Sentences with phrase «cause tuition increases»

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That, of course, would cause a substantial hit to student finances; it might lead to tuition increases, and a regrettable decline in economic and ethnic diversity among students, unless other sources of money replace the grants.
But, though they feel positive about the bill itself, students were quick to reiterate that their approval does not mean they agree with the increases in tuition that caused its parturition: «We don't want higher tuition fees, it's going to prevent people from coming to university.
One largely unanticipated aspect of blending modern technology with education delivery methods has been the introduction of and increases in tuition fees, which has caused a shift in power when it comes to higher education stakeholders.
This type of analysis does not explain how much of the funding cut caused the increase in tuition any more than the same approach would explain the effect of student aid increases under the Bennett Hypothesis.
The economic recession has increased the financial strain on middle - income families with children in private schools, causing more of them to request loans or tuition - payment deferrals.
This information, along with the staggering increases in college tuition, have caused many in America to question if college is worth it.
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