Sentences with phrase «catechism answer»

To the question whether it is necessary to move on from the benefits of Christ to the Holy Catholic Church, Calvin's catechism answers: «Yes, indeed, unless we want to make Christ's death ineffective and count as nothing all that has been related so far.
Sometime in the late «60s or early «70s you were in a grammar school or high school religion class, and on Friday the nun or brother, dressed in habit or clerical garb, was demanding verbatim catechism answers that were fully self - contained and highly rational.

Not exact matches

Brian: Cornerstones is a pair of books — one for children and the other for parents — that covers the basic doctrines of the faith in a question - and - answer format, like a catechism.
While the Small Catechism is well suited for the purpose for which it was written, it is not well suited to our modal Evangelical seeker, who already has a passing knowledge of the Scriptures and is looking for deeper answers.
Even a letter can not be answered without con - suiting the encyclopedia, the church secretary, the chairman of the board, or the Heidelberg Catechism.
The good thing about the modern movement is that the person is not clobbered if he does not at once quote the right answer from the catechism.
The answers were all there in the Catechism but were not given.
Not only is Fr Tolhurst encouraging the faithful to use the Catechism as a living document, something that is integral to maturation of faith, but he is also attempting to equip us to answer questions about our faith that others may ask of us:
That highest purpose can be variously defined, but believing Jews and Christians might agree that it was well defined in the answer to the famous opening question of the Westminster Catechism of 1647.
I began studying my Catechism before going home on the weekends, so I'd be prepared to answer them.
Luke, I remember, even 60 years later the answer from the catholic catechism: Q. «Who made me?»
In a moving story concerning his own children's unanimous affirmation of the moral legitimacy of «same - sex sex» he harked back with nostalgia to his «religious instruction... in the 1950s [which] was hardly rigorous, but at least I was taught to memorise the questions and answers of the Penny Catechism
The Catechism of the Catholic Church (1992) says, «For just reasons, spouses may wish to space the births of their children...» The Compendium of the Catechism of 2005, in answer to the question, «When is it moral to regulate births?»
His prominent 1985 simple question and answer New Catechism of Christian Doctrine completely left out any mention of the human soul, in significant contrast with the old «Penny Catechism» of very similar name and format.
[4] The Catechism of the Catholic Church describes popular piety as «a storehouse of values that offers answers of Christian wisdom to the great questions oflife».
The Bishops who convened at the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore in 1884 determined to write a catechism for Catholic children — the famous Baltimore Catechism, which was a standard text in Catholic schools for the next 80 years, its questions and answers about the Church and God learned, by rote, by millions of children, in a fashion that might put Muslim madrassas to shame — and then issued what today would be considered a terribly draconian and medieval (pacatechism for Catholic children — the famous Baltimore Catechism, which was a standard text in Catholic schools for the next 80 years, its questions and answers about the Church and God learned, by rote, by millions of children, in a fashion that might put Muslim madrassas to shame — and then issued what today would be considered a terribly draconian and medieval (paCatechism, which was a standard text in Catholic schools for the next 80 years, its questions and answers about the Church and God learned, by rote, by millions of children, in a fashion that might put Muslim madrassas to shame — and then issued what today would be considered a terribly draconian and medieval (parochial?)
Monty's been spamming his little climate catechism after it was asked and answered.
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