Sentences with phrase «chipper crosswell»

A charmingly dated Electronic Press Kit, with video graphics straight out of a high school AV Club, feature archival interviews and an extremely chipper narrator walking you through the production.
When Ann Dowd, chipper and beaming, shows up deep into Hereditary's grief - ravaged middle section, you shudder with relief; rarely has compassion felt so desperately needed in a horror film.
Host Neil Patrick Harris was a chipper fellow but not very funny.
Because of her and her husband's gentleness, the movie makes you appreciate the art behind postage stamps as much as it makes you cringe at the sound of a wood chipper.
I, Tonya follows in the tradition of edgy black comedies Fargo and To Die For, with moments like the one we experienced in Fargo, which provokes laughs when Steve Buscemi is fed through a wood chipper, and only later do you wonder if there is something seriously wrong with you.
Into this chipper little situation comes an elvish prince named Nuada [Luke Goss], who wants to raise the legendary Golden Army to destroy mankind as mankind has been replacing nature with shopping malls and parking lots.
The horror - film tropes resurface only intermittently in their later films: a hand bursting out of the ground, recalling the final shot of Carrie, during the prison break in 1987's Raising Arizona (a shot also used in The Evil Dead); the wood chipper that in Fargo (1996) is put to the grisly use that Marty had intended for his incinerator; Anton Chigurh's slasher murders in No Country for Old Men (2007); and, most acutely of all, in Barton Fink (1991), a film about a writer's worst nightmare, writer's block, complete with sweating wallpaper, expanding plumes of blood, and a hellfire climax.
From now through June 1st at 3:00 a.m. PST, every dollar you spend will nab you one of these four chipper Arcade Bunny badges.
Blue Ruin may never grant us the grisly sight of a wood chipper feasting on human remains, but its up - close angles on a knife to the head is every bit as aggrieving, its scenes of self - surgery just as likely to send pupils darting to the floor.
Think that watching people get thrown through an invisible wood chipper and whipped with electric tentacles could never be boring?
An unusually chipper drug dealer (Jason Mantzoukas) and a pair of sarcastic cops (Mo Collins and Henry Zebrowski) also bring inspired nuttiness, but MVP honors here go to Aubrey Plaza.
Therefore, it was no accident that the chipper group shot of the stars of The Big Wedding had a machete - wielding wolf crashing the party.
Now she is decamping to the San Francisco home of her chipper, down - to - earth sister, Ginger (Sally Hawkins), whose working - class ex-husband, Augie (Andrew Dice Clay), had been cheated by Hal out of $ 200,000 in lottery winnings.
Because of her and her husband's gentleness, the movie makes you appreciate the art behind postage stamps much as it makes you cringe at the sound of a wood chipper.
«Finding Dory» is «Memento» under the sea, with a much more chipper lead forever at pains to remember why and where she's going.
Mulligan, on her strongest form since her Oscar - nominated turn in 2009's An Education, plays Laura, a seemingly chipper housewife in rural Montana who dotes over her 14 - year - old son, Joe (Ed Oxenbould), patiently tends to her embittered former sports pro and now ostensibly unemployable husband Gerry (Jake Gyllenhaal, also peerless), and greets every new family trauma with a kindly...
Lily, a chipper prep - school overachiever played by The Witch and Split star Anya Taylor - Joy, has agreed to tutor Amanda (Olivia Cooke, the dying girl of Me And Earl And The Dying Girl), mostly because the latter's mother has paid her handsomely to do so.
Oldman is positively chipper with a dog - eat - dog society.
She exudes the chipper calm of a kindergarten teacher, but she's tough, too, and she has that Columbo knack for convincing a killer she's stupid when she's actually moving in for the kill.
As for me, well, let's just say I'm not going to propose to Dunst's psychotically chipper waitress in the sky any time soon.
In 2001 he starred opposite Jennifer Lopez in The Wedding Planner and, other than forgettable turns in the dreary Frailty and Reign of Fire, he suddenly turned and barreled down a chipper but oddly gloomy road of shallow, glossy romantic comedies and fruitless attempts to become a mellower Harrison Ford.
Numbering a Polyphonic Spree-esque 29 members, the Emanuel Lundgren - led collective made their full - length debut in 2006 with the unusually chipper «Friends,» which hit the States in early 2007.
The mood's mostly pretty dour, which leaves the audience particularly grateful for those who provide comic relief: Dave Bautista's growly Drax, who in one scene is practicing the underappreciated art of standing really, really still; Tom Holland's chipper Peter / Spidey, taking it all in with wide eyes; Robert Downey Jr.'s ever - grumpy Tony Stark / Iron Man, who's pretty sick of Peter's pop - culture references (particularly «a really old movie called «Alien»»).
Like any respectable period drama, Brideshead boasts striking scenery, pleasing photography, and chipper costumes.
Soon, his impression of a chipper suburbanite sends him shooting up the corporate ladder, where he's met by Steve Lift (Armie Hammer), a coke - snorting CEO who appends his multimillion - dollar offers with smiley faces.
Chris, played by Daniel Kaluuya, has been dating Rose, a chipper, easygoing sort portrayed by Allison Williams, for several months.
They are worth skipping, although the first two boast the casting of Bruce Springsteen's sister Pamela as the chipper sadist hatcheting her way through campers.
Demerits, though, for the cliché of the brave little tumor girl Sidney meets in the hospital, who is chipper despite her life - threatening illness, and a doctor, otherwise nicely played with a prickly edge by Nivola, who suddenly believes Sidney after she makes a snarky comment to him.
However, along with the scuzzy Obadiah (Joe Anderson, Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 2, The Grey) these aren't the chipper, lovable hicks you might see in an episode of Duck Dynasty.
She's settled into her place in the foodchain with chipper resignation, bouyed up by her make - up artist pal and smacked down with left - handed compliments by studio guards.
It's too bad, then, that Lorene Scafaria, screenwriter of the chipper, inexplicably lauded Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist and first - time director of this Steve Carell summer - vehicle misfire, lacks that touch.
January promises to be an action - packed month in baseball, as prominent free agents scramble for jobs, Chipper Jones, Jim Thome and some friends await the Welcome to the official website of Disneyland Paris.
To get into PX, you have to enter from an unmarked side door and go up a set of stairs leading you to a space above another Washington classic date spot, A Dublin Chipper.
Mother of two and divorcee of one, Jill brings a charming and chipper voice to women getting back out on the field.
He comes upon this farmhouse where this is pervert redneck is using a wood chipper; a total foreshadowing of something to come in the near future.
So I was surprised when my normally chipper suitor - de-jour was argumentative during our thrice - weekly phone call (we have yet to meet).
He has one of the members tied up above a wood - chipper, who could forget that scene in Fargo, and he gives this whole speech about common criminals and how he is in a total different category.
While the weekend went by wayyy too fast, I'm actually pretty chipper because I'm excited to share this post with you guys.
Then, chipper from a fairy tale romance I headed to work early.
Growing up with Glavine, Smoltz, Maddux, Chipper, and Bobby, how could I not?
A couple cups of coffee and a few hours after waking up is the minimum I need to become a functioning adult, and I am readily annoyed at the people who are too chipper before 10 am.
I am super chipper this morning, which is rare for this non-morning person, because I leave this Friday for Europe....
Instead, I pulled out my trusty trench coat, wrapped it over my pajamas, and took my dog for a walk feeling chipper and — dare I say?
Between stripes, anchors, and touches of brass, this easy, chipper trend really lends itself to exploration.
After that, I appear to be rather chipper and rarin'to go.
After choosing this dress, I was able to easily add accessories and other clothing items to look chipper and full of holiday cheer.
We named our daughter Chippy, and she is the sweetest, most chipper girl around.
A more chipper alternative to Eileen Fisher is my discovery of the week, Birdsnest, an Australian online retail empire.
See what all of you bright and chipper 20 - somethings have to look forward to?
Why am I so chipper today you may ask?
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