Sentences with phrase «co2 returned to surface»

No CO2 returned to surface.
No CO2 returned to surface.

Not exact matches

These trials have mainly taken place in sandstone aquifers, however, the injected CO2 primarily remains present as a bubble that can return to the surface if is there are fracture in the capping formation.
There is such an equilibrium exchange of CO2 between atmosphere and the surface layer of the oceans, and there is the natural equilibrium that most of vegetation first grows and then decays and returns CO2 to the atmosphere.
Atmospheric greenhouse effect would seem to be dependent on the assumption that CO2 re-radiates energy, part of which returns to the surface.
Second, the ocean absorbs CO2 on average all across the lower density surface as the waters cool by radiation to space on their return to the poles.
When those stored molecules eventually return to the surface, pH can be lowered due to respiration of ancient carbon, independent of atmospheric CO2.
Water now returning to the surface having entered deep ocean during the MWP may be inducing release of oceanic CO2 in response to altered pH, and this release could be expected to provide the steady increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration (of at least 1.5 ppm / year) that is observed to be independent of temperature variations.
However, I have repeatedly pointed out that the opposite is also possible because the deep ocean waters now returning to ocean surface could be altering the pH of the ocean surface layer with resulting release of CO2 from the ocean surface layer.
«It is likely that the current powerful run of positive Pacific Decadal Oscillations is the pulse of warmth from the Mediaeval Warm Period returning to the surface with the consequent inevitable increase in atmospheric CO2 as that warmer water fails to take up as much CO2 by absorption.»
CO2 intercepts and absorbs this energy and now CO2 warms up respectively and therefore begins to increase it's radiation, — half of which (estimates may vary) returns to the surface and is now near to the end of it's first circuit.
The IR will be absorbed in the downward direction just as easily as in the upward direction so the more CO2 in the atmosphere the harder it is for IR to return to the surface.
With respect to reemitted energy the CO2 molecule will reemit energy exactly at one of its resonant frequencies and as the beer's law calculation shows the mean path of a resonant frequency is only 2 meters so how can this energy return to the earth's surface.
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