Sentences with phrase «child feeding questionnaire»

Second, it examines the associations with parental feeding practices, measured with the Child Feeding Questionnaire (CFQ).
The second aim was to test a model of the direct and indirect effects of the two CEBQ dimensions (Food approach and Food avoidance), as well as child and parental characteristics on the Child Feeding Questionnaire (CFQ) factors Restriction, Pressure to eat and Monitoring.
Citation: Ek A, Sorjonen K, Eli K, Lindberg L, Nyman J, Marcus C, et al. (2016) Associations between Parental Concerns about Preschoolers» Weight and Eating and Parental Feeding Practices: Results from Analyses of the Child Eating Behavior Questionnaire, the Child Feeding Questionnaire, and the Lifestyle Behavior Checklist.
CFQ, Child Feeding Questionnaire; EAH, eating in the absence of hunger; KCFQ, Kids» Child Feeding Questionnaire.
A secondary aim was to determine how these profiles related to maternal responses on the Child Feeding Questionnaire (CFQ; 12).
However, the two most widely used scales in the child feeding literature, the Child Feeding Questionnaire (CFQ; Birch et al., 2001) and the Preschooler Feeding Questionnaire (PFQ; Baughcum et al., 2001), do not yet fully capture the range of behaviors regarding the construct of child feeding.
In contrast, self - report measures such as the Child Feeding Questionnaire (48) conceptualize pressure to eat as relatively less assertive, including items such as, «I have to be especially careful to make sure my child eats enough.»

Not exact matches

The relevant questionnaires are «Your Pregnancy» (administered at 32 wk gestation), on maternal education, maternal diet during pregnancy, and maternal worries about financial matters; «Your Environment» (administered on enrollment between 8 and 28 wk), on type of housing; «Looking After the Baby,» on maternal smoking at 8 mo after the birth; «My Young Baby Boy / My Young Baby Girl» at 4 wk and «My Son / My Daughter» at 6 mo, on infant feeding practices; and «My Three - Year - Old Son / Daughter,» on the child's diet.
Parents also were assessed for depression, anxiety and stress, and completed questionnaires about their use of specific feeding practices with their children and their children's eating behaviors.
One hundred and fifty - six mothers of 2 - to 4 - year - old children completed questionnaires including measures of maternal feeding practices (pressure to eat, restriction, monitoring and modelling of healthy eating), child eating behaviour (food responsiveness, food fussiness and interest in food), and mother reported child height and weight.
ASBI, Adaptive Social Behavior Inventory; ASQ, Ages & Stages Questionnaire; BAS II, British Ability Scales Second Edition; BITSEA, Brief Infant - Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment; CDQ, Children's Dietary Questionnaire; CFPQ, Comprehensive Feeding Practices Questionnaire; NHS, National Health Service; SATS, Statutory Assessment Tests; SDQ, Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire.
Dietary data were collected from the Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ), a valid and reliable measure of estimated food and beverage consumption (Rogers and Emmett 1998); The FFQ was used to assess (a) mother's reported dietary patterns at 32 weeks gestation («pregnancy»), and (b) what the mother reported feeding her child at 38 months of age («3 years»).
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