, the point scatter about the fit yielded an estimate of average systematic error in T = (+ / --RRB- 29 C.
More relevant to SST's, I evaluated point scatter in the 0 - 200 C data separately, getting the fitted equation: 1000 * ln - alpha = 2.74 * (10 ^ 6 / T)-2.77, r ^ 2 = 0.99999.
tree $ smooth < - fitted (tree $ age) tree $ delta < - tree $ x / tree $ smooth series < - c (unlist (tapply (tree $ delta, factor (tree $ year), mean, na.rm = TRUE)-RRB--RRB- series < - ts (series, end = 1996,) #max (tree $ year)-RRB- RCS.chronology0, select = c (year, age)-RRB- Y = subset (yamal, age49 & age99 & age149 & age199 & age249 & age299 & age349 & age399, select = c (year, age)-RRB-
if (method ==» nls»)-LCB- fm < - nls (x ~ A+B * exp -LRB-- C * age), data = tree, start = list (A = mean (tree $ x, na.rm = T) / 4, B = mean (tree $ x, na.rm = T), C =.01), alg = «default», trace = TRUE, control = nls.control (maxiter = 200, tol = 1e - 05, minFactor = 1e - 10)-RRB-; B < - coef (fm); fitted < - function (x) B [1] + B [2] * exp -LRB-- B [3] * x)-RCB-
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z