Sentences with phrase «city subway contends»

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Though the plan is divisive, the governor contends that congestion pricing will help fund the city's ailing subway system, and help stabilize the ongoing crisis.
Mayor Bill de Blasio ventured into the city's decrepit subway system Sunday — but didn't have to face the foul - smelling and often crazy vagrants whom ordinary New Yorkers are forced to contend with every day.
At the same time, commuters and travelers in and around New York City are contending with delays and derailments of subways, which Gov. Andrew Cuomo has felt political heat over in the last several weeks.
As New York City contends with a fraying subway system, focus is turned to upstate lawmakers in Albany, who are not as familiar with mass transit as their downstate counterparts.
After years of pressure from grassroots advocacy groups, the MTA board voted unanimously to ban advertising of alcoholic beverages on New York City buses, subway cars and stations, contending that the social benefits of deterring underage drinking outweighed the loss of revenue.
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