Sentences with phrase «christian evangelical faith»

Most of my family practices either a mix of Native / Catholic faith or straight Native faith, although my extended family, from my grandmother down, adopted a Christian evangelical faith.

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Complicating matters further is Osteen's association with the prosperity gospel movement, and the related «Word of Faith» movement popular in some evangelical circles, which teaches that believing Christians can harness the power of prayerful speech: to reap material and financial rewards in this life as well as the next.
So, is the Army not the responsibility of the federal government, and wouldn't their support for a faith specific event such as this (it doesn't even cater to all Christian groups, only the evangelicals) be seen as an endorsement of evangelicalism by the federal government?
A handful of prominent evangelical activists are defending their decision to attend television host Glenn Beck's conservative rally in Washington this weekend after some Christians complained that evangelicals shouldn't be partnering with Beck because of his Mormon faith.
Other evangelical activists have gone further, arguing that Beck's faith isn't that different from that of mainstream Christians.
Most of 1.3 million Korean Americans are Christian, Park said, and they generally subscribe to an evangelical Protestant version of the faith.
At the June Faith & Freedom Conference run by former Christian Coalition chief Ralph Reed, Huntsman attempted to endear himself to the evangelical audience by crediting Jesus with bringing his adopted Chinese daughter into his family.
Without denying the place that Protestant reformers occupy in evangelical faith, it should be said that classic Christian teaching, whether in the realm of doctrine or ethics, is best defined not against the backdrop of the sixteenth century, but rather in the light of the broader apostolic tradition.
«Once again, expressions of Christian faith that honor the rights of women to choose their own health care options and what happens to their bodies are not seen or heard,» wrote the Rev. Barbara Kershner Daniel, who pastors the Evangelical Reformed United Church of Christ of Frederick, Maryland, in a message that she circulated via email.
Because of the historical particularities involved in each period and the differing nature of the struggle in each case, these uses of the word evangelical convey a different vision of Christian faith.
He does not help the believer both for these reasons and because the solution he proposes is both lame and inconsistent with any sort of Christian faith, evangelical, liberal or Roman Catholic.
I talk about how the evangelical obsession with sex can make Christian living seem like little more than sticking to a list of rules, and how millennials long for faith communities in which they are safe asking tough questions and wrestling with doubt.
What Sarah Bessey does is claim the voice of feminism for her own Christian faith — an evangelical faith, no less!
While some evangelicals agree with Trump's efforts to course - correct on behalf of persecuted brothers and sisters, many others worry about the ramifications of privileging Christians above other faiths.
I had a classmate at an evangelical Christian college who repeatedly defined faith as «stepping out of airplanes, knowing that God will catch you.»
There is disagreement among Christians about this, (and historically, even among evangelicals), so is it really my place, or the government's job, to impose my beliefs on people of all faiths and convictions?
Your pet evangelical gate - keeper isn't the sole arbitrator of the Christian faith: there is more complexity and beauty and diversity of voices and experiences within followers of the Way than you know.
(CNN)-- The Rev. Franklin Graham clarified his thoughts on President Barack Obama's Christian faith Wednesday, one day after the evangelical leader took heat over making comments about the president's ties to Islam.
Konstantin Bendas, deputy head bishop of the «Associated Russian Union of Christians of Evangelical - Pentecostal Faith» (ROSKhVE), notes that over a thousand Pentecostal house groups are meeting alone in Moscow.
His Christian faith runs deep, nurtured in his Evangelical family and firmly held through his teens and early adulthood.
CNN: Graham clarifies remarks on Obama's faith The Rev. Franklin Graham clarified his thoughts on President Barack Obama's Christian faith Wednesday, one day after the evangelical leader took heat over making comments about the president's ties to Islam.
And when Evangelical leaders regard an emphasis on the ordinary means of grace as jeopardizing the Christian faith while going easy on, for example, serious deviations from Nicene teaching on the Trinity, they have traveled a long way from the concerns of the Reformers.
He added: «I believe we should be more confident about our status as a Christian country, more ambitious about expanding the role of faith - based organisations, and, frankly, more evangelical about a faith that compels us to get out there and make a difference to people's lives.»
As evangelical Christians, they said prayer is an essential part of their faith.
Early evangelical women contributed to one of the greatest expansions of Christian faith in all of history.
Chris Arnzen, an evangelical Christian from the USA, grew up as a Catholic but converted to Protestant faith in his 20s.
The literalist mentality does not manifest itself only in conservative churches, private - school enclaves, television programs of the evangelical right, and a considerable amount of Christian bookstore material; one often finds a literalist understanding of Bible and faith being assumed by those who have no religious inclinations, or who are avowedly antireligious in sentiment.
I was an evangelical christian for over 25 years and finally, suddenly lost my faith through reading and peeking outside the box.
To the extent that we Christians simply accept the premises of suburban culture, we compromise both the substance of our faith and the effectiveness of our evangelical efforts.
To the extent that we Christians simply accept the premises of suburban culture, we compromise both the substance of our faith and the effectiveness of our evangelical effort.
President Obama's faith is real it is just not the same faith as Evangelical christians.
Oh, also, just to add, even though the LDS church has worked hard to legitimize itself in the eyes of many americans, the evangelical christian fundamentalists consider the LDS teaching such a grave perversion of the christian faith (holy trinity issue, extra bible (Book of Mormon), etc.) that it drives them absolutely nuts whenever Mormons try to pass themselves as «christians
Nor would she object to the evangelical Christian William Wilberforce opposing the slave trade in England on the basis of his faith.
Back in the «70s, when evangelicals were debating Reformed - versus - Anabaptist perspectives on faith and politics, I participated in a forum in which a self - proclaimed «radical Christian» urged all of us to «stand over against everything this American political system stands for.»
It is therefore at its best more inclusively Biblical rather than evangelical only; it is directed indeed to sinful men who need to be reconciled to God but also to men who need in all things to grow up into mature manhood in the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ and who are to interpret to others the meaning of Christian faith.
• 91 % of Christians admit they do not consider the immigration issue through a faith perspective • Immigrant churches are the fastest - growing segment of evangelical churches in the U.S.
The tribunal heard he was an Evangelical Christian and discussing his religion was a crucial part of the faith.
It is, in particular, the second of evangelicalism's two tenets, i. e., Biblical authority, that sets evangelicals off from their fellow Christians.8 Over against those wanting to make tradition co-normative with Scripture; over against those wanting to update Christianity by conforming it to the current philosophical trends; over against those who view Biblical authority selectively and dissent from what they find unreasonable; over against those who would understand Biblical authority primarily in terms of its writers» religious sensitivity or their proximity to the primal originating events of the faith; over against those who would consider Biblical authority subjectively, stressing the effect on the reader, not the quality of the source — over against all these, evangelicals believe the Biblical text as written to be totally authoritative in all that it affirms.
Yet if evangelicals desire a Biblical faith, they must recognize that such issues are of central importance for a Biblical understanding of the Christian faith.
There are, for example, highly conservative evangelical or fundamentalist Christians, including one ranking member of Pat Robertson's presidential campaign team, who oppose capital punishment on the grounds that responsibility for life and death belongs only to God, and that society should never cut short any person's opportunity to repent or embrace faith.
Previous Pew surveys show that about half of white evangelicals say Mormonism is not a Christian faith.
To turn a particular view of inspiration, i. e., inerrancy, into the «essence» of Christianity is to confuse one's priorities concerning the Christian faith.64, While maintaining the doctrine of sola scriptura, evangelicals must resist any attempt to elevate one inference from its subsidiary doctrine of inspiration to a position of ascendancy over solus Christus, sola gratia, sola fide, and sola scriptura itself.
Brenda has become what some call «Christian famous» - a renowned evangelical speaker who tours the country with the likes of the 2012 Women of Faith tour, which will reach tens of thousands of Christian women with a message of hope and fFaith tour, which will reach tens of thousands of Christian women with a message of hope and faithfaith.
Only in this way can the current impasse in regard to Biblical authority be overcome and the evangelical church prove itself to be a continuing authentic witness to the Christian faith in the days ahead.
«Barack Obama will unite conservatives and people of faith more so than any single Republican candidate can hope to do,» said Mat Staver, an evangelical Christian who leads the conservative legal group Liberty Counsel.
We risk missing some of the richness of our faith as well as offending fellow Christians by pretending that interpretation is not an issue in the evangelical church.
Introduction Scholars such as John B. Cobb and David R. Griffin have developed the Christological implications of Whiteheadian process - relational thought in a number of widely read works in recent years.1 «Evangelical» Christians, holding the Christian scriptures to be the uniquely inspired and authoritative charter documents of their faith, and finding in these scriptures a Christ...
Only in this way will the evangelical church prove itself to be a continuing authentic witness to the Christian faith in the days ahead.
Moreover, evangelical Christianity is, by definition, a faith that believes all Christians are to share the gospel with our neighbors and friends.
From Karl: As someone who submitted as an adult to an ancient branch of the Christian faith, what do you make of the «emerging church» movement within (primarily) American evangelical and post-evangelical protestantism?
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