Sentences with phrase «caribbean staghorn»

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Since the 1970s it has swept through the Caribbean's staghorn and elkhorn corals.
In the early 1980s, staghorn corals in the Caribbean suddenly died off massively — and never recovered.
Staghorn coral populations have declined as much as 90 % in the Caribbean since the 1980s.
In addition, we are proposing that two Caribbean species — elkhorn and staghorn corals — already listed under the ESA be reclassified from threatened to endangered.
Many reefs across the Caribbean, * right up to the Florida Keys, have been devastated since the 1970s by a series of assaults from introduced diseases of Acropora coral (elkhorn and staghorn) and sea urchins (which help keep algae at bay), compounded by flows of pollution and overfishing accompanying rapid development.
There are currently no prohibitions relating to individual conduct, except for those related to the two previously listed elkhorn and staghorn corals in the Caribbean.
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