Sentences with phrase «cu school of medicine»

A recent study by the University of Colorado Cancer Center and CU School of Medicine examined obese rats with breast cancer and found some important insights.
James DeGregori, Ph.D., CU School of Medicine: Study increase in leukemia incidence and other problems with blood cell production, including reduced immunity
Tamim H. Shaikh, Ph.D., CU School of Medicine: Research genetic modifiers of autism spectrum disorders in patients with Down syndrome
Karl Pfenninger, M.D., CU School of Medicine: Study causes of intellectual disability associated with Down syndrome, specifically the APP protein
Anne - Laure Perraud, Ph.D., CU School of Medicine: Determine the role of a chromosome 21 protein that forms an ion channel in innate immune dysfunction in Down syndrome
Aaron Johnson, Ph.D., CU School of Medicine: Reconstitute chromosome 21 in the test tube to understand how it can be turned off by an RNA molecule
We're discovering new genetic alterations driving lung cancer, new drugs to target these alterations, and are refining our use of tests to find these alterations in individual patients,» says Dara Aisner, MD, PhD, investigator at the University of Colorado Cancer Center, molecular pathologist at CU School of Medicine Department of Pathology, and one of the panel experts.
The work, published Friday in the journal PLOS ONE, was done by Wenbo Zhou, PhD, research associate professor of medicine and Curt Freed, MD, professor of medicine and division head of the Division of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology at the CU School of Medicine.
Groups around the country have tried to create cell and animal models of ACC but haven't been successful,» says Katja Kiseljak - Vassiliades, DO, CU Cancer Center investigator and assistant professor in the CU School of Medicine Division of Endocrinology.
The more it's expressed only on cancer cells, the more targeted the therapy becomes,» says Colin Weekes, MD, PhD, CU Cancer Center investigator and assistant professor in the Division of Oncology at the CU School of Medicine.
«Knowing this mechanism that underlies IL - 37's effect on the immune system now allows us to study IL - 37 function and perhaps dysfunction in a wide range of diseases,» says Mayumi Fujita, MD, PhD, investigator at the University of Colorado Cancer Center, associate professor in the CU School of Medicine Department of Dermatology, and the paper's senior author.
And so the challenge is matching drugs with many effects to cancers with many causes in a way that best maps the drugs» effects onto the intended targets,» says Aik Choon Tan, PhD, investigator at the University of Colorado Cancer Center and associate professor of Bioinformatics at the CU School of Medicine.
«In other words, we wanted to make sure these signatures were meaningful in real, human tumors and not just an artifact of being grown in a dish,» says James Costello, PhD, investigator at the CU Cancer Center and assistant professor in the CU School of Medicine Department of Pharmacology.
But this is a different disease and the treatments that work in sun - caused melanoma don't work in non-sun melanoma,» says William A. Robinson, MD, investigator at the CU Cancer Center and the Rella and Monroe Rifkin Endowed Chair of Medical Oncology at the CU School of Medicine.
«Even outside these specific findings with cancer, what we're saying is that flavonoids are active and not always in good or even predictable ways,» says Steven K. Nordeen, PhD, investigator at the CU Cancer Center and professor emeritus in the Department of Pathology at the CU School of Medicine.
«We have seen SF3B1 mutation in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and in myeloid dysplastic disorders, and now we show its importance in mucosal melanoma,» says Aik Choon Tan, PhD, investigator at the CU Cancer Center and associate professor of Bioinformatics at the CU School of Medicine.
«These people are born with a broken gene and it sets them up for leukemia,» says Chris Porter, MD, investigator at the CU Cancer Center and associate professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the CU School of Medicine.
«For someone to go up against alectinib, it would be nice to know earlier if there might be an improvement,» says Robert C. Doebele, MD, PhD, investigator at the University of Colorado Cancer Center and associate professor of Medical Oncology at the CU School of Medicine.
Guido Frank, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry and neuroscience at CU School of Medicine, and his colleagues report that the bigger brain may be the reason people with anorexia are able to starve themselves.

Not exact matches

It's time for the Surgeon General to say the same thing about UV tanning,» says Robert P. Dellavalle, MD, PhD, MSPH, investigator at the CU Cancer Center, associate professor of dermatology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, and the study's senior author.
In addition to Kojic and Cu - Uvin, other authors on the paper are co-corresponding author Michelle Cespedes of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York, Minhee Kang, Triin Umbleja, Catherine Godfrey, Reena Allen, Cynthia Firnhaber, Beatriz Grinsztejn, Joel Palefsky, Jennifer Webster - Cyriaque, Alfred Saah, and Judith Aberg.
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