Sentences with phrase «category averaging method»

Single - Category Averaging Method This is the simplest averaging method, but also the least flexible.
The single - category averaging method has been used to determine gain or loss for shares of the XYZ Mutual Fund.

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The «very warm» categories translate to the «much above average» while the «very cold» categories translate to the «much below average» in terms of the NCDC ranking methods.
The weighted average approach places teachers with different combinations of performance metrics into a single category, while the matrix method has the advantage of being able to handle the inconsistent cases differently.
You can figure the average basis yourself using the single - category method.
In our example above with the ABC Fund, the Single Category average cost method was used.
This is very similar to the Single Category method, but you average the shares in subsets according to holding period.
Most mutual fund companies will provide cost basis information for you when you sell your shares — averaged according to the Single Category method.
There are really two average - basis methods — single - and double - category.
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