Sentences with phrase «christian worship»

Bell ringing has been part of Christian worship for a thousand years.»
Indeed, as we saw in chapter 3, that is what gives an air of plausibility to looking on the practices of Christian worship as engagement in a «Christian» type of paideia.
It must have a different orientation from the Sunday preaching in the pulpit, given in connection with the action of Christian worship.
Another aspect of Christian worship, highly important in a growing Church, is to be found in the rite of baptism.
If we grasp this aspect of our preaching, we may well have our part in a great movement of return to the intention of the Reformers of the sixteenth century as well as of the Fathers of the ancient Church: that the Lord's Supper shall in very deed be the act of Christian worship most loved, most used, and most honored by the whole of the Christian world, without base superstition or ungodly fear but in loving obedience to the command of the Lord and for the «strengthening and refreshing» of his people.
Perhaps chapter 12 has been as often read as the New Testament lesson in Christian worship as any chapter in the entire Bible.
By definition of the term, a priest is a minister of divine worship, a servant of the altar; it was primarily the development of Christian worship into an ordered liturgical action which naturalized the term sacerdos for the presiding Bishop or the presbyter who takes his place.
In fact, if you struggle with praying always, one of the best ways to get into the habit of it is to play Christian worship music as much as possible.
The remembrance of his perfect gift consists not in the mere repetition of the Last Supper, but in the Eucharist itself, that is, in the radical newness of Christian worship.
While Christian worship is not a viable religious choice for Jews, as Jewish theologians we rejoice that, through Christianity, hundreds of millions of people have entered into relationship with the God of Israel.
Therefore, when inquiring about the larger context in which preaching takes place — the human community at every level, from the neighborhood to the globe — it is helpful to begin by placing that inquiry within the sacramental context that is also the implicit or explicit context of every act of preaching in Christian worship.
Christian worship must honor not only our memories but our anticipation, the work of the Spirit as well as the divine founder of creation and the church.
Why Jazz Is Appropriate for Christian Worship * Jazz is multi-cultural and inclusive - Jazz was born in America when African rhythm - based music met with European harmonies.
In March a Catholic church opened in Doha; while there were various places of Christian worship previously, this was the first building in centuries to be erected as a Christian church in the country.
It is also a set of affirmations which give meaning to our way of life and illuminate our worship of God, a set of affirmations in terms of which we live and the meaning of which is declared to us and by us every time we participate in an act of Christian worship.
Hillsong Live Savior King Veterans of the Christian worship scene, Australia's Hillsong released Savior King in 2007.
There appear to be three main reasons for the concentration of religious programs on Sundays: (1) Sunday is the traditional day of Christian worship and therefore seemed most appropriate for Christian broadcasts; (2) Christian broadcasts on the networks were originally conceived as alternatives for those, such as shut - ins, who could not attend regular services at a church; (6)(3) Sunday morning was the period of lowest audience for broadcasters and therefore was the least commercially damaging for stations in fulfilling their FCC obligations by providing free air - time for religious broadcasts.
In conclusion, the importance of early Christian worship for worship renewal today is in direct relationship to the degree in which the early church remained faithful to the apostolic tradition preserved in Scripture.
Unquestionably the Holy Communion is, or ought to be, central to Christian worship; so it has been historically, even if (for example) the intention of the great Reformers, Martin Luther and John Calvin, that it should be celebrated each Lord's Day has been observed by many only in the breach.
Samuel Rodriguez, the president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference and the pastor of California's New Season Christian Worship Center, prayed at Trump's inauguration, but has also spoken out about recent immigration policy.
Hugh Oliphant Olds, in The Patristic Roots of Reformed Worship, has shown the diligent attention given to the early Church Fathers by Reformed leaders as they sought to reconsider Christian worship.
They are not open to public observation or communal participation, except in the more Pentecostal forms of Christian worship.
The writer of the Epistle to the Hebrews admonished his readers that they were not to forsake the «gathering of themselves» in Christian worship.
Christian worship is a response in joy, awe, and gratitude for the memory and promise of the sheer fact of God's presence in Jesus of Nazareth.
Precisely as Christian worship, in its social sense, has its own peculiar characteristics and is marked by a special religious quality, so the private devotion of the Christian is different from the life in prayer of other religious people.
Those stories provide all celebrations of Christian worship with a common lexicon of images, metaphors, and parables.
However, one theme the recurring reforms of Christian worship have in common is that none of these alternative social forms for the worship of God can be normative social forms.
The personal devotion of a Christian, we may then say in conclusion, has for its goal precisely that which Christian worship, in the sense of the cult, has for its goal: the offering of self to God, even in our intercessions for others and for ourselves.
However, it is equally clear from the history of the reform of Christian worship that critical reflection reveals these assimilations to be inconsistent with the enactment of a much more broadly practiced worship of God «in Jesus» name.»
Wainwright notes that the founding aims of the university invoke «Jesus Christ, the Son of God,» and the Chapel «unmistakably bespeaks the purpose of Christian worship....
For many, myself included, such ceremonies [same - sex blessings] would desecrate a space they believe hallowed by decades of prayer and which they expected to be able to continue to use for Christian worship
The Rothko Chapel, for instance, will never offer a suitable environment for Christian worship because it is singularly visual and removed from Christianity's textual and historical particularities.
Except on wholly commuter campuses, this means that campus ministries should offer Christian worship experiences.
Pitt explained that he was taught «rock shows are of the devil» but going to rock concerts enabled him to understand Christian worship.
This may move Christian worship beyond the preoccupation with Scriptural texts and literary forms of prayer to a concern with the spontaneous religious life of its daily practitioners.
When Christian worship is able to embrace the religio - cultural world of Dalit and Adivasi communities it becomes an invaluable source of theology since it taps into the most productive workshop of people's experience of God.
And when God does finally show up to «fix things,» it is not like Zeus — with thunder in His footsteps and lightning in His fists (as one Christian worship song so gleefully claims)-- but with nails through His feet and hands and a spear through His side.
Thousands of pagan temples were transformed into places of Christian worship.
Under the rubrics «oral interpretation,» «expression,» and «elocution,» this performance studies has had much to say on how a preacher might improve his or her skill in the oral presentation of Biblical texts in Christian worship.
I also suggest that Christian worship is the other appropriate site for drawing in and celebrating the Dalit and Adivasi religio - cultural worlds, which in turn can be a source for the theological enterprise.
It is not correct to say that liturgical worship is alien to that kind of Christian worship which finds place, as a central element, for the declaration of the kerygma.
In the Athanasian Creed, that ancient canticle of Christian faith still found in the service books of many Christian communions, there is a fine statement which gives the proper setting for any discussion of Christian worship and, a fortiori, for a discussion of the central act of Christian worship, the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, the Eucharist, the Holy Communion, the Divine Mysteries, the Liturgy, the Mass — call it what you will.
It is not true that liturgical worship entirely fails to speak to the strictly conscious levels of human experience; it does indeed speak to these, but it has richer connotations and implications; and it is these which do most of the «work» in liturgical as distinguished from didactic or other types of Christian worship.
Hence it is appropriate for us here to consider the meaning of this action of Christian worship as the historical tradition of Christianity has understood it, always remembering that our primary concern is to show how this action is related to the kerygmatic proclamation, the preaching of the gospel of God in Jesus Christ for man's wholeness.
It is for this reason that the typical form of Christian worship is social in nature.
It was here that my ignorance about the continuity of Orthodox Christian worship was first abated.
We may be on the way to recovering something of the wholeness of Christian worship which has been broken during the past few centuries.
Campanology, the ringing of church bells, is also associated with Christian worship.
The term evangelical has the opposite effect on many people of Latino and Hispanic heritage, according to Samuel Rodriguez, president of The National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference and senior pastor of New Season Christian Worship Center in Sacramento, California.
In most Christian traditions, the Eucharist, known perhaps as the Communion, the Mass, or the Lord's Supper, is central to Christian worship.
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