Sentences with phrase «christian upbringing»

Through a Christian upbringing, Benjamin has found faith to be an integral part of his decision - making, curiosity, and professional growth.
Influenced by the religious iconography encountered in his Christian upbringing, his businessmen and workers are stripped of their personal attributes and their identities are revealed by the historical and social symbols of their professions.
His work simultaneously tries to reconcile his own Southern Christian upbringing and the tumultuous racial politics of 60s with the more progressive but better concealed racial divisions of today.
He pulls traditions from an idealist, southern, Christian upbringing and meshes this with a colorful, queer, angst to construct and deconstruct patterns of Utopia.
Alex Lehmann, art director of League of Legends, shares about his Christian upbringing, his love of animation, and the experience of working on a game that become a massive eSport.
How does Jack reconcile his Christian upbringing with the fantastic things he's seen and done on his adventure?
In Thompson's semiautobiographical novel, he recounts the story of his first love alongside his drift away from his Fundamentalist Christian upbringing.
She also demonstrated a true commitment to sector - agnosticism — she visited traditional public schools, not just private and charter ones — and celebrated schools that are as far from her own conservative Christian upbringing as one can imagine — and did it all with grace and humor.
A Key Stage 4 lesson plan showing how a Christian upbringing can lead someone to believe in God.
And people wonder why I am an atheist despite a forced Christian upbringing
Are we sure Jonathan Acuff isn't generalizing because none of these criteria fit my Christian upbringing.
My ex-wife and my sx life was horrible and only got worse over time, and I largely attribute it to my conservative christian upbringing and teachings and resulting shame, guilt, lack of experience, lack of communication, and lack of knowing my own body and likes and dislikes.
I will always have Christian upbringing along with family and friends, as a foundation, and I believe my character is strong.
I am curious as to why you add «Of course, my personal morality was a result of my Christian upbringing»
He will not wrestle someone he thinks is gay, because of his Christian upbringing.
Of course, my personal morality was learned as a result of my Christian upbringing.
Holmes listens to Joel Osteen sermons, Jars of Clay CDs and constantly discusses his Christian faith and Christian upbringing.
Despite our focused Christian upbringing, without my mom's participation, I can still recall at least a few years of celebrating Hanukkah with my grandfather at our house (compromise makes marriages go, right?).
My Christian upbringing had led me to give priority to issues of justice and peace.
I personally, & I concede that my viewpoint is to an extent learned from my conservative Christian upbringing & influenced by my own sexuality, can not think other than gay sex between men is unnatural, that is, not as nature & therefore as God intended.
He retells of his Christian upbringing by his mother, his sinful and wayward youth and his conversion from the Manichaen cult to Christianity.
One of the things that saved me from the insanity of my Christian upbringing was people pointing out the contradictions in the bible and the gapping flaws in Christian thinking.
Despite his Christian upbringing Mr Kassig converted to Islam after travelling to the Middle East as an aid worker.
The reaction of my FORMER pastor was classic: Oh, nothing can replace my Christian upbringing.
Thus the ancient laws and doctrines which remain ever new are contained also in what we have learned in our youth about the life of piety, the Christian family life and the Christian upbringing of children.
If I plead for more understanding on the part of Christians for those who have not enjoyed a Christian upbringing, I would also plead that the agnostic should know much more accurately than he appears to do what the Christians of today, particularly the young Christians, really believe.
I'm considered an evil genious in many circles, and I take pride in the fact that I kept some of the more useful parts of christian upbringing.
I'll never forget my Christian upbringing, but I am now an avowed atheist.
Typically the product of a very conservative Christian upbringing and a verbally abusive father.

Not exact matches

If the idea that our beliefs are determined by our upbringing or geographical location then why the rise in atheism in America, a so - called Christian nation (according to the rest of the world and confirmed in polls... yet quickly denied by the U.S. media when addressed this way), taking off?
@chris, that is my conclusion from my upbringing in the church and many interactions with many Christians including people right here on this blog.
i do credit my religious upbringing for that, but it doesn't mean i'm a christian.
Calling the Bible a «spellbook» is about a tasteless as rabid Christians quoting Scripture all the time — they're both annoying as hell and a result of a screwed up upbringing.
Theologically, Keen has been seduced into caricaturing Christian experience according to his reaction to his Fundamentalist upbringing.
Even so, even given an internal struggle within thhe man given his early upbringing and environment, to ignore the obvious fact that anyone can see that nazi ideology was not Christian is likewise dishonest.
«based on the definition of my Baptist upbringing, LDS followers are Christian
You may not agree, but based on the definition of my Baptist upbringing, LDS followers are Christian.
His entire upbringing has lived in this social structure and rev. Wright simply put a Christian name on the ideas.
So these atheists they're looking at are people likely just recovering from a bad upbringing while the Christians, like many other a christians, are people for whom this isn't just an issue of ontology, but their whole ethics, lifestyle and wChristians, like many other a christians, are people for whom this isn't just an issue of ontology, but their whole ethics, lifestyle and wchristians, are people for whom this isn't just an issue of ontology, but their whole ethics, lifestyle and world view.
Another woman came for the first time in years and told me, «I thought I was no longer a Christian because I departed from my fundamentalist upbringing, and they told me I wasn't.
d it easy to talk about his upbringing in the Church or the years he spent immersed in Christian sub-culture.
A man is half Caucasian, half African; a Christian by upbringing but a absentee father that was Muslim; lived and learned different cultures while growing up, yet born in the USA and an American citizen.
That's why muslim terrorists and christian fundamentalists use math and chemistry but believe in the god of their upbringing's culture.
I grew up in a loving Christian home, accepted Christ at a young age, attended a Southern Baptist church, and generally had a pretty awesome upbringing.
The Christian, who is far more indoctrinated than he realizes by upbringing and training, very naturally tends to consort with fellow - Christians who share his point of view.
After reading about their life and having a conversation with Ruben about our own mostly non-Christian upbringings (I'll spare you the details...), we're both encouraged by the fact that we're bringing our kids up in a Christian home.
I'm an Chinese / Jewish but, most people think, I'm from Vietnam, well my half grand parent is really from VN and I think I have great upbringing, I was born in South Beach in FL, but I have my adult upbringing in Canada, UK and later in Israel, I have Chinese Dad, while my Mum is from Israel... I'm a very funny gal, most of my friends use to tell me that, I am a very smart person, as per human being, in business, I am very shrewd, I am very persuasive, I think I'm a good sales person, I'm a Christian, I have a passion for what I'm doing mostly..
Christian Online Dating Sites Uk Tania Georgelas, 33, said her upbringing led her to marry a Christian convert... Dating site exclusively for UK Christians.
This year on the Lido he is premiering First Reformed, a film that may be the most directly influenced by his upbringing (the church he attended in his youth was the Calvinist Christian Reformed).
Tree of Life is sort of like that, but the fascinating world is our own and one you can appreciate with no prior predilection for a Christian Texas upbringing in the middle of last century.
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