Sentences with phrase «classicists at»

In 1959, his work was featured in the landmark exhibition Four Abstract Classicists at the San Francisco Museum of Art alongside John McLaughlin, Frederick Hammersley, and Karl Benjamin.
Four of these artists — Karl Benjamin, Lorser Feitelson, Frederick Hammersley, and John McLaughlin — gained prominence when they were featured in the 1959 exhibition Four Abstract Classicists at the Los Angeles Museum of Art (now the Los Angeles County Museum of Art) and the San Francisco Museum of Art (now the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art).
Hammersley is known as one of the Los Angeles - based «Abstract Classicists» whose work gained international attention through the exhibition Four Abstract Classicists at the Los Angeles County Museum in 1959.
To find out, Brian Dermody, an environmental scientist from Utrecht University, teamed up with hydrologists from the Netherlands and classicists at Stanford University in the US.
Darius Meehan is a Classicist at Christ's College, University of Cambridge, and a member of the Christ's Politics Society.
«It would be impossible to do most of Roman history without them,» says Michael Crawford, a classicist at University College London.
Kraft's collaborator, John V. Luce, a classicist at Trinity College in Dublin, carefully retranslated first - century writings by the geographer Strabo that describe the landing site's position relative to Troy.
«I'd call my clothes classic — I'm really a classicist at heart — with a bit of madness!»
Of the inscription at the 9/11 Memorial Museum, Helen Morales, a classicist at the University of California, Santa Barbara, told the Times,» If we take into account its original context, the quotation is more applicable to the aggressors in the 9/11 tragedy than those honored by the memorial... So my first reaction is that the quotation is shockingly inappropriate for the U.S. victims of the 9/11 attack.
Danielle Allen Rises Through Harvard's Ranks (The Harvard Crimson) Following Professor Danielle Allen's career as a political theorist and classicist at Harvard.
Switching styles with Picasso-esque insouciance, he goes from being a wild abstract expressionist at the start of the decade to a precise classicist at the end.

Not exact matches

Classicists will at once recognize this derivation from the simple fact that the last principal part of the verb educare is educatum, while that of the verb educare is educatum; hence, we have «education,» not «eduction.»
^ a b Michael Grant (a classicist) states that «In recent years, «no serious scholar has ventured to postulate the non historicity of Jesus» or at any rate very few, and they have not succeeded in disposing of the much stronger, indeed very abundant, evidence to the contrary.»
But, regardless of its actual author, classicists all acknowledge that the Hippocratic Oath dates back at least to the fourth century b.c. and marks the moment when» thanks to Hippocrates» influence on his many students and apprentices» medicine separated itself from magic and pledged itself to preserving life.
Moralioglu, a self - confessed classicist known for the rich narratives behind his collections, bought the portrait at an auction last month, and it couldn't be more indicative of the space he has carved out as a go - to for old - world elegance in a market that is increasingly crowded with an athletic, hyper - branded aesthetic.
At one point, the word «chic» makes society dress designer Reynolds Woodcock (Daniel Day - Lewis) simply recoil; for we are in mid -»50s London, and the foreign word represents all the things that threaten to make this classicist of sartorial beauty eventually démodé.
Between del Toro, James Gray and many other unabashed classicists practicing at high levels, perhaps the pendulum can swing back away from the pervasive irony in which our culture is currently steeped.
According to our Tribeca review from Rodrigo Perez, the film «is vignette - driven, but also classicist in structure,» with an effectiveness at «mining the comedy in dreariness» that's as reminiscent of «Office Space» as it is of Altman.
A DAY IN THE COUNTRY By Donald Chase Claude Chabrol at 60: the reigning classicist of the French New Wave ventures into Tradition of Quality territory to film Flaubert's Madame Bovary.
In 1964 he was offered a job for one year as a classicist, filling in for a professor on sabbatical leave at Fordham University, and has been in America ever since - first at Fordham and then at Columbia University from 1967 - 1984 (he was dean of the...
These were intuitively derived compositions that gained the attention of curator, Jules Langsner, who included Hammersley in the landmark 1959 exhibition, Four Abstract Classicists, at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.
The term «abstract classicists» was coined in 1959 by curator and critic Jules Langsner to define these four southern California painters whose work he grouped in a seminal exhibition that year at the Los Angeles County Museum in Exposition Park (prior to LACMA's existence as an independent art museum).
Having curated more than fifty exhibitions, he has been the primary or sole author of numerous exhibition catalogues, including Artists at Continent's End: The Monterey Peninsula Art Colony, 1875 - 1907; Edgar Payne: The Scenic Journey (Pomegranate); A Touch of Blue: Landscapes by Gregory Kondos; Armin Hansen: The Artful Voyage (Pomegranate); David Ligare: California Classicist; and E. Charlton Fortune: The Colorful Spirit (forthcoming from Pomegranate).
Frederick Hammersley was a Southern California abstract painter who appeared in an important exhibition in 1959 called Four Abstract Classicists, curated by the art critic Jules Langsner at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.
The lone anomalous inclusion at the Morgan is Ellsworth Kelly who, even at his loosest, is a quintessential classicist.
The result was Four Abstract Classicists, which opened at the San Francisco Museum of Art in 1959 before traveling to LACMA and the Institute of Contemporary Art in London — a bold announcement of an alternative to the dominant East Coast Abstract Expressionism.
Komada has two knit pieces and six painting - knitting hybrids at Prole Drift this month (amid a few scattered orchids and a tacked - up printout of the Lou Reed / John Cale song «Trouble with Classicists,» too), and he's transformed the gallery's back room into a high - tech open studio where he works during certain gallery hours.
While Feitelson had been independently experimenting with «the hard - edge» since the 1940s, the term sprung from Jules Langsner's 1959 «Four Abstract Classicists» show at LACMA.
In 2011, the Contemporary Art Club (CAC) in cooperation with the Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien (KHM, Museum of Fine Arts Vienna), organised an exhibition series at the Theseustemple, a classicist building constructed at the beginning of the 19th century in Vienna's Volksgarten.
Curated by Langsner, Four Abstract Classicists opened at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art in 1959.
In 2000, Tobey C. Moss curated Four Abstract Classicists Plus One at her gallery in Los Angeles.
His death came just a few days after an exhibition at the Dulwich Picture Gallery placed his work alongside the French classicist Nicolas Poussin, an indication of the esteem to which his abstract style is held by even those with more traditional tastes.
Grouped as «Four Abstract Classicists» in a 1959 LACMA exhibition, the artists were described at the time as «Easygoing, Bauhaus and Zen.»
The term Hard - edge painting was first used in 1959 by the art historian and critic Jules Langsner, when describing the non-figurative pictures of four West Coast artists (Karl Benjamin, Lorser Feitelson, Frederick Hammersley and John McLaughlin) whom he had brought together in an exhibition entitled Four Abstract Classicists, at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.
In addition to works by the political classicist painter Jacques - Louis David, the great French academic artist Jean - Auguste - Dominique Ingres, and the leader of French Romanticism Eugene Delacroix, The Hermitage collection features excellent examples from the Barbizon School of plein landscape painting, by Theodore Rousseau, Jean - Baptiste - Camille Corot, Dupre, Daubigny and others, and seven masterpieces by Claude Monet, the founder of Impressionism, including: Lady in a Garden (1867), The Pond at Montgeron, and Waterloo Bridge (1903).
Born in Paris the son of a tailor, Pierre Etienne Theodore Rousseau began his artistic studies when he was fourteen, under the Classicist painter Lathiere and from 1829 onwards, under Charles Remond at the Fine Arts School in Paris.
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