Sentences with phrase «chances of that happening without»

-- well, the chances of this happening without at least a basic decorating plan for your living room will be even slimmer.

Not exact matches

Look «luck» up in the dictionary and you'll see this definition: «the things that happen to a person because of chance, the accidental way things happen without being planned.»
One of the best outcomes of thinking about a crisis before it happens is the chance to consider your company's strategy without the pressure of news choppers hovering over your facility.
Science theories satisfy my fundamental answers, for me such event of unimaginably scale and precision such as the big bang that brought everything into existence 14.7 billions of years ago simply can not just happen, by chance, or without intent.
A very fanciful move, it would be an absolute miracle if this happened, as Barcelona will not want to sell one of their best players without the chance to sign a replacement until January.
Fact is there are more chances of us getting someone worse than Wenger and not better if such a decision happens without due planning.
When you look at the whole situation madrid would not sell benzema without a replacement lined up and watching last nights game showed how they need him in there team def no way will this transfer happen the cavarni one has more chance of happening then benzema!
It had begun to look like it was not going to happen after Portugal created a host of chances without finding the back of the net.
The chance that the strongest of these results could have happened without entanglement is less than 1 in 4 million.
In 2011 Stefan Rhamstorf of Potsdam University in Germany estimated that there was an 80 per cent chance that the heatwave would not have happened without global warming (PNAS, happens to be your best chance of getting your own dating site without much hassling.
Deaths happen, often demanding relevance or some sort of emotional catharsis despite the deceased being little more than recently introduced underdeveloped fodder, and when the characters that do matter die, the film rushes on without giving the moment a chance to breathe.
The only problem is that you can't get through more than two or three gears without approaching arrest - me speeds, and, this being an orange Japanese rocket, the chances of that happening are high.
Now, with the help of an eccentric billionaire, he has the chance to create a «perfect little world» - to study what would happen when ten children are raised collectively, without knowing who their biological parents are.
Here you will have a lot of chances to balance the zoom and the composition of the photograph trying to tell the story of what is happening without resorting to words.
All of these small activities could not happen without the support we have received from so many tourists and so have named our CD of photos «We could n`t have done it without YOU» We want to take this chance to thank you sincerely for bringing out childrens shoes, clothes and educational items which have been so gratefully received and people who generally supported the Ica Earthquake Victims in so many ways.
Chance therefore was as important as the artist himself who chose non-artistic materials, invented rules of game, and set up systems and serial experiments to make the work of art happen without the artist's further interfering.
Ideas around chance — which Merriam - Webster defines as «something that happens unpredictably without discernible human intention or observable cause» — have driven a lot of art in the past century.
Imagine, say, a bell - shaped curve based on the null hypothesis that climate change is not happening (and not having an impact on increasing extreme weather events), and there is this really long tail out to infinity; and supposing we get an off - the - charts category 7 hurricane in January, we still can not attribute it or its extra intensity or unusual seasonality to climate change, even if there is only a one in kazillion chance it might occur without climate change having an effect — that is, it is way out there in the very tiny tail of this null hypothesis curve that fades out into infinity — the tail that says, afterall, anything's possible.
Following from 3, you can watch programmes on for example i - player (other than the news channel) without the need for a licence (unless you are unlucky and the programme that you are watching on catch up TV happens just by chance to being repeated over the ether by way of live broadcast).
The odds of this happening by chance alone are something like 1 - in - 21.6 billion, or about the same as guessing the serial number on a $ 1 bill exactly without looking at it first.
By stating what happened without biased input, you'll give the employer a clearer picture of what happened and strengthen your chances of success.
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