Sentences with phrase «christian heritage»

My Christian heritage.
«We claim a Judea - Christian heritage but celebrate arrogance & boasting.
The belief in the irreducible value of personhood has been credited separately to both our Judaeo - Christian heritage and the more secular philosophy of Immanuel Kant, although it most probably a product of both and best expressed through Kant's categorical imperative to: «treat people as an end in themselves and never as a means to an end.»
Nintendo of America, however, launched the Nintendo Entertainment System well aware of the Christian heritage that runs through U.S. society and the complications that products like D&D had experienced throughout the conservative - leaning»80s.
Her quest to understand these dreams leads her to the New World bookstore, where she begins a spiritual journey that will challenge her Christian heritage as well as her marriage.
Her quest to understand these dreams leads her to the New World bookstore, where she begins a spiritual journey that takes her far from the Christian heritage of her grandparents, leading her into a web of mysticism and New Age beliefs.
2) CA History standards including learning about all the major religions but heavily stress the influence of the Judeo - Christian heritage.
It's the Common Core State Standards, which, the ultra-conservative Christian group said in a fund - raising e-mail, is a «morally corrupt federal takeover of education» that will lead to «a nation where children are indoctrinated with a liberal ideology that celebrates sexual perversion, worships the creation rather than the Creator, all at the expense of academic achievement and our nation's Christian heritage
ACARA is reviewing the report on the Australian national curriculum finalised last year that recommends a greater focus on moral and spiritual beliefs, especially Australia's Judeo - Christian heritage and traditions.
The review also called for more emphasis on Australia's Judeo - Christian heritage, the role of Western civilisation in contributing to Australian society, and the influence of the country's British system of government.
As a result of the review of the Australian national curriculum I took part in last year, the place of religions and beliefs systems, especially Australia's Judeo - Christian heritage and traditions, also became a topic of discussion and debate.
Our Christian heritage, our current choices and our obligations to future generations and to God's world will all play a shaping role....
How about 12 full - time, fixed - term parliamentary voices of the United Kingdom's Christian heritage, whom the media could easily and usefully dub «Apostles»?
... by recognising the importance of the Established Church and our Christian heritage — our majority faith...
The party trusts its representatives to make decisions on these matters using their own conscience, guided by our Christian heritage and the need to protect life in all stages and society.
The argument that it should be regarded as such because has a Christian heritage and tradition carries little real relevance — Britain also has a history of believing in the inequality of the sexes and the legitimacy of the slave trade.
They are founders and directors of Family Discipleship Ministries and co-founders and board members of CHRISTIAN HERITAGE Home Educators of Washington.
We have Jewish and Christian heritage, we live in the cultural melting pot that is NYC, and the kids currently attend a Parochial school.
If, in Paul Tillich's terms, Protestant principle has swallowed up Catholic substance in much of contemporary evangelicalism, this is because evangelicals have paid too little attention to the sum total of the Christian heritage handed down from previous ages.
Some of them are emphasized in the timetested wisdom of the Hebrew - Christian heritage.
But in a broader sense, as we compare our Judeo - Christian heritage with other traditions we do see that it is a life - affirming one.
ah yes, that glorious tolerant judo - christian heritage.
This is, of course, due to our Christian heritage.
However valuable the symbols and memories of the Christian heritage, they can no longer encompass the whole to which we must be open.
No longer can one read the Church fathers, the monastic tradition, the Anglican divines, indeed most of the spiritual classics of the Christian heritage without making mental reservations: «I must not allow myself to think along these lines; this is too Platonic, too dualistic.»
In the Christian heritage He still sets before men the choice of life or death.
The Christian heritage has been commonly known as the Gospel, or Good News.
To learn from others whatever truth they have to offer and to integrate that with the insights and wisdom we have learned from our Christian heritage appears to be faithful to Christ.
The new version states that the college «honors its Christian heritage and its partnership with the Lutheran church by nurturing a dialogue between faith and reason.»
Central as this is to the Judeo - Christian heritage, the particular form in which the Good News has been understood and experienced has varied considerably from one age to another.
He is a theologically reflective Lutheran layman who has through the years strengthened his support for our Christian heritage.
Near the beginning of this process, a majority of the faculty would not have supported the college's reengagement with its Christian heritage.
Gill made his debut as a presenter on Songs Of Praise in August, and in Sunday's episode will be seen visiting long - running agricultural event the Royal Welsh Show with Jones to learn about its Christian heritage.
Barton speaks regularly at pastors briefings sponsored by the Texas Restoration Project — a network of hundreds of «patriot pastors» whose goal is to «reclaim Texas» and «restore Texas and America to our Judeo - Christian heritage
We Asians know the Western Civilization is Christian though secular Westerners deny any Christian heritage in their history except making the Church a bad one.
Before his birth the slight mixture of Christian heritage among the Mongols of Central Asia had disappeared and the Mongols in that region had accepted Islam.
Of course, I do not teach church history here as I would a university course, but with a view to helping a student make some sense out of the whole Christian heritage and to apply insights to actual pastoral issues.
This answer has appealed to many men of goodwill, particularly in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, especially to those in the Western world who have come out of a Christian heritage.
What the Christian heritage has done is to focus attention upon it, and then declare that something happened in the advent of Christ which allows love to reach its highest level and full potential.
I have been shaped too deeply by my Christian heritage.
Some Christians quite understandably want to avoid the term «myth» on the grounds that the Christian heritage is grounded in history and not in mythology.
But those committed to the Christian heritage are called to a new venture in faith.
To see how the Judeo - Christian heritage has come to center man's attention upon love, we must go a long way back.
ALL the early settlers were christians, and the overwhelming christian heritage of this country is indisputable.
Israel's interpreters were doing this too, as they pioneered the concern with history, and that is the strength of the claim that the Christian heritage, in contrast with mythology, is grounded in history.
The love of one's enemies, perhaps more than anything else, vividly demonstrates the unique quality of love to which the Christian heritage points.
The Bible leads us to see the problems of peace and war, of politics and economics, of race relations and poverty as the very areas where the God of the Christian heritage is speaking His word in history today.
As in the case of both faith and hope, we must recognize that the Christian heritage has no monopoly of the practice of love, for it, too, is basic to the human condition.
The leaven of the Christian heritage now began to penetrate further than either Protestant or Catholic realized, and in forms which could not readily be evaluated by the traditional canons of Christian orthodoxy.
In the last quarter of the twentieth century, creative energies of Asian Christians have gone into the re-thinking of the Christian heritage in relation to East Asian traditions.
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