Sentences with phrase «catholic school crisis»

«I tried to get people to look at Memphis,» recalls George Loney, who directed Dayton's Catholic Urban Presence program, launched in 2002 to find a solution to that city's Catholic school crisis.
As the article mentions, at the heart of the Catholic school crisis is the increased reliance on lay people.

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Though loss of nuns, changing demographics, and lack of funds are the most common explanations for the Catholic school system's dissolution, and are important to consider, I think we can also find answers to the current crisis by understanding the lessons of 1884.
A story in the October 12 issue of Time Magazine, for which I once worked, on the «crisis» in Catholic schools, brought me back to a question I have been asking myself for several months: what's the connection between the health of Catholic schools and the health of the Catholic church?
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