Sentences with phrase «christians as followers»

Emperor Hadrian (a.d. 76 - 136) wrote about Christians as followers of Jesus Early Christians wrote thousands of letters, sermons and commentaries about Jesus.

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The followers (note I did call them Christians) would just as soon vomit on these news places that broadcast the corrupt «perfect» church.
I believe the man, Jesus, who's story is recorded in the 4 gospels — would never recognize the American christian churches as anywhere near followers of «love one another as I have loved you» and «do to others as you would have them do to you.»
A Christian defined as a follower of Christ.
hinduism absurdity of Egyptian hindus pagans pretending to be his follower of son of blessed May but follower of Pharoahnic Mithraism, savior ism labeled as Christian in trinity deception.
So at the end of the day, even as a follower of the teachings of Jesus Christ (the name Christian has been so stained, refuse to call myself one to distance myself from traitors to God like Bush and just about every Conservative American), I'd vote for an astheist with good ideas and was brave enough to push for the interests of people, not corporations, then I would vote for them.
If one refers to themselves as «Christ Follower» or «Christian» than by faith alone, their relationship with Christ is between them and he.
Only strategy Christians has to do is fight for what ever Tradition is going on for years by co-ordinating within the different Christian sects as well as DISPLAYING MORE NATIVITY SCEANS AROUND THE NEIGHBORING HOUSES OF ATHEIST FOLLOWERS especially near the leaders houses for for sure, yea I mean purely private property.
So too, as Christians, as disciples, as followers of Jesus Christ, we need to turn our back on who we were before we were Christians.
Please, if you're a Christian leader and plan on killing yourself and your congregation before on on May 21... take as many of your followers with you.
As a queer woman who is also a Christ - follower, i am very saddened and hurt by the circular rhetoric here amongst some of the people here who call themselves Christians.
you guys have to understand, we as followers of christ (not christians) it is our job to tell you (society) that god exist and that he loves us and is willing to forgive us for the f @ # $ up things we do to each other daily, not prove he exist, b / c he sent prophets through out the ages to do that, some listen (hebrews, muslims) some didn't (pagans, atheis, new agers), then you have those who have had their souls violated (gays) who feel lost and confused.
But they had all built loyal ranks of followers well beyond their social networks — they were evangelical Christian leaders whose inspirational messages of God's love perform about 30 times as well as Twitter messages from pop culture powerhouses like Lady Gaga.
However, «Christian» means follower of Christ, and there's no small amount of people who make an open show, such as in the news, of doing all the things that Christ said not to do.
«Motivated in large part by their religious traditions of protecting the vulnerable and serving «the least of these,» as Jesus instructed his followers to do in the Gospel of Matthew,» writes Eric Marrapodi, «World Relief and other Christian agencies like the Salvation Army are stepping up efforts and working with law enforcement to stem the flow of human trafficking, which includes sex trafficking and labor trafficking.»
It could now be seen, in every detail as his followers remembered it, as the life of the one whom they now encountered as a living Presence in the witnessing and worshipping life of the Christian society: the Jesus who was no longer with them as «the prophet from Nazareth», but who was for ever contemporary as the Lord to whom «all authority in heaven and earth» had been given, who was «with them always, to the close of the age».
I could much more easily go with «Christian» as «follower of Christ» but... the term is so loaded, and everyone thinks you mean one of the other three versions of what «Christian» is, and besides, while there is a lot about Jesus that works for me, there is some that doesn't and I believe it is likely stuff inserted in after the fact to make things fit, but... * shrugs *... then that is speculation as well.
As for what David is doing... once you cease being a card carrying institutional Christian church clone and become a true follower of Jesus, things change.
The Bible considers ALL Christians to be saints... not just a select few... Peter called all the followers saints in letter to the churches in Asia minor... Paul refers to all Christians as well to be saints... not because of what we do... but because of who we are... we are set aside by God... thru Jesus death and resurrection... those of us who have acceptd this are saints...
Though these Judaizers considered themselves to be Christians and professed to know God (Titus 1:16), they believed that Jesus, as a Jew Himself, wanted all His followers to practice and obey the Law of Moses, including the laws of the Sabbath, the laws of circumcision, and the laws of ceremonial and personal purity.
Early Christian writers mention an Elder John of Ephesus, who was a follower of Jesus but was not the apostle of that name, and they sometimes refer to him simply as «the Elder», just as the writer of these letters calls himself.
The author discusses numerous ways Christian see Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God and how the early followers and the early church developed the concepts of Jesus» Divinity.?
In the New Testamen, Paul refers to himself several times as a follower of the «way», while he never once refers to himself as a Christian and appears to deliberately avoid using the name when asked by a Roman ruler in Acts if he is a Christian.
But I've also got a nagging feeling that something isn't right, that even if homosexuality is a sin, Christians haven't been handling it the way they should... and if it isn't a sin, then we've forever damaged our ability to minister in the world as followers of Christ.
I think the people of Antioch noticed how «Christ - like» the people were who claimed to follow Him, and so they started to referring to this Christ - like followers of Jesus as «Christians
If the Christian right seeks to gain earthly political power (something Christ himself rejected when tempted by Satan), why don't they at least try to find candidates who support the very issues Christ actually spoke about & challenged us to address as his followers?
And Yahweh is jewish terminology is the same now that mean Allah and Yahweh are the same being but christian god is unknown I don't know what he is, And Muhammad in the Qur» an is the last of all Prophets and Messengers and is known as Rehmat ul alimeen the mercy of the world he forgive his most bitterest enemies who tortured him and his followers for believing in one true God.Now Muhammad never try to fake a miracle, the pig is forbidden to eat even in the jewish testament and so even here bible agrees but I don't know why christians eat pork.Secondly wine was forbidden because Muhammad's companions saw the evil in it.So please don't speak without having proper knowledge or Blurting out made up stories that actually have no sense, the jews call Jesus the false prophet, Sorcerer, Necromancer etc would you beieve those stories or be angry.Surely we both know the answer
The New Testament is concerned with that part of this endless story which deals with the earthly life of Jesus and the coming of his Spirit to establish the Christian community and sent his followers out as flaming witnesses of their faith.
two things first the term Christian means little Christ it was meant as in insult at first, as a Christian it should affect every part of my life, as a true follower of Jesus there is no way I could say I believe this is wrong (but because I am in politics) I will vote another way.
To be honest a Christian is a follower of Christ, hence the name Christian which has supplanted followers of «the way», which defines one as a follower of Christ.
and Paul followed Jesus from that point forward and was eventually identified as a Christian (follower of Jesus Christ).
Instead of joining in a hue and cry against a churchman for engaging in this system in which every one of us is implicated, from which even the bishop's salary is derived, or hiding our Christian faces in shame because his hypocritical enemies hold him up as a «horrible example,» the clear call of Christ is that his followers should make a frontal attack upon the pagan system itself, and demand that our economic order shall give way to an economic order embodying the principles of the kingdom of God (July 17, 1929).
It has to be considered as two faced logic, dangerous hypocrisy in fact, when someone subscribes to the notion that extremists who self describe as Christian are merely lone, deranged individuals carrying out individual acts of terror, bereft of Christian values, yet extremists self describing as Muslim are called Islamofacists, and an entire religion and its billion or so followers are singled out for indictment.
The vast majority of people who claim they are Christians today are truly not, as evidenced by this article where most of these same Christians are followers of Rand.
As a follower of Christ, I think Christians became the hated minority when many forgot Jesus's two commandments — Love God and Love people.
A follower of Christianity is identified as a Christian.
In fact, the Bible of today was assembled based on what the Nicean Council selected; not all the literary writings of the early followers of the apocolyptic cult known as Christians...
While I am in sympathy with your plight and suffering you endured while traveling in the Middle East, if you are truly a present Christian you should be a follower of Christ's words and life and be concerned for men who face eternal damnation as Jesus taught.
You're certainly correct that we need to be clear about the terms we are talking about, for example the first two «we's in this sentence refer to you and I specifically, or generally anyone who is engaging in a debate / discussion — but when I said «If war is wrong, then it follows that we should never go to war» the «we» meant Christians, when I'm talking to you I agree that we are talking about what we as followers of Jesus should do, not just generally members of a given country or society should do.
In the first case, when we have pastors who are not teachers, but are just care providers, we end up with Christians who feel cared for, but who don't know much, and so can not properly live or function as a follower of Jesus.
Christian is defined as «follower of Christ».
The truth is that St Paul has the most to do with the diversity of the early Christian Church (Followers of the Way), but today religion is used politically and otherwise to divide humans into «us» as against «them».
Query: Who wrote: A Christian is identified as a follower of Jesus, and reflection on the experience of following constitutes the central theme of any solid theology.
Yet although Reverend Moon regards himself as - commissioned by Jesus Christ, the majority of Christians will have no fellowship with his followers who are often called «Moonies».
But we, as Christians, rejoice, regretting only that his influence is so often corruptly mediated by his followers.
Once Jesus was dead and buried, his followers, who were also Christian Pastors, went to work offending more and more people who continued to practice the Church of Israel, Judaism and Mosaic Covenant to a certain point that emboldened factions that would find them guilty of sedition and condemn the followers of Jesus Christ, who were more than willing to put them to death as well, usually by MOB RULE.
Most christian «leaders» cite followers losing faith as the churches largest battle.
Yes, I understand followers of other various religions have just as much faith as a Christian.
More important, I think, is what you have described as a «remarkable story» of the development and spread of what the bible firstly called followers of the way and later Christians.
Jesus followers who are unchurched talk about spiritual matters half as much as most practicing Christians, and four times less than evangelicals.
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