Sentences with phrase «cigarette smokers also»

Cigarette smokers also are more likely to develop thyroid eye complications of Graves» disease, and treatments for those eye problems are less effective in smokers.

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Early termination of breastfeeding in cigarette smokers was also shown by Hill and Aldag.14 They noted that mothers who smoked cited insufficient milk as a reason for a decline in breastfeeding.
Chief executive Maureen Moore said ending cigarette displays in shops would «not just stop children from starting smoking, it will also support older smokers who are trying to quit».
Alongside standardized packaging, a series of new regulations and taxes also mean smokers are paying more for a pack of cigarettes than ever before.
Not surprisingly, cigarette smoke emerged as a major source of airborne particles in homes with smokers, but cleaning products, candles, frying food and marijuana smoking also jumped out as in - home air polluters.
Carcinogenic materials can be passed from smokers to non-smokers during shared contact, for example between clothes and surfaces and also enter homes via airborne transport of cigarette smoke.»
«Higher cigarette prices also increase the likelihood of smoking cessation among adult smokers: every 10 - percent increase in cigarette prices leads to a two - percent reduction in the number of people who smoke.
The number of cigarettes per smoker per day also varied widely across countries.
«About half of all smokers die from emphysema, cancer or other problems related to smoking, so we need to remember that as complicated as it can be to treat mental health issues, smoking cigarettes also causes very serious illnesses that can lead to death,» she explained.
However, the study also concludes that cigarette health warnings which emphasize how smokers harm others - such as the new FDA label that says smoking harms one's children - diminish the appeal of smoking.
Contrary to their expectations, researchers found that in order to satisfy nicotine cravings, smokers had to not only smoke a cigarette with nicotine but also believe that they were smoking nicotine.
There's a chance that smoking and caffeine consumption are linked through habit, but Munafò thinks that nicotine in cigarettes might also make smokers metabolise caffeine more quickly.
«Marijuana may lead non-smokers to cigarettes: Former smokers who use cannabis are also more likely to relapse, and current smokers who use cannabis are less likely to quit.»
Former smokers who use cannabis are also more likely to relapse to cigarette smoking.
Young people who don't smoke but try an electronic cigarette are indeed more likely to become smokers, but those people are probably also more likely to become smokers even if without e-cigarettes.
Such a policy also had the support of about half of current cigarette smokers and current non-cigarette tobacco users.
The vast majority of pipe and cigar smokers — nearly 9 out of 10 — also smoked cigarettes currently or formerly.
It was also found that cigarette smokers having higher vegetable and fruit intake smoked less cigarettes each day, waited longer before they smoked the 1st cigarette for the day and also scored less on a nicotine dependence test.
Vitamin A and beta - carotene deficits increase the incidence of lung and mouth cancer, especially among cigarette smokers, and are also implicated in cancers of the skin, throat, prostate, bladder, cervix, colon, esophagus, and stomach.
«We also placed many ash trays on the beach so that the smokers do not bury cigarette ends in the sand.»
Packs must also contain at least 20 cigarettes meaning smokers will be unable to buy cheaper packs of 10.
However, experts also agree that those gains will only be realised if e-cigarettes are; (a) truly «harmless» and (b) used solely as a replacement for conventional cigarettes by existing smokers.
There is also expert consensus that if large numbers of existing smokers switch from conventional cigarettes to safer nicotine sources there are likely to be substantial health gains, which will serve to reduce the burden of tobacco - related illnesses on the NHS.
On the other hand, Joe who is also a 30 year old male is a cigarette smoker.
The Standard Smoker class is where you would fall for regular cigarette smoking and steady cigar smoking also.
You also have to remember that Pot smoker's do not use a filter like a cigarette user usually does.
For really infrequent cigarette smokers, Minnesota Life can also be a good option.»
They also test your blood during a physicial to see if you are a heavy drinker, cigarette, cigar, or pot smoker.
They also usually smoke much less than cigarette smokers.
Also keep in mind that there are insurance companies that will take into consideration if someone is a light smoker or uses other forms of tobacco such as cigars, pipes and chewing tobacco for a lower premium than a classic cigarette smoker.
In addition to including the most common rate classes, we also compared the lowest rate available to cigarette smokers.
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