Sentences with phrase «christ is in them»

Your taking my testimony and trying to make it your own: But by your own previous words you discredited yourself from who Christ is in you, Yet, I have remain consistent:
For instance, if one believes that Christ is in some sense God incarnate, then there is a sense in which the divine second person of the Trinity stands above history, There is also a sense in which the teachings of Christ might be said to have some trans - cultural character, despite being embedded in very particular cultural forms.
the face of christ is not in a pulpit or a president or a pope, the face of christ is in the marginalized, the orphans, the lonely, the hurting.
Romans 8:10 - 11 But if Christ is in you, then even though your body is subject to death because of sin, the Spirit gives life [d] because of righteousness.
My own view is that the death of God's Christ is in part God's atonement to his creatures for evil.
Christ is in the communion as the communion is in Christ: I Cor.
Although Western Christians often treat Christ as dualistically separate from themselves, the most profound realizations of Christ, such as that of Paul, emphasize that we are in Christ and Christ is in us.
The Collect for the Day, by the very amplitude of the gift prayed for, makes clear that the deed of God's power in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is in a continuum of grace whose endless field of operation is nothing less than the restoration of human life to its Godly intention.
My own faith in him and loyalty to him as the Lord Jesus Christ is in no way dependent on these apocalyptic Son - of - man passages; it hinges upon all that he was and did and said during what we know of his earthly ministry and his continuing presence as the living Christ.
Else if they deny that you are in Christ, let them, as they have denied heaven to you, deny also that Christ is in heaven.»
We are in Christ, and Christ is in us.
Jesus Christ has authority over demons, and when Christ is in you, He brings that authority with Him.
Christ is in the Word and the Word is directed to «a plurality of hearers.
Jesus Christ is in fact the primary authority for these people.)
Once again the words of St Paul come through: «Do you not realise that Jesus Christ is in you?»
Also, while I can not believe that Christ is in sarin gas or airstrikes, I believe Christ is in the stranger, the foreigner, the poor, the sick, and the hungry, so consider praying especially for Syria's refugees and supporting the people and organizations caring for them.
Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?
Christ is in fact giving to the world the «real bread,» which conveys eternal life.
I sometimes wonder if Christ is in heaven just shaking his head in amazement saying, «That's not what I meant!
I think anyone that has not repented and received Christ is in Hell.
«Jesus Christ is in agony until the end of the world,» said Pascal.
Christian businessman George Otis, echoing the same theme, wrote: «God's hand was in the founding of this country and the fiber of Christ is in the very fabric of America» (The Solution to Crisis - America [Revell, 1972], p. 53).
The divinity of Jesus as the Christ is in the Old Testament prophecies..
Jesus Christ is in control now, and He will always be in control.
If all that is the case, then when people come to Christ, Christ is in some sense taking shape in new social forms.
The message of Jesus Christ is in itself a message of grief.
For strong affirmation that all things are created and cohere in Christ and that Christ is in all things we must turn to Colossians.
But if Christ is in you... his Spirit dwells in you» (Rom.
If, for example, our reflection on other animals takes place in the context of the conviction that Christ is in them and they are in Christ, that we and they are members one of the other, and that together we build up the body of Christ, it would no longer be possible to turn our backs upon their suffering with indifference.
We are to act as if Christ is in other people, even the stranger whom we believe we have reason to fear, the prisoner whose acts we find reprehensible, the sick we'd rather condemn because we're convinced that their lifestyle contributed to their illness, the hungry who should have been able to fend for themselves.
I will say that the church, the Body of Christ is in need of severe deliverence.
They do not deny that Christ is in all things head of the Church, they've simply interposed the Pope as his representative.
Critics of Christianity claimed Jesus Christ was in fact an illegitimate son of a Roman soldier called Panthera.
It is possible that the gospel was not finished, or that the original copy was accidentally mutilated, and it has even been suggested that an account of Jesus» appearance in Galilee has been suppressed in view of the alternative tradition (witnessed by Luke 24) that the appearances of the risen Christ were in the neighbourhood of Jerusalem.
They may add details, but they are deeply convinced that what was going on in Jesus Christ was in fact a fulfillment of Old Testament hopes.
At this point we must take into account the conclusions of a growing number of New Testament scholars to the effect that in the earliest Christian traditions the resurrection of Christ was in any case actually understood in terms of exaltation.
How It Worked: The Story of Clarence H Snyder and the Early Days of Alcoholics Anonymous in Cleveland Ohio (NY: AA Big Book Study Group, 1997), pp. 6, 71, 138, 157, 235; and the «Great Physician» reference to Jesus Christ was in common use among other Pioneer AAs, by their New York mentor Dr. Silkworth, and their Oxford Group friends.
Christ was in a real sense pregnant with God, heavy with God.
Small wonder, then, that when Paul wishes to refer to the event in and through which the reconciling act of God has occurred, he should call the event or cluster of events by Christ's name, since Christ was in so important a sense the determinative center of it.
Jesus Christ was in himself the complete revelation of God's love, manifested in justice and forgiveness through all aspects of his earthly life.

Not exact matches

«I think people say, «Jesus Christ, somebody comes along and pours in all this money, this thing has to be good.
Mark Ledwidge, a senior lecturer at Canterbury Christ Church University, agreed that many individuals got swept up in the Obama craze and that this hope for change created «expectations around Barack Obama» that «were highly problematic.»
Martin Scorsese's adaptation of the controversial 1955 novel by Nikos Kazantzakis, which gives an alternative fate for Jesus Christ, was banned in numerous counties, and in the US cities that had successful bans during the film's release included: Savannah, Georgia; New Orleans; Oklahoma City; and Santa Ana, California.
He would make the altar call in his powerful baritone, asking the multitudes to stand, come down the aisles and publicly make «decisions for Christ,» as a choir crooned the hymn «Just As I Am
That wasn't enough reassurance for organizations such as the Disciples of Christ, a Protestant group that brings in millions of dollars to Indianapolis through its conferences, which said it plans to boycott the city this year.
Prince Bader splurged on this controversial and decidedly un-Islamic portrait of Christ at a time when most members of the Saudi elite, including some in the royal family, are cowering under a sweeping crackdown against corruption and self - enrichment.
We are active in our local church, Christ Community Church supporting local outreach projects and volunteer with the USO.
My wife recently graduated with a degree in elementary education and the blessings of GCU, the love of Christ, and the benefits of servant leadership are now being transferred to her sixth grade students in a local Christian School in the Phoenix area.
In fact, I've warned investors on several blogs about shares of Tesla over the last year only to receive hate mail at the idea that Elon Musk could be anything other than the second coming of Christ.
Verse 10 says it is a symbol that a woman is under the authority of a man, who in turn is under the authority of Christ.
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