Sentences with phrase «christian preacher»

Christian preacher - man Prophet Reindolph Oduro Gyebi has shockingly predicted that Ghana's senior national team the Black Stars will be involved in a fatal plane crash in September and the country's legend Abedi Pele will also die this year.
I don't see how a Christian preacher can talk like that!»
If ever there was any doubt that the ChristIan is rooted in bigotry; this meeting put that doubt to rest; a ChristIan preacher endorsing a member of a cult over a true christIan simply because of Obama's race - black!
But that only makes the task of the Christian preacher today more serious.
It is true that Luke was not present when most of these were uttered, and probably had to fill out somewhat any outline or report which had come to him; but this only means that the sermon, if not exactly what Paul or Peter said, is what another early Christian preacher, Luke, would have said, and supposes Paul would have said, in those circumstances.
Birth of a Nation tells the story of Nat Turner, a slave and Christian preacher who led a rebellion in 1831.
The Christian preacher must have provided his hearers with excerpts from it or, more probably, summaries of what he considered central.
Yeah, typical Christian preacher, in it for the money.
In any case, it would be too rude of any Christian preacher to suggest in any way the dead are dead.
Is an American child more likely to be harmed by a Muslim Terrorist, or to be buggered by a Christian Preacher?
He has become a Christian preacher.
The job of a Christian preacher, he said, is to «proclaim the given gospel to the given world,» The given gospel — that is to say, the gospel which has come to him from the Christian tradition which he represents and for which in his preaching function he speaks; the given world — that is to say, men and women in their actual concrete situation, with their interests and worries, their concerns and their problems, And the two are to go together, so that the gospel will be heard and (one hopes) accepted by those who hear its proclamation as directly relevant to their own lives.
Instead — and with as much success as any Christian preacher could expect — he addressed the fears which gripped young and old.
As Christian preacher Adrian Rogers put it, «The heart of the human problem is the problem of the human heart.»
Then tell his boss that he's going to go back to being a full blown Christian preacher.
Did you know, early Christian preachers who had their heads cut off still carried on talking?
The Christian preachers get on here, and are more than willing to explain Heaven and Earth to any and all.
The «fire and brimstone» Christian preachers are not unusual either.
(CNN)- Under ordinary circumstances, Donald Trump and Rupert Murdoch are probably not in the habit of attending the birthday parties of elderly Christian preachers in the North Carolina mountains.
I grieve when Christian preachers make dogmatic assertions about people they say will be lost.
I shudder when Christian preachers give assurances of salvation to everyone who might be listening.
Early Christian preachers had a similar crisis.
Did you ever notice how, well know, so - called Christian preachers will not say that Jesus is the only way to heaven?
It is a drama that unfolds in several contexts at once: within the historical context of a «great cloud of witnesses», that is, in relationship to all of those who speak (and have spoken) as «Christian preachers»; within the context of the speaker's own human existence in relation to other statements of faith collected as «Christian theology» within the time and space set aside for the performance of Christian liturgy.
But from Pitchfork to Rolling Stone to SPIN, critics barely brushed the reason why Christian preachers were thanking Kendrick for his work and why Christian blogs were doing what the review mills never will — lyric analysis, song by song.
Well, in the first place, bishop, it's a flawed film that doesn't deserve the publicity that fundamentalist Christian preachers have given it.
He was one of the great Christian preachers of this century, and it is a pity that he allowed only two volumes of his sermons to be printed.
«Pink - slipping» all the «red neck» Christian preachers, «profits» and priests and «we are the chosen» rabbis is also part of the solution.
If that is so, then we must say that he, like other early Christian preachers, gave a place in his preaching to some kind of recital of the facts of the life and ministry of Jesus.
Although homilies about Christian miracles or heroism are much easier to listen to, the best Christian preachers have always highlighted the Sermon on the Mount, and the need to practice its principles.
There is a book in the Bible not much loved by Christian preachers, even though it is called «The Preacher», or by its Greek title, «Ecclesiastes».
This is a product of the west, yet it was not planned by those proclaiming and defending Christianity; indeed, traditional Christian preachers often treat secularism as one of their chief enemies.
For example, one of my church leaders insisted that early Christian preachers had their heads cut off and still carried on preaching.
They were composed not by historians, with what we like to call scientific detachment, but by Christian preachers and teachers, and for certain practical purposes.
Sometimes Christian preachers there talk about God's tender and patient love.
As a lot of Christian preachers lazily take only excerpts of the bible, pluck them out and use them out of context to fabricate a message of a hateful and vengeful god.
Christian preachers had to compete with these men for the attention of the people they were trying to convert to Christianity, and they naturally adopted some of their methods.
If we really want to improve society, we would take all of the angry christian preachers and put them behind an electrified fence and let them die off.
Christian preachers, biblical scholars, theologians, writers, conference speakers, broadcasters and Christian media organisations have immense power by having access to opportunities for communication that others don't have.
Ramdev then assured his followers that he could «cure» homosexuality through yoga and meditation, much in the way that Christian preachers claim to cure the gay away with Jesus.

Not exact matches

Deacon, Just another Christian deviant trying to justify, rationalize or ignore predatory preachers harming little boys
christians today think when people are not living according to the bible then they have the authority to cast hell on whomever... its sickening... and can someone tell me that if a kid was gay and he was a full hearted christian that there preacher would look them in the eyes and say give up ur going to hell
A Christian MP's welcomed the potential prison sentencing of serial hate preacher Anjem Choudary, saying... More
Meanwhile, a Christian farmer and Methodist lay preacher near Carlisle has also hit the headlines during the floods.
Any person claiming to be a Christian (especially a preacher) who, unqualified, tries to badly interpret the Word of God to you or to the world is calld a «false prophet».
Do you think that Christians believe every preachers and evangelists?
A better question in this article would be, «Why don't christian conservatives, or preachers STAY OUT of politics?!?!?!»
the Word - Yes we are supposed to read for ourselves, and test our pastors / preachers with the Bible - but the Bible is meant to be heard, and it's good to have someone exposit it - yes unfortunately there's a lot of bad theology, and even cults claiming to be Christian, we were warned about false teachers.
In 2013 my wife answered the Lord's call and became a full - time preacher at the Harvest Chinese Christian Church just outside Washington, DC.
How very Christian of these preachers.
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