Sentences with phrase «christian accepted the idea»

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We'll all accept that getting fed to lions is persecution, modern fundamentalist Christians seem to have a very different idea of what counts as being persecuted:
But no matter what the commercialized idea of Easter is, to Christians it is still regarded as a holy day to remember the salvation God extends to all who believe in and accept Him.
Finally, I admit that, even if I accept the Lawlerian idea that Locke partially corrects Aristotle, by stealing certain Christian insights about the limits of the polis (see chapter 7 of Modern and American Dignity especially), I still hold that Aristotle is better than Locke.
Figures showed 61 per cent of Christians agree with ideas rooted in New Spirituality, a little more than half resonate with postmodernist views, 36 per cent accept views associated with Marxism and a third believe ideas based on secularism.
Preaching is more than a process of transmitting ideas about Christian creed, cult, and conduct with the expectation that these ideas will be understood, accepted, and translated into action.
So goes the first line of argument that leads Christians to accept the idea of violence and to associate themselves with violent movements.
War is a particular demonstration of the power of sin in the world and a defiance of the righteousness of God as revealed in Jesus Christ and him crucified» Yet the conference accepted the idea that criteria exist by which some wars can be regarded as just: to defend international law, or to vindicate «an essential Christian principle» such as the defense of «victims of wanton aggression.»
This idea was held by some Christians who at the same time accepted Jesus as the divine Messiah.
Reinforcing in advance the claim I have put forth at the end of Part Two, Hartshorne went on to point out: «Just as the Stoics said the ideal was to have good will toward all but not in such fashion as to depend in any [221] degree for happiness upon their fortunes or misfortunes, so Christian theologians, who scarcely accepted this idea in their ethics, nevertheless adhered to it in characterizing God.»
Just as the Stoics said the ideal was to have good will toward all but not in such fashion as to depend in any degree for happiness upon their fortunes or misfortunes, so Christian theologians, who scarcely accepted this idea in their ethics, nevertheless adhered to it in characterizing God.8
Protestantism accepted the idea that uniformity of belief is a necessary factor in a church, so that as new formulations of belief have arisen new churches have been founded to represent them, until in the United States we have over two hundred different kinds of Protestant Christians.
St. Thomas Aquinas was also a «double - man», in that while he accepted and sought to develop a Christian interpretation of Aristotelian ideas in which Aristotle's «unmoved mover» was given priority over the relational view of God, at the same time in his own sermons, prayers, and occasionally throughout his writings there is the stress on exactly that relational view.
The most tolerant Christian, for instance, firmly believes that I would be a lot better off if I accepted the divinity of Jesus; the most tolerant Jew firmly rejects the idea of a human being who is divine.
They argue that while both Greco - Roman and Enlightenment thinkers accepted the idea of suicide, the Judeo - Christian tradition does not.
His ideas regarding God's responsive involvement in the world, his ever - changing action upon it and reaction to it, and his own enrichment through history and human creativity must surely be accepted by Christians as authentic insights into the nature of the living God.
Either we must accept the idea that Christianity, to some degree, seems to align itself with such violence or we must assume that hundreds of apparently faithful Christians were deceived by a dangerous con man.
Didn't read the article, so I have no idea how President Obama's faith has been labeled, but as a person who began attending a Christina Church during adolescence, I know that it is very hard to accept a number of tenets of the faith, so I find myself doubting that a person who was raised for a number of years in a Muslim household and whose mother does not appear to have been of a Christian denomination, is likely to have adopted the tenets of the Christian faith.
Further, one should accept the idea of two boys wrestling because there lacks a biblical Christian principle that two boys should treat each other with respect and dignity, but according to a biblical Christian principle, a boy should treat a girl with respect and dignity.
Too many have accepted the popular «neo-orthodox» idea that contemplation and mysticism have no place in the Christian life; on the contrary, they have a real place and an important one; and for those who may be called by God to this particular mode of communion with him, there is a great blessing and a wonderful gift.
I know you Mennonites have the idea that you are open minded Christians who are accepting of everyone but when it comes to action your almost but not quite as bad as the evangelicals.
Christian moral thinking has accepted this and has given marriage a special blessing, surrounding it with the aura of divine approval even if it has not always realistically grasped the fact that marriage is not inevitably an ideal state and that to insist on its continuance when love is absent is to condone what in effect is legalized rape and hence hardly an appropriate symbol for the Christian idea of marriage as representing «the mystical union of Christ and his Church.»
Conforming to the outline of the Apostles» Creed, he explicated his idea of that early and generally accepted summary of Christian teaching.
Even those of us who do believe in the Judeo - Christian view of God mostly accept the idea that due to original sin, our bodies malfunction, get sick, die, and so on.
Regardless of how Planck expressed his belief that senior scientific stars are often loath to accept ideas that threaten their views, the paper's «results lend credence» to the notion, write Pierre Azoulay of the Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge; Christian Fons - Rosen of the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics in Spain; and Joshua S. Graff Zivin of the University of California, San Diego, in their National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) working paper.
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Everything from «If you don't accept this book idea you are not a Christian because God gave it to me» to «The Lord has laid this on my heart.»
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