Sentences with phrase «christianity teaches»

Christianity teaches that sex is not supposed to be enjoyed by people who are not married to each other, in this case, the girl is expected to maintain her virginity, and the man too is supposed to abstain completely until they get married officially.
Christianity teaches salvation by grace (God's undeserved and unearned gift); whereas religion is based on good works.
Orthodox Christianity teaches...
Orthodox Christianity teaches that the Bible was inspired and authored by the Holy Spirit of God using human instruments.
To be so near to God as Christianity teaches that man can come to Him, and dare come to Him, and shall come to Him in Christ, has never entered into any man's head.
Christianity teaches that Christ is fully God and equal with God the Father in every way.
A Mormon might speak of Christ dying for their sins and being the son of God, but they mean something different than what traditional, orthodox Christianity teaches.
You said: «Actually, Christianity teaches nothing of the sort.
Actually, Christianity teaches nothing of the sort.
As was empathy, which Christianity teaches against.
It's the only way you could learn, and surely if Christianity teaches anything, it's that death is not the end.
One can disagree with the lad's (patently and demonstrably absurd) statement that Christianity teaches respect towards women, and still support and respect his decision not to wrestle the girl.
At least Christianity teaches to love one another and to help one another..
Christianity teaches lots of anti-Jesus stuff and anti-Rand stuff.
This concept of «soul,» and the physicalism proposed by many of the contributors, is unacceptable to those who hold that Christianity teaches that man is one unified being but composed of two essential parts - a physical body and a properly spiritual soul which, though the substantial form of the body, is a subsistent entity capable of conscious existence when separated from its body between an individual's death and the General Resurrection.
No, YOU teach handouts are all right as long as they are voluntary, whereas, Christianity teaches that caring for one's neighbor is caring for God.
Christianity teaches that if you willingly defy God, then you're sinning... I don't see too many Fat Pride Parades... so, fat people can go to Heaven, and no, Christians are not hypocrites.
Christianity teaches supreme selfishness - that you should be good - so you get to go to heaven and get candy and stuff.
Christianity teaches that this particular individual, and so every individual, whatever in other respects this individual may be, man, woman, serving - maid, minister of state, merchant, barber, student, etc. — this individual exists before God — this individual who perhaps would be vain for having once in his life talked with the King, this man who is not a little proud of living on intimate terms with that person or the other, this man exists before God, can talk with God any moment he will, sure to be heard by Him; in short, this man is invited to live on the most intimate terms with God!
We would have far less wars, and people would actually care about each other rather than thinking only about themselves, as christianity teaches.
Hell is reserved for only the most wicked of the wicked, which differs from the traditional «black and white» version of heaven and hell that mainstream christianity teaches.
Christianity teaches us to seek God's will but to do so we must first focus on making a change in ourselves.
Christianity is necessary for a democracy because Christianity teaches the necessary core values for a democracy to exist.
Christianity teaches nonsense when it speaks of the holiness of God, of his absolute sovereignty, or of God as suffering love.
I particularly found my experience the Buddhist «meta» or loving kindness and finding contentedness through all things through the teaching of the Buddhist Tara Brach and her book «Radical Aceeptance» worked more for me though applying the same principles of love including love of enemies that Christianity teaches.
If we are created in the image of God, as Christianity teaches, then it is not possible for us to be more moral than our creator.
Shirl Hoffman, author of «Good Game: Christianity and the Culture of Sport,» says Christianity teaches «peace, humility, putting others before yourself,» while athletes are often more willing to cheat, hurt their opponents or take credit for their accomplishments.
Indeed, given what Christianity teaches about charity, human sinfulness, and God's grace, being a Christian may make Benedict or any other Christian far less likely to be fanatical than the atheist.
Skytag: «If what Christianity teaches about God is true, why is it that only religions that share their roots with Christianity (such as Judaism) have anything significant in common with it?
It inconsistent with the teachings of Christianity to make snide remarks, as Christianity teaches its followers to be patient, kind, long - suffering, love your enemies, pray for those who despitefully use you, turn the other cheek, and so on.
That however, doesn't mean that they represent all Christians or even what Christianity teaches at the heart of it.
It is a paradox, because Christianity teaches «God» knows everything, even before it happens.
Historic Christianity teaches nothing like the idiotic Left Behind series.
I like the morals that Christianity teaches.
That is what fundamentalist western Christianity taught, from my experience.
Ergo, taking the Bible as the honest word of the Deity, as mainstream Christendom has done shows that from the very start of Christianity the teaching of the rapture has been a valid part of the Christian faith.
We need Christianity taught in schools because parents don't have time to teach it at home?
Judaism and Christianity taught them to think of these acts as participations in God's own inner life.
Niebuhr said that pre-Reformation Christianity taught that man under grace (defined primarily as power) could realize original righteousness.
With the ideal, Christianity can not but have profound sympathy, for Christianity taught it first of all to the Western world.
Remember, the same Councils (Nicea) that established what mainstream Christianity teach today also excepted idols in worship.
Doesn't Christianity teach forgiveness and doesn't our constitution state freedom of religion.
We also left the traditional church and looked for a different kind of relationship with God in many places, before we re-discovered this new vision of Christianity taught by Father Thomas Keating and Ken Wilber.
Underlying their lament is the notion that people are basically good and that if we are nice and kind, everyone else will be too, «I thought that Christianity taught that if you just love people, everything will work out.»
I thought that Christianity taught that morality was absolute and as such slavery is either acceptable or not, regardless of times, the society, or the radicalness.
Students are given opportunities to reflect on the requirements of the Religious Studies GCSE (Christianity Beliefs or Christianity Teachings / Practices - this pack includes revision for both so easily amendable to suit) and think about how they can guide other students to be successful.

Not exact matches

Christianity is an evil disease which teaches people to hate their fellow man.
Now people have fought wars in the name of Christianity (the Crusades), but they did not have the truth, they were fighting under a highly distorted view of Christianity that also allowed torture for heresy and taught that works will get you into heaven.
Christian science is not the Truth and Christianity is not responsible for the false teachings.
To all about the supremacy of religion: The mission statement of Christianity is to spread the lessons of peace and love taught by Christ to the world.
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