Sentences with phrase «catholic faith»

That is not what I think of when I think of the Catholic faith.
How could you choose the Catholic faith in our time — a time of turmoil in the Church and evident sin among Catholics, even the clergy?
There are so many things that just don't jive in the Catholic faith.
The Catholic faith has implications for social justice ¯ and that means it also has cultural, economic and political implications.
There is something to that, but maybe people trust the pope, in a way that they do not trust most academic theologians, to tell them the truth about the Catholic faith.
The Catholic faith is never primarily about politics; but Catholic social action, including political action, is a natural byproduct of the Church's moral message.
Many American Nuns have been going directly against many truths the Catholic faith is based on.
In the midst of scandals, intra-ecclesial ideological battles, and a widespread attitude of indifference — if not scorn — toward religion in general and the Catholic faith in particular, a steady stream of courageous souls continue to convert from other confessions — or no confession — to the Catholic faith.
Such evolution does not change the fundamental features of the Catholic faith.
If you love the Catholic faith, by all means stay.
I choose to follow the Catholic faith.
You lack a fundamental understanding of the Catholic faith.
Sad stupid person, you don't know the spiritual life you only cherry pick what you think is wrong with the Catholic faith, stay in your bigoted mind im sure the pope is praying for you.
The final paragraph is a total misrepresentation of the Catholic faith.
Mention of female priests is always a give - away that the writer is clueless about the Catholic faith.
The series may be a ratings giant, but if HBO's goal was to force the audience to ask tough questions about the Catholic faith, it's one big miss.
Recent popes have been at pains to stress the personal lived reality of the Catholic faith.
As Cardinal Ratzinger has emphasized on a number of occasions, the acute reader of the new Catechism will recognize that the Catholic faith is there presented in a manner that has taken into account, albeit not addressing directly, the critique advanced by the Reformation.
This is not, and never has been, the Catholic faith.
What really makes people show disrespectful and not used to civilized / scholarly discussion is when they go into news forums talking about the catholic faith, christianity, judaism etc. and start insulting with a very proud and selfish tone, and in obvious bad faith.
@good: ok here is the truth you all need... the catholic faith was a power play by constintine to rally the whole of the roman empire to his cause, seeing the plebs were converting to jewish based belief system to begin with.
The novelist Flannery O'Connor's Catholic faith nourished her art is amply evidenced in her letters as well as in her fiction.
A systematic crackdown on the catholic faith, targeting womenhood within catholic families.
Augustine, it will be remembered, was helped in his move to the Catholic faith by reading the libri Platonici, which meant of course the books of the neo-Platonists, Porphyry and Plotinus.
the doctrine of «evolutionism» in so far as it inquires into the origin of the human body as coming from pre-existent and living matter — for the Catholic faith obliges us to hold that souls are immediately created by God.»
In 21st - century jargon we might talk about a rebranding, or a repackaging, of the essential truths of the Catholic faith so that they might speak to modern culture.
The updating or «aggiornamento» of the Church did not mean jettisoning unpalatable parts of the Catholic faith in a vain attempt to be more with it; it meant a more effective proclamation of the same gospel that the apostles received from Christ and that has been handed down in and by the Church ever since — in Benedict XVI's words «the continuity of the one subject - Church».
The Catholic faith finds its most compelling proclamation in the lives of faithful Catholics, but within the prevailingcultural context of the western world we would suggest there is one reality that most effectively «radiate [s] the word of truth»: the family.
It includes this passage: «The possibility that the Creator also makes use of the instrument of evolution is one that the Catholic faith can countenance.»
We hope that this in turn will deepen our love for God and give us confidence to live our Catholic faith joyfully.
If these wonderful families, which are such an inspiration to so many, are to reach their full potential and «to radiate the word of truth» that is our Catholic faith in all its luminosity and beauty, then we as a Church must recover the fullness of our faith's teaching on sex and loving.
It is a great opportunity to learn about your Catholic faith and to meet other people!
They realise that Catholic faith has an inherent intelligibility and structure in which the Infinite and the finite are reconciled, not played off against each other.»
«Hold on, stop for a second,» Booker interrupted, «we had leaders in the Catholic Church, leaders in the Catholic faith, in our convention.
Whatever fault we may find with that document in other respects — and Anglicans may be grateful that it is no longer commonly said, as ancient prayer books required, at public worship on certain great festivals of the Christian year — it gives us the right understanding of this triunitarian conception of God when it affirms «This is the Catholic faith: that we worship Godhead in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity.»
And the laity have a right to know about this: clergy have an obligation to preach on this and share the patrimony and history of the Catholic faith with those in their care.
The faithful and their good shepherds are looking to the Vicar of Christ for the confirmation of the Catholic faith and practice regarding marriage, which is the first cell of the life of the Church.»
But no, the hoary old liberal standard - bearer mawkishly burbled, «Pope Benedict XVI's first encyclical confirms him as a man of humour, warmth, humility and compassion, eager to share the love that God «lavishes» on humanity and display it as the answer to the world's deepest needs... This is a document that presents the most attractive face of the Catholic faith and could be put without hesitation into the hands of any inquirer.»
These difficult words and phrases and the way they fit together give us a way into the whole body of the Catholic faith and therefore provide an opportunity for a completely renewed catechesis.
A synod brings a sampling of the world's bishops together to discuss a particular theme, in this case evangelizing those who have drifted away from the Catholic faith, especially in the Western world.
• The ends of marriage are offspring, furthering the Catholic faith and the sacrament itself.
If we are confident concerning the overall coherence of our Catholic Faith we neednot approach with demands for safeguards etc., just complete faithfulness to our own doctrine — and a desire to listen.
Starting with an aspect of love In terms of Cardinal Bertone's helpful summary of the Open Letter, the theological ground upon which we are being invited to build includes: «belief in the one God, the provident Creator... (and that) we are all called to commit ourselves totally to him...» From the point of view of the Catholic faith the latter is an aspect of love for God, an aspect even of communion.
I was away from the church in my teens but I studied on my own and realized the catholic faith is wonderful and beautiful.
It was his custom, every Saturday and Sunday, to get up before dawn and walk nine miles from his home to Mass and then attend classes to deepen his knowledge of the Catholic faith.
He's been arrested; he fell away from and was then reconverted to the Catholic faith of his youth, and he's the head of a family that is marked both by talent and controversy.
The article is about Catholics trying to influence Repubs into immigration reform along the lines of the Catholic faith to which some Repub legislators belong to.
It is a matter of Catholic faith, says the declaration, that there is historical continuity between the two.
It is never easy to adhere to the Catholic faith.
The sacred arts exerted a formative influence on the lives of the faithful as well as on those not of the Catholic faith.
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