Sentences with phrase «chosen people belief»

not to mention the ongoing land grab and the attendant turmoil and upheaval in the Middle East because of the Chosen People belief, that's all for nothing / a misconception too?

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If you look up blogs for people who were Democrats as youths and in their middle - age switched to Republican (neo-neocon is an excellent example), you'll see that they too were shunned for choosing the «wrong» belief.
One person said he would see but might well choose to stay with his existing beliefs, but could not be defined as either religious or atheist.
Some Christians simply choose not to rub their religion in other people's faces, and some are not secure enough in their beliefs to feel comfortable being challenged about them, so they keep their beliefs to themselves.
If a group of people choose to live by a certain set of rules and actually don't mind, then their beliefs should be respected as we would want our beliefs to be accepted and respected as well.
A very large part of most religious beliefs involves free will and people are free to work towards affording healthcare, people and people can adopt healthy lifestyles which minimize the need for healthcare and of course, people can choose to help others through donations.
The first amendment is pretty clear people should have the right to what ever belief they chose and freedom to say what he / she wishes.
Their employees, on the other hand, can choose to avail themselves of the contraceptive options or not as is falls within THEIR personal believe system since, being people, they can have beliefs.
The narrative an individual chooses to embrace is largely dependent on the culture and society in which he was born and in which he lives, and the beliefs of people in his life he's respected.
But one thing I don't think will ever change, but again, I absolutely believe that at least one person at sometime over another, chose to either be religious, or go from typical belief status to fanatical for the wrong reason (s).
independent, It is people like you that keep me in my faith, in the face of adversity you have nothing negative to say of those who do not agree or have chosen to attack your beliefs.
Just the other day I came across something by Piper where he was explaining his belief in double predestination, namely that «Just as God chooses whom He will save without regard to any distinctives in the person, so also he decides whom He will not save without regard to any distinctives in the individual.»
Some people simply choose not to believe, others are only satisfied by infringing on the rights of others in order to stop their beliefs... You do understand of course that this is a fulfillment of bible prophesy, regardless of whether or not one believes.
From around the time of the French Revolution (1789) onwards some people expressed their contempt for Christian belief in the resurrection of the body and the existence of the soul by choosing cremation instead of Christian burial.
Gay people can choose how we live, however, and the majority of us make all of the same lifestyle choices that everyone else does, including the religioun we might select, the value we place on family, our work, or hobbies, and our political beliefs.
I imagine that there are people who choose their beliefs arbitrarily or accept what has been handed down to them without question, but I know plenty of evangelicals who are thinking people.
And why should any sane person consider a «full range» of beliefs and lifestyles from which to choose?
They are still who they are and the definition I chose for «spiritual» is the most accurate when describing the belief system of these so - called SBNR people.
It was the book, taken as a whole, held up against history, held up against decency and hope, held up to the person I desired to be... I had to choose to cling to belief despite all of that and continue to fail to be a person of compassion and love or to begin to let go of that belief and make room in my heart for compassion and love.
Religion puts too much distinction on the «chosen» people, at the expense of people who do not have the same beliefs.
Jeremy thanks for your comments alot of this i never really thought about before until you provoked me to seek the truth in the word it is what we all should be doing finding the truth for ourselves God wants to reveal mysterys if we are open to hear.If we have been christians awhile we just take the word of whoevers preaching or whichever clip we see on god tube its knowledge but not revelation.Because the story sounds plausible we tag that on to our belief for example for many years i believed that the rich young rulers problem was money so the way to deal with that problem is to give it away and be a follower of Jesus sounds plausible.Till you realise every believers situation is different so the message has to be universal.So the reason its not about money because it excludes those that do nt have it and does nt make room for those that do have it but do nt worship it.The rich young ruler was not a bad person he lived by a good moral code but he made money his idol he put that before God.The word says we shall not have any idols thats a sin and a wicked one.In fact there wasnt any room in his heart for Jesus that is a tragedy.So when we see the message is about Idolatry we all have areas that we chose not to submit to God thats universal everyone of us whether we are rich or poor.I believe we are unaware that we have these idols what are some of them that was revealed to me our partners our children our work our church our family i can sense some of you are getting fidgetty.
Congratulations, and «I» choose to look those beliefs as a dying relic of a long since developed people.
We are still, at least for the present, people who are free to hold whatever beliefs we choose.
Individually, a person can decide not to have spiritual beliefs just like they can choose never to love, but you will never get the vast majority of humanity to be atheist.
This issue is an extremely common topic at meetings and it is always stressed that believe in a Higher Power can be anything of your choosing and many AAs simply believe in the power of the group as a whole as their Higher Power (I have also know many people who started with this belief and later found faith in God).
Bernie, everyone DOES choose what parts of the bible they believe in, at least when it comes to people using the bible to defend their beliefs.
Gager, to allow yourself to be killed for no purpose or belief is a waste... we will all die... What and how we choose to do with our life given to beliefs or purpose is what makes a person great or menial...
Whether my children would be raised in the Islamic faith or another tradition remains to be seen, but it's certainly important that these young people not be put in a position to choose between their education and their beliefs.
That's one hope of humanists: That people choose belief systems based on fact.
Those children who have other beliefs can bow, chant, jiggle an amulet, stare into a crystal or do whatever they wish to «pray» for their chosen ailing person.
False equivalency — it's logical to question supernatural beliefs that essentially have people believing in, for all intents and purposes, magic; whereas it is illogical to question why some would choose not to believe in the same magic due to their adherence to logic and reason.
people in relgions don't even follow a set group of beliefs, they pick and choose what they will adhere to from the bible.
People should be allowed to choose their perspective and beliefs and live their lives consistent with those perspectives and beliefs.
They say that religious people are intolerant of other beliefs and that may be so to a point, on the other hand atheists commit the same «sin» when they attack people who freely choose to believe in something different.
Additionally, many younger people «pick and choose» their religious beliefs because many different religions have important teachings that are not incongruous.
Can a person who initially joined the community because of its beliefs gradually come to a place where he questions some of those beliefs and remain in the community if he chooses?
People do chose to exercise their faith are exercising freewill based on their beliefs.
Faith, thereby, allows people to justify ANY belief they choose to have.
The reason for this transition, Luke indicates, is not because God has now «chosen» the Gentiles instead of His other «chosen» people, the Jews, but because the Gentiles were more open to hearing, considering, examining, and accepting the things Paul preached to them, while the Jews are more set in their traditional ways and beliefs, and so are less willing to consider that they might be wrong.
On this day, we offer a prayer of thanks that so many people of faith have chosen to join us in the spirit that animates so many religions: the golden rule to do unto others what you would like them to do unto you, and a belief in equity, charity, and the elimination of unnecessary suffering in the world.
«why is it ok in your spiritual belief system for your loving, perfect God [to punish people who have rejected him]»... «why do Christians believe in a God who invokes the most horrific of reprisals if we choose not to reciprocate his love»
Love the Land and the People of that land they are your brothers and sisters even if they were on different beliefs, after all they are all spiritual paths, but chose those that contain more in it's goodness towards life on earth...!!
God has addressed his messages to generations through chosen one's to remind and warn those evil doers and the ones who are astray to come back to the truth but when messanger gives up on his people God would bring upon them heavy natural disasters, losses and grieves... there among any religions or branches of religions you will find people worship and do good deeds for the sake of God and would do all could to raise his name and belief... there are others who careless for it as a religion or faith but taking advantage of the posts for their own personal vast interest or the gangs interests as named by you... «Those are as a Walves using the Sheeps Skins in Disguise for hunting and feeding its greeds».
let me remind you that when the western European immigrants arrived in North America (and Central and South America) the indigenous peoples had beliefs, spirituality, religions (or whatever label you choose to use generalize my ancestors with) and the land.
There was a reason why our founding father's choose a seperation of church and state, interprited, religious, beliefs can and do lead to emotional reactions that tend to be intolerant of other people's (group's) point's of view.
I thought the motto was religious freedom which also means that people can choose any religious belief system, as well as not choose to believe in anything.
People should seek out the truth even though it might contradict their beliefs and then work with the information they gain... so far there is no concrete evidence to support the existence of the supernatural and therefore the default position should NOT be «since we can't prove or disprove the existence of god as of yet I will therefore choose to believe in god despite the absence of evidence».
In this political circus many people are more concerned about maintaining their beliefs and choose ignorance.
sounds like people are using religion to create a world where this is no choices no wonder america has gone down hill this country was founded on the right to choose what you would like to worship where do christians and mulsim think they they get the right to force their beliefs on us
However, I think it is incredibly important to get the word out that faith in God and belief in evolution can coexist, that a person does not have to choose between the two.
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