Sentences with phrase «calvin wrote»

Directed by Little Miss Sunshine's team of Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris, Ruby Sparks isn't the exercise in stevia - dusted whimsy that it sounds like, especially once a flesh - and - blood Ruby suddenly materializes — exactly as Calvin wrote her — with no awareness that she began as a fictional literary character.
Somewhat later, Calvin wrote: «Where the Word is heard with reverence and the sacraments are not neglected there we discover... an appearance of the Church.
Calvin wrote a letter recommending that Servetus be killed, and the Council decided that Servetus «be burned alive, at a slow fire, till his body he reduced to a cinder.»
«For,» Calvin wrote, «excommunication differs from anathema; the latter, which ought to be very rarely or never resorted to, precluding all pardon, execrates a person and devotes him to eternal perdition; whereas excommunication rather censures and punishes his conduct.»
John Calvin wrote commentaries on every book of the Bible but one.
It was then that I remembered something I heard somewhere in Bible college... that one of the reasons John Calvin wrote The Institutes of the Christians Religion was to provide a theological supplement for his numerous commentaries.
In the sixteenth century, the Reformed theologian John Calvin wrote this about childbirth: Although it is by the operation of natural causes that infants come into the world... yet therein the wonderful providence of God brightly shines forth.
In his commentary on this text, John Calvin wrote that this proves that David was a transgressor before he ever saw the light of the world (Calvin, Calvin's Commentaries, Psalms v2: 290).
First, the obvious: Calvin wrote a systematic theology.
Here, for example, is what John Calvin wrote about Genesis 12:1 - 3:
You know, John Calvin wrote his «doctrinal statement» («The Institutes») over many, many year.
In his Commentary on Titus, Calvin wrote «All truth is from God; and consequently, if wicked men have said anything that is true and just, we ought not to reject it; for it has come from God.»
In a rather exhaustive eighty - page subject index for the Institutes, one finds Calvin writing about divine love only in four paragraphs.52 In four columns of citations concerning «Christ,» only a single one involves love, God's loving act in Christ.53 And at no point in his extensive scriptural references did Calvin even deal at all with 1 John 4:8, 16.
After all, in describing the satisfaction work in one's calling brings, Calvin writes, «Each man will bear and swallow the discomforts, vexations, weariness, and anxieties in his way of life, when he has been persuaded that the burden was laid upon him by God.»
Posts about Iconoclasm; Scottish Reformation; Waagan; Bonkil; Knox; Calvin written by AWC 6 Responses to The Spurtle; customs, myths, legends and lump free Porridge
Struggling with finding a love life, Calvin writes a character he would consider perfect, a manic pixie dreamgirl named Ruby Sparks.
When the perky, perfect Ruby starts to slip away and develop a life beyond him, Calvin writes her right back by his side, rendering her overly clingy.

Not exact matches

I wrote earlier in the week about Calvin Klein CEO Steve Schiffman, who disclosed plans to bring back iconic pitchwoman Brooke Shields.
John Calvin had a stipend of 250 gallons of wine per year written into his church contract.
He also makes, at the end of his lengthy account of the papacy's failings, an appealing, if brief, case for reform within — not apart from — the church: «I prefer the company of Ignatius of Loyola to that of Luther, or Charles Borromeo to Calvin, Philip Neri to Melanchthon,» he writes.
It is not entirely clear why Calvin came to be associated with the address» some believed he had a hand in writing it» but in any event he too left Paris in haste.
God is Uncategorized Bible & Theology Topics: Bible commentary, Books by Jeremy Myers, John Calvin, Jonah, Theology - General, writing
I mean, John Calvin really seem to enjoy torturous methods to get people to fall in line, and in his later years, Martin Luther seemed to be quite literally stark raving mad judging by some of what he wrote.
«The Festival of Faith and Writing at Calvin College is a biennial conference that brings together writers, editors, publishers, musicians, artists, and readers for three days of discussing and celebrating insightful writing that explores, in some significant way, issues of faith.Writing at Calvin College is a biennial conference that brings together writers, editors, publishers, musicians, artists, and readers for three days of discussing and celebrating insightful writing that explores, in some significant way, issues of faith.writing that explores, in some significant way, issues of faith.»
But there is nothing that Luther himself wrote that is analogous in scope to Calvin's Institutes.
John Calvin also wrote in various places of the image of God as having been destroyed by sin, obliterated by the Fall, and utterly defaced by unrighteousness.
On the question of biblical authority in Reformation theology much has been written but especial note should be taken on A. Skevington Wood, Captive to the Word: Martin Luther, Doctor of Sacred Scripture (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1969); Kenneth Kantzer, «Calvin and the Holy Scripture,» in Inspiration and Interpretation, ed.
Barbara Pitkin writes that «Calvin himself appears not to have advocated the use of physical force in response to sin in children; though he recognized the need for parental discipline, his explicit remedies were baptism and education (albeit strict and structural) into faith and morality.»
The Gospels, John Calvin once remarked, were not written «in such a manner as to preserve, on all occasions, the exact order of time.»
It is Calvin who writes in May that year: «My very dear Brothers: the king has peremptorily refused all the requests made by Messieurs of Berne... All earthly hope is gone; they will be executed:»... let enemies do their utmost, they never shall be able to bury out of sight that light which God has made to shine in you...» (Ibid., p. 148, 150).
Commenting on Calvin's recognition of this fact, Barth wrote:
Reading each reference, it is clear that Calvin treated it as apocalyptic literature, written for the comfort of the suffering, persecuted church in the first century and that he found in it notes of comfort for every age.
The Reformer John Calvin, who wrote commentaries on almost every book in the Bible, did not write one on Revelation.
So this time next week I'll be headed to Grand Rapids, Michigan for theFestival of Faith and Writing at Calvin College.
Thursday, April 10, 2014 - Saturday, April 12, 2014 Calvin College Festival of Faith and Writing Grand Rapids, MI 2 keynotes; Q&A More info (
In her fine book Hawthorne: Calvin's Ironic Stepchild, the distinguished Hawthorne scholar Agnes M. Donohue has persuasively argued for the presence in his writing of a «Calvinist - ordained irony,» and has also tried to solve the «mystery» of the illness and artistic decline of Hawthorne's last decade.
John Calvin (1509 - 64) wrote a vigorous refutation of this view entitled Psychopannychia, in which he said, «Our controversy, then, relates to the HUMAN SOUL.
As here, so Calvin reads the entire book of Daniel as addressed to contemporaries at the time of writing with understandable historical and social references, therefore relevant for those who first hear or read it.
However, but for it Calvin would never have written his Institutes and the other Protestant theologies would not have been.
Pinsky and Riess have written what amount to commentaries that are not unlike scholars» commentaries on books of the Bible or on Aquinas's Summa or Calvin's Institutes.
Welcoming me to the Calvin faculty, he also wrote that I was making an important commitment in this assignment.
(This was near the time Joseph Smith wrote the book of Mormon because of a «vision») Prior to that, no theologian or denomination had ever suggested a «two stage» coming of Christ; not Martin Luther, not Calvin, not Wycliff.
The balance Calvin strikes between passion and restraint often infuses his writing with a distinct quality of controlled intensity.
Within weeks I went from speaking on TV about David Beckham and Cristiano Ronaldo to writing papers on John Calvin and Jonathan Edwards.
If a theologian is writing for the common people who have neither time nor ability to acquire the knowledge of letters, Calvin reasoned, then the theologian's writing must be clear and brief.
In the same century, John Calvin believed the book to be canonical, yet it was the only New Testament book on which he did not write a commentary.
This is not too surprising, especially for someone who wrote as voluminously as did John Calvin.
«We shall never be clearly persuaded, as we ought to be,» writes John Calvin, «that our salvation flows from the wellspring of Gods free mercy until we come to know his eternal election, which illumines God's grace by this contrast: that God does not indiscriminately adopt all into the hope of salvation but gives to some what God denies to others»
One looks in vain in Luther, Calvin, Baxter, Wesley, Edwards, and all the major figures of three centuries of Protestant writing, for any more than incidental treatment of the problems of the economic, political and legal structures of life.
Paul van Buren was a disciple of Karl Barth, under whom he wrote his excellent doctoral dissertation on Calvin's teaching about Christ as the true life of men; Hamilton was an opponent of natural theology in all its forms, even if he studied at St Andrews under Donald Baillie — but it was the so - called «rico - orthodox» line which had attracted him, theologically; Altizer is a slightly different case.
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