Sentences with phrase «civil war does»

This fictionalized story of a young boy's survival of the Sudanese civil war does not cover his eventual relocation to a Western country as a refugee.
If and when Civil War does reach the $ 1b mark, it will become the 25th film in history to do so - unadjusted for inflation, of course.
There's very little that Captain America: Civil War does wrong.
While Civil War does present an actual villain for the team to take down, the biggest battle in the movie is with each other over the level of freedom they have.
While Civil War doesn't follow Millar's book directly, there are certainly similar themes and events that present themselves throughout the movie and it's clear that the Russo brothers dug deep to find ways to honor his story as best as they could.
Despite being billed as the third Captain America film, Captain America: Civil War doesn't find it necessary to put any effort in a smoke and mirrors campaign to disguise its true intentions of being The Avengers 3 or at the bare minimum, The Avengers 2.5.
It all feels achingly real, and for those of us of the white persuasion, achingly shameful and uncomfortable, a reminder that the Civil War didn't end anything no matter what we may believe.
Scientific claims about a robust correlational link between climate variability and civil war do not hold up to closer inspection.

Not exact matches

But that doesn't mean that all of these MCU villains are bad: they're just forgettable, even in some of the best movies to date including «Iron Man 3,» «Ant - Man,» and «Captain America: Civil War
He added that «much remains to be done» in U.S. foreign policy, pointing to efforts to end a civil war in Syria and ensure stability in Iraq.
The Civil War, Baseball and Jazz are just a few of the incredible deep dives he has done into the eras and moments that define who we are as Americans.
He did so by overcoming some serious adversity; he was a refugee during the First Liberian Civil War, according to The Guardian.
«Deadpool,» which came out on February 12, shattered box - office records, and «Captain America: Civil War» looks to do the same in May.
We didn't get a lot of time with Vision, as he was introduced in «Avengers: Age of Ultron» and only had a small role in «Captain America: Civil War
According to Dr. Khan, southerners didn't immediately welcome northerners telling them what to do shortly after the Civil War.
Republican Sen. Bob Corker, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has said he would allow the bill to come to a vote if Secretary of State Rex Tillerson did not make progress soon on improving relations with Russia on the Syrian civil war.
One obvious reason is that if a country is at war, especially a civil war that's bombing its export sector as Ukraine is doing, how can it obtain the foreign exchange to pay its foreign debt?
He's coming to Earth to look for the remaining Infinity Stones, and the Avengers — who are now split up and scattered, following the events of 2016's Captain America: Civil War — are doing everything they can to stop him.
By the same token, the Civil War inflation did not stem from the fact that the government itself issued greenbacks, but that the credit had to be issued at all under the economic strains of wWar inflation did not stem from the fact that the government itself issued greenbacks, but that the credit had to be issued at all under the economic strains of warwar.
Hayek's belief that the pre-Fed US system did not restrain credit creation firmly enough is understandable in light of the five financial panics during the fifty years of the federally regulated «National Banking system» that prevailed between the Civil War and the First World War.
So blaming foreigners — for getting rich in the very same way that the United States has done ever since the North won the Civil War in 1865 — simply offers political cover for a status quo that is not working.
On hold, if not vanished, are the revived battles of the Civil War of 150 years ago and President Donald Trump's foolhardy insistence that he will shut down the government if Congress does not authorize spending for a wall along the southern border.
«As they did through decades of civil war, the churches once again stand as one of the few signs of hope, giving voice to the needs of the people of South Sudan... Their commitment to working for peace and reconciliation is as strong as ever.»
The U.S. Civil War was a bloody conflict, but that war lasted only 5 years, and the antagonists did take prisoneWar was a bloody conflict, but that war lasted only 5 years, and the antagonists did take prisonewar lasted only 5 years, and the antagonists did take prisoners.
I don't have much background in history, so may I know how many years, decades, centuries had passed since that civil war?
Thompson suggested that Francis was fueling a «Catholic civil war,» and further commented, «prayers are being said for an end to this pontificate within five years, max» — but didn't reveal whether he thought such prayers sinful.
If this country doesn't stop eroding the center, we're going to have another civil war on our hands before we know it.
This also does not account for other recent wars such as WWII, WWI, Vietnam, Korea, U.S. Civil War, etc., though arguably religion played a significant role in affecting people's opinions about going to wWar, etc., though arguably religion played a significant role in affecting people's opinions about going to warwar.
Welcome to the new Civil War, only this time instead of slave - owners hiding their avarice behind claims of state's rights, it's religious extremists who are doing that.
Brinton says some contemporary Americans are making the same mistake their Civil War ancestors did by twisting the Bible to support their own battle cries.
And many Syrian Christians didn't begin the resettlement process immediately after the civil war sparked in March 2011, he said.
In the civil war and struggle for power in the time of Uthman, the third Caliph, irreligious elements among the Muslim people did not refrain from fabricating traditions concerning the merits of some political figures.
There is a much more serious issue behind the percieved need for military - style weapons: many U.S. citizens, especially in the South after the Civil War, do not trust the Federal Government.
In the present civil war it is quite possible that God's purpose is something different from the purpose of either party; and yet the human instrumentalities, working just as they do, are of the best adaptation to effect his purpose.
Hopefully more than watching the Civil War movie Glory on BBC twice, such as I did tonight while cleaning.
To call for religious warfare, as some of them do, is to recall the religious wars of earlier centuries that unraveled civil society and led thoughtful people to the conclusion that religion in public is inescapably divisive and destructive.
It will insist that any version of Christian faith that does not grapple with war and peace, human equality, hunger, civil liberties, the hard decisions posed by medical technology, and a host of other social challenges is not a version of faith worth the time of either pulpit or pew.
A Syrian priest has blasted the Church for not doing enough in the fight to end the country's bloody civil war.
, destroy several places that are the only locations hudreds of thousands of women can get a general health and wellness check - up done, single out and destroy the civil liberties of a minority group of people in America, oh and start a new war.
One wonders what alternative courses of action to the Civil War might have brought southern leaders to see that, although their people did not create slavery as an economic system or raw cotton as the principal product in the regional economy, the regional modus operandi was antithetical to the spirit of the American Constitution and the democratarian trend of Western civilization.
@RightTurnClyde The first thing that the IMF and World Bank do when a country comes to them for assitance in the wake of natural disaster, war, civil insurrection etc it to privatize every single public commodity, thus robbing the country of it's capacity to regain economic autonomy.
In this, as Lincoln discovered in the tragic days of the Civil War, we find a level of experience which does the seemingly impossible of making us firm in the right, «as God gives us to see the right,» but also humble because we are conscious that «the Almighty has his own purposes.»
Southern writers whose assessments of the Civil War defamed the North and idealized the South, share in the blame, as do radicals in the civil rights movement who promoted the notion that American principles are raCivil War defamed the North and idealized the South, share in the blame, as do radicals in the civil rights movement who promoted the notion that American principles are racivil rights movement who promoted the notion that American principles are racist.
If you don't yet see it, go read up on the English Civil Wars where the powerful vied for control based on religion: the Protestants tortured the Catholics (and vice versa) for generations...
There are no good people in the south, they're all like this, have been since before the civil war, if there were any good ones this never would have happened, and this is actually mild compared to what they have done in the past, and even what they are capable of doing, including their religious organizations.
What I expected is what I saw, except unlike Inglorious Basterds, Django didn't rewrite the Civil War to the extent that Inglorious rewrote WWII where Adolf Hitler was actually....
Do we blame Abraham Lincoln for the deaths of people who starved or died during the Civil War in the US?
God willing, we do not face the prospect of another civil war.
What does the experience of black Christians before the Civil War have to say to American Christians (both black and white) today?
20 years behind us southern states and NEW YORK, sad and scary... nobody denies freedoms like the south, nobody... the top ten incarcerators on the planet are southern states and more blacks are in prison then were slaves before the civil war... even if marijuana reforms did pass the republiCANTS in charge would deny you all your freedoms, centuries of practice... no matter though, we never planned on getting your backwards brethren from day one, half the country already but not one southern state, lol... not 1....
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