Sentences with phrase «christ nailed to the cross»

Jews call for miracles, Greeks for wisdom, but we proclaim Christ — yes, Christ nailed to the cross, and though this is a stumbling block to Jews and Greeks alike, he is the power of God and the wisdom of God.
13 «I resolved that while I was with you I would think of nothing but Jesus Christ — Christ nailed to the cross.

Not exact matches

Tom Tom Christ was beaten to a pulp, mocked and nailed to the cross.
Perhaps the representative of Christ could have offered a large nail, the type that would have pieced the flesh of Christ when He was nailed to the cross and died for ALL of us equally.
I know Christ and Jesus are the same, that Jesus is the baby from Christmas, that he grew up and was nailed to the cross.
The inclusiveness of the experience which Whitehead wished to embrace in his philosophy was affirmed earlier in Process and Reality: «Philosophy may not neglect the multifariousness of the world — the fairies dance, and Christ is nailed to the cross» (PR 338/513).
For verily, anti-death penalty liberals obviously had no hand in Jesus Christ's crucifixion, only conservatives were involved in nailing him to a cross, just as anti-torture liberals had nothing at all to do with Jesus Christ's scourging.
Christ himself was nailed to a cross, mocked, humiliated.
The Letter to the Colossians speaks of Christ's redemptive work as «having canceled the bond which stood against us with its legal demands; this he set aside, nailing it to the cross.
(81) 27:35 — «Philosophy may not neglect the multifariousness of the world — the fairies dance and Christ is nailed to the cross» (PR 513).
I think Peter and the Apostles would have been rather surprised at the concept that Christ had been scourged and beaten by soldiers, cursed and crowned with thorns and subjected to unutterable contempt and finally nailed to the cross and left to bleed to death in order that we might all become gentlemen.»
If you want to show that you are good Christians by handling the sacrament and boast of it before the world, then Herod and Pilate are the chief and best Christians, since it seems to me that they really handled the body of Christ when they had him nailed to the cross and put to death... No, my dear friends, the kingdom of God does not consist in outward things, which can be touched or perceived, but in faith.
You said, «Look, your sins, your rejection of God, your unbelief, those things were nailed to the cross of Christ 2 thousand years ago.»
Look, your sins, your rejection of God, your unbelief, those things were nailed to the cross of Christ 2 thousand years ago.
This will challenge your faith, not to abandon it, but to strengthen it and examine it in the harsh light of reality, after all, the Christ we serve was nailed to a cross, not made a celebrity.
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