Sentences with phrase «christian polemics»

Whether violence was widespread or not, accusations of violence were a standard feature of Christian polemics against rival Christian groups.
Throughout many centuries the Christian polemic made Muhammad out to be a deceiver and paragon of baseness, until philological and historical inquiry moved him back into proper perspective and did justice to his religious genius.

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That this fear of being subsumed by Christianity lingers among Jews today is not surprising given that until recently «dialogue» with Christians, the wielders of cultural and political power, usually involved more polemic and proselytizing than understanding and cooperation.
Further, the Qur» anic insistence on the transcendence of God and «polemics» against Christian idea of the coming together of God and creature in a sort of ontological relations was simply beyond the known categories of thought during Muhammad's time, for the Greek thought had not yet impregnated Islam.
They know about the anti-Jewish polemics of certain church fathers; about the forced baptisms, especially of children; about the church council decree that sanctioned the removal of such children from their parents; about a papal edict encouraging raids on Jewish synagogues by the faithful; about the expulsion of all Jews from a country like Spain; about Luther's hate language directed against Jews when they did not convert according to his timetable; about the prohibition against Jews living in Calvin's Geneva; and about all the cruelties Christians have felt justified in perpetrating against the people they called «Christ - killers.»
We know that John of Damascus the great doctor of the Greek Church, was a Vizier (Minister) under the Umayyads, and that he and his pupil Theodorus Abucara wrote polemic treatises on Islam summarizing discussions between Christians and Muslims.
General principles can not, in my opinion, be laid down at this stage of the (still young) Jewish - Christian dialogue; but when polemic is undertaken in such dialogues, it must always be done in careful and clear awareness of the unpleasant uses to which such polemics have often been put by Christians in the past.
But these historical connections render decisions by Christians and Jews as to how best to interact with one another — and so also decisions as to the proper uses of polemic — extremely delicate.
A similar case can be made in situations where interreligious polemic is accompanied by large - scale political or economic imperialism, as may have been the case in India when Christian missionaries began polemically to engage Brahman intellectuals.
Surely, at the end of a bloodstained millennium in which religion has all too often been a divisive force, we need to rise above petty point «scoring and intemperate polemics to rediscover some of the common ground between Christians and Jews.
American missionary Jay Smith, who has worked among Muslims in the UK for over 30 years (head to Speaker's Corner in Hyde Park on a Sunday afternoon and you'll probably find him) says many of the Muslim societies in UK universities send their keenest off to spend a week, usually in a local mosque, learning how to engage in polemic with Christians.
Pannenberg engaged in extended polemics against the limits of reason to which so much of Protestant theology had appealed, opening the door to renewal of the bolder claims of Christian theology to affirm universal truth and to encompassing the sciences.
It should be borne in mind, in the second place, that there continued to exist within the Islamic Society churches, monasteries, synagogues, and temples serving Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, and others; that all these survived, not as ghost communities or depressed classes, but as communities of living men and women who pursued their callings, professed their faith openly, and entered into polemics in defense of it; who continued to develop their religious, philosophical, and scientific legacies; and who were at all times in communication with their Muslim neighbors.
This is another instance in which the core convictions of Jews and Christians have been distorted by centuries of polemic.
It will retain a vague reverence for the Christian moral code, and from time to time will refer to England as «a Christian Country» It drips with contempt for these symbols whereas as you notice at other times he is equally contemptuous of left wing intellectuals whose invertebrate inhumanity he clearly described in 1984 as sustained polemic nauseated with «Eng Soc».
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